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Liga Gacha de Pauper 2024 - Etapa 3

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-04-07

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Golgari Midrange Julio1983 $ 61 60 tix Expand
2nd Dimir Faeries Trivo06 $ 110 85 tix Expand
3rd Jeskai Control Bruno Romero $ 76 88 tix Expand
4th Boros Midrange Evandro Brum $ 100 75 tix Expand
5th Jeskai Midrange Daniel Krug $ 103 99 tix Expand
6th Jund Tron Rovani $ 60 35 tix Expand
7th Rakdos Madness dfabretti $ 57 49 tix Expand
8th Azorius Aggro GabrielZ $ 90 60 tix Expand
9th Jund Midrange Matheus Souza $ 59 39 tix Expand
10th Boros Aggro GabrielR1 $ 78 81 tix Expand
11th Four-color Elves Felipe Braga $ 49 47 tix Expand
12th Izzet Control Felipe Weber $ 86 94 tix Expand
13th Jeskai Control xandy_86 $ 93 107 tix Expand
14th Mono-Red Burn Eli Martins $ 90 57 tix Expand
15th Boros Aggro Angel Araujo $ 97 75 tix Expand
16th Golgari Combo Monteavaro $ 56 26 tix Expand
17th Azorius Control Wagner Lucas $ 91 98 tix Expand
18th Boros Midrange Fabio dos Santos Jardim $ 69 63 tix Expand
19th Burn PeperoniMtg $ 85 58 tix Expand
20th Azorius Control Michel Mossmann $ 48 40 tix Expand
21st Colorless Aggro Jeronimo Pereira $ 95 58 tix Expand
22nd Azorius Aggro tio_batata $ 91 57 tix Expand
23rd Mono-Red Aggro ZehWill $ 82 67 tix Expand
24th Jeskai Affinity Rosane Ludwig $ 93 75 tix Expand
25th Rakdos Combo Rafael Jesus $ 46 48 tix Expand
26th Azorius Tempo Viniheduardu $ 82 47 tix Expand
27th Mono-Red Aggro Alexandre Weber $ 76 65 tix Expand
28th Azorius Control israeltelles0212 $ 70 56 tix Expand
29th Dimir Faeries Clinton Rogrio Kieling Neto $ 92 81 tix Expand
30th Orzhov Control Mateus Batista de Oliveira $ 33 31 tix Expand
31st Azorius Combo Rafa Mattos $ 83 49 tix Expand
32nd Mono-White Aggro Robertinho $ 74 40 tix Expand
33rd Azorius Aggro Eduardo Simon $ 100 64 tix Expand
34th Golgari Control Raul Marques $ 55 60 tix Expand
35th Azorius Control Gabriel Rocha $ 79 112 tix Expand
36th Jeskai Midrange Joo Pedro Thom $ 78 112 tix Expand
37th Mono-Blue Delver Samuel Gepiak $ 60 38 tix Expand
38th Four-color Midrange Hangingman $ 103 134 tix Expand
39th Mono-Black Control Dias Mamute $ 38 42 tix Expand
40th Mono-Black Burn rodrigohusek $ 62 37 tix Expand
41st Dimir Control jonhy_gamer $ 80 76 tix Expand
42nd Golgari Control LuanP $ 38 48 tix Expand
43rd Golgari Midrange Renato Santos $ 70 48 tix Expand
44th Gruul Ramp DieA1 $ 55 83 tix Expand
45th Burn JeanM $ 89 60 tix Expand
46th Rakdos Combo Fernando Costa $ 44 67 tix Expand
47th Mono-Red Burn ajfonseca $ 89 58 tix Expand
48th Izzet Control hectorpwesendonk $ 82 94 tix Expand
49th Mono-Blue Delver TheShiro $ 53 48 tix Expand
50th Rakdos Combo DecoPontin $ 40 55 tix Expand
51st Boros Midrange Lusa d Avila $ 94 62 tix Expand
52nd Azorius Control Mateus Sadosiuk $ 62 111 tix Expand
53rd Boros Aggro PedroZ1 $ 66 57 tix Expand
54th Golgari Control Cris Santos $ 58 64 tix Expand
55th Mono-Green Tron Miaycle $ 60 29 tix Expand
56th Mono-Red Aggro Eduardo Tavares $ 78 74 tix Expand
57th Dimir Control Fehenkel $ 74 69 tix Expand
58th Azorius Aggro carlos santiago $ 79 111 tix Expand
59th Mono-Black Control Pedro Pohren $ 56 42 tix Expand
60th Boros Aggro MarceloAndreS $ 108 68 tix Expand
61st Dimir Faeries vinsvitor $ 90 78 tix Expand
62nd Four-color Affinity dahui $ 96 60 tix Expand
63rd Izzet Tempo Matheus Augusto STAUB $ 80 87 tix Expand
64th Jeskai Combo Leonardo Couto $ 46 65 tix Expand
65th Dimir Faeries LucaO1 $ 103 74 tix Expand
66th Simic Tempo Nicolas_Borges $ 97 22 tix Expand
67th Orzhov Midrange Vitor Ouriques $ 75 47 tix Expand
Displaying all 67 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Murmuring Mystic (17) Dimir Faeries (2nd) , Jeskai Control (3rd) , Jeskai Midrange (5th) , Izzet Control (12th) , Jeskai Control (13th) , ...
Deadly Dispute (16) Golgari Midrange (1st) , Jund Tron (6th) , Rakdos Madness (7th) , Jund Midrange (9th) , Rakdos Combo (25th) , ...
Destroy Evil (16) Jeskai Control (3rd) , Boros Midrange (4th) , Jeskai Midrange (5th) , Boros Aggro (10th) , Jeskai Control (13th) , ...
Augur of Bolas (13) Dimir Faeries (2nd) , Jeskai Control (3rd) , Jeskai Midrange (5th) , Izzet Control (12th) , Jeskai Control (13th) , ...
Duress (12) Golgari Midrange (1st) , Jund Midrange (9th) , Rakdos Combo (25th) , Orzhov Control (30th) , Golgari Control (34th) , ...
Gingerbrute (11) Azorius Aggro (8th) , Boros Aggro (10th) , Colorless Aggro (21st) , Azorius Aggro (22nd) , Jeskai Affinity (24th) , ...
Blood Fountain (10) Golgari Midrange (1st) , Jund Tron (6th) , Jund Midrange (9th) , Orzhov Control (30th) , Golgari Control (34th) , ...
Thoughtcast (9) Azorius Aggro (8th) , Colorless Aggro (21st) , Azorius Aggro (22nd) , Jeskai Affinity (24th) , Azorius Tempo (26th) , ...
Myr Enforcer (8) Azorius Aggro (8th) , Colorless Aggro (21st) , Azorius Aggro (22nd) , Jeskai Affinity (24th) , Azorius Tempo (26th) , ...
Seat of the Synod (8) Azorius Aggro (8th) , Colorless Aggro (21st) , Azorius Aggro (22nd) , Azorius Tempo (26th) , Azorius Control (28th) , ...
Voldaren Epicure (8) Rakdos Madness (7th) , Mono-Red Burn (14th) , Burn (19th) , Mono-Red Aggro (23rd) , Mono-Red Aggro (27th) , ...
Tolarian Terror (7) Izzet Control (12th) , Mono-Blue Delver (37th) , Dimir Control (41st) , Izzet Control (48th) , Mono-Blue Delver (49th) , ...
Moon-Circuit Hacker (7) Azorius Aggro (8th) , Colorless Aggro (21st) , Azorius Aggro (22nd) , Azorius Tempo (26th) , Azorius Control (28th) , ...
Ash Barrens (7) Jeskai Control (3rd) , Izzet Control (12th) , Azorius Control (20th) , Azorius Combo (31st) , Mono-Black Burn (40th) , ...
Azorius Guildgate (6) Azorius Control (17th) , Azorius Control (35th) , Four-color Midrange (38th) , Azorius Control (52nd) , Azorius Aggro (58th) , ...
Deep Analysis (6) Azorius Control (17th) , Azorius Control (20th) , Azorius Control (35th) , Mono-Blue Delver (37th) , Mono-Blue Delver (49th) , ...
Archaeomancer (6) Jeskai Control (3rd) , Jeskai Midrange (5th) , Jeskai Control (13th) , Azorius Control (20th) , Azorius Combo (31st) , ...
Wind-Scarred Crag (6) Boros Midrange (4th) , Boros Aggro (10th) , Boros Aggro (15th) , Boros Midrange (18th) , Boros Midrange (51st) , ...
Vault of Whispers (6) Rakdos Madness (7th) , Rakdos Combo (25th) , Mono-Black Control (39th) , Mono-Black Burn (40th) , Rakdos Combo (46th) , ...
Faerie Seer (4) Dimir Faeries (2nd) , Dimir Faeries (29th) , Dimir Faeries (61st) , Dimir Faeries (65th)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (4) Dimir Faeries (2nd) , Dimir Faeries (29th) , Dimir Faeries (61st) , Dimir Faeries (65th)
Abrade (4) Rakdos Combo (25th) , Rakdos Combo (46th) , Mono-Red Burn (47th) , Izzet Control (48th)
Expedition Map (3) Jund Tron (6th) , Jund Midrange (9th) , Mono-Green Tron (55th)
Reckless Impulse (3) Burn (19th) , Mono-Red Aggro (27th) , Mono-Red Aggro (56th)
Negate (2) Four-color Elves (11th) , Azorius Control (20th)
Gearseeker Serpent (2) Jeskai Affinity (24th) , Jeskai Combo (64th)
Inspiring Overseer (1) Orzhov Midrange (67th)
Dismal Backwater (1) Dimir Control (57th)
Forgotten Cave (1) Mono-Red Burn (47th)
Feed the Swarm (1) Rakdos Combo (46th)
Llanowar Visionary (1) Golgari Midrange (43rd)
Light of Hope (1) Azorius Aggro (22nd)
Essence Scatter (1) Azorius Control (20th)
Llanowar Elves (1) Four-color Elves (11th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 13.43% 9
Boros Synthesizer 10.45% 7
Azorius Affinity 10.45% 7
Burn 10.45% 7
Caw-Gates 7.46% 5
Dimir Faeries 5.97% 4
Jeskai Ephemerate 5.97% 4
Golgari Gardens 4.48% 3
Tron 4.48% 3
Goblins 4.48% 3
Dimir Control 2.99% 2
Mono-Blue Delver 2.99% 2
Jeskai Affinity 2.99% 2
Familiars 2.99% 2
Mono-White Ephemerate 1.49% 1
Black Burn 1.49% 1
Elves 1.49% 1
Golgari Midrange 1.49% 1
Temur Ponza 1.49% 1
Turbo Fog 1.49% 1
Orzhov Ephemerate 1.49% 1
Total 100.00% 67

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Relic of Progenitus 88 58%
2 Counterspell 84 33%
3 Lightning Bolt 81 34%
4 Lorien Revealed 81 34%
5 Brainstorm 71 30%
6 Thraben Inspector 67 25%
7 Galvanic Blast 67 25%
8 Experimental Synthesizer 64 24%
9 Deadly Dispute 62 24%
10 Blue Elemental Blast 61 30%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Thraben Inspector 67 25%
2 Novice Inspector 57 24%
3 Augur of Bolas 51 19%
4 Kor Skyfisher 40 15%
5 Gingerbrute 38 16%
6 Thorn of the Black Rose 35 21%
7 Dawnbringer Cleric 34 27%
8 Glint Hawk 34 13%
9 Goblin Bushwhacker 32 13%
10 Goblin Tomb Raider 32 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Relic of Progenitus 88 58%
2 Counterspell 84 33%
3 Lightning Bolt 81 34%
4 Lorien Revealed 81 34%
5 Brainstorm 71 30%
6 Galvanic Blast 67 25%
7 Experimental Synthesizer 64 24%
8 Deadly Dispute 62 24%
9 Blue Elemental Blast 61 30%
10 Pyroblast 57 30%

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