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Liga Gacha de Pauper 2023 - Etapa 6

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2023-07-23

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Boros Midrange AlexandreW $ 68 49 tix Expand
2nd Mono-Red Burn LucaO1 $ 64 41 tix Expand
3rd Boros Midrange MarceloAndreS $ 70 37 tix Expand
4th Boros Midrange LuanP $ 70 49 tix Expand
5th Naya Combo Wagner Lucas $ 22 86 tix Expand
6th Boros Midrange GabrielR1 $ 70 66 tix Expand
7th Golgari Saprolings Gabriel Rocha $ 57 71 tix Expand
8th Mono-Red Burn carlos santiago $ 74 50 tix Expand
9th Rogue Decklists Matheus Souza $ 69 50 tix Expand
10th Golgari Saprolings JulioD $ 52 71 tix Expand
11th Gruul Combo Rafa Mattos $ 26 70 tix Expand
12th Golgari Saprolings RENATO Lara de Vasconcellos Carrossel $ 64 80 tix Expand
13th Dimir Control Eduardo Tavares $ 89 85 tix Expand
14th Dimir Faeries Vitor Siqueira $ 99 97 tix Expand
15th Dimir Delver PedroSehn $ 101 79 tix Expand
16th Selesnya Midrange Felipe Weber $ 97 88 tix Expand
17th Dimir Control Bruno Romero $ 100 104 tix Expand
18th Jeskai Midrange Daniel Krug $ 58 93 tix Expand
19th Selesnya Bogles Mateusd $ 67 48 tix Expand
20th Jeskai Combo Rafael Jesus $ 94 119 tix Expand
21st Mono-Blue Faeries BernardoM $ 49 37 tix Expand
22nd Grixis Aggro Eduardo Simon $ 51 97 tix Expand
23rd Selesnya Bogles LysR $ 66 39 tix Expand
24th Mono-Red Burn ArturP $ 43 8 tix Expand
25th Orzhov Midrange Rafael Silva Silvinha $ 55 51 tix Expand
26th Izzet Burn Eduard Kovalevsky $ 43 26 tix Expand
27th Golgari Saprolings Dias Mamute $ 71 76 tix Expand
28th Jeskai Midrange ALEXANDRE FIGUEIREDO $ 60 84 tix Expand
29th Dimir Control JeanM $ 95 91 tix Expand
30th Rakdos Combo EDUARDO SCOTTI $ 116 65 tix Expand
Displaying all 30 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Vault of Whispers (6) Golgari Saprolings (7th) , Golgari Saprolings (10th) , Golgari Saprolings (12th) , Grixis Aggro (22nd) , Golgari Saprolings (27th) , ...
Deadly Dispute (6) Golgari Saprolings (7th) , Golgari Saprolings (10th) , Golgari Saprolings (12th) , Grixis Aggro (22nd) , Golgari Saprolings (27th) , ...
Destroy Evil (5) Boros Midrange (3rd) , Selesnya Midrange (16th) , Jeskai Midrange (18th) , Jeskai Combo (20th) , Jeskai Midrange (28th)
Tolarian Terror (5) Rogue Decklists (9th) , Dimir Control (13th) , Dimir Control (17th) , Izzet Burn (26th) , Dimir Control (29th)
Wind-Scarred Crag (4) Boros Midrange (1st) , Boros Midrange (3rd) , Boros Midrange (4th) , Boros Midrange (6th)
Reckless Impulse (4) Mono-Red Burn (2nd) , Mono-Red Burn (8th) , Rogue Decklists (9th) , Mono-Red Burn (24th)
Ash Barrens (4) Boros Midrange (6th) , Dimir Faeries (14th) , Jeskai Midrange (18th) , Selesnya Bogles (19th)
Duress (4) Golgari Saprolings (7th) , Golgari Saprolings (12th) , Golgari Saprolings (27th) , Rakdos Combo (30th)
Blood Fountain (4) Golgari Saprolings (7th) , Golgari Saprolings (10th) , Golgari Saprolings (12th) , Grixis Aggro (22nd)
Deep Analysis (4) Dimir Control (13th) , Dimir Control (17th) , Jeskai Combo (20th) , Dimir Control (29th)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (3) Dimir Faeries (14th) , Dimir Delver (15th) , Mono-Blue Faeries (21st)
Faerie Seer (3) Dimir Faeries (14th) , Dimir Delver (15th) , Mono-Blue Faeries (21st)
Augur of Bolas (3) Dimir Faeries (14th) , Dimir Delver (15th) , Jeskai Midrange (28th)
Llanowar Visionary (2) Golgari Saprolings (7th) , Golgari Saprolings (27th)
Inspiring Overseer (2) Selesnya Midrange (16th) , Orzhov Midrange (25th)
Archaeomancer (2) Jeskai Midrange (18th) , Jeskai Midrange (28th)
Cartouche of Solidarity (2) Selesnya Bogles (19th) , Selesnya Bogles (23rd)
Witness Protection (1) Izzet Burn (26th)
Spirited Companion (1) Orzhov Midrange (25th)
Scoured Barrens (1) Orzhov Midrange (25th)
Kabira Crossroads (1) Orzhov Midrange (25th)
Thoughtcast (1) Grixis Aggro (22nd)
Seat of the Synod (1) Grixis Aggro (22nd)
Myr Enforcer (1) Grixis Aggro (22nd)
Smoke Shroud (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (21st)
Moon-Circuit Hacker (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (21st)
Azorius Guildgate (1) Jeskai Combo (20th)
Omen of the Sea (1) Jeskai Midrange (18th)
Evolving Wilds (1) Dimir Delver (15th)
Voldaren Epicure (1) Mono-Red Burn (8th)
Llanowar Elves (1) Gruul Combo (11th)
Crawl from the Cellar (1) Dimir Control (13th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 16.67% 5
Burn 13.33% 4
Boros Synthesizer 10.00% 3
Dimir Control 10.00% 3
Walls Cascade 6.67% 2
Dimir Faeries 6.67% 2
Jeskai Ephemerate 6.67% 2
Bogles 6.67% 2
Boros Bully 3.33% 1
Selesnya Ponza 3.33% 1
Caw-Gates 3.33% 1
Mono-Blue Faeries 3.33% 1
Affinity 3.33% 1
Orzhov Ephemerate 3.33% 1
Goblins 3.33% 1
Total 100.00% 30

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 39 37%
2 Counterspell 36 30%
3 Relic of Progenitus 32 43%
4 Snuff Out 30 30%
5 Cast Down 29 37%
6 Avenging Hunter 28 23%
7 Deadly Dispute 24 20%
8 Lorien Revealed 24 27%
9 Blue Elemental Blast 23 20%
10 Cast into the Fire 23 37%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Avenging Hunter 28 23%
2 Thraben Inspector 19 17%
3 Tolarian Terror 18 17%
4 Gurmag Angler 16 20%
5 Monastery Swiftspear 14 13%
6 Augur of Bolas 12 10%
7 Dawnbringer Cleric 12 23%
8 Faerie Seer 12 10%
9 Glint Hawk 12 10%
10 Kor Skyfisher 12 10%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 39 37%
2 Counterspell 36 30%
3 Relic of Progenitus 32 43%
4 Snuff Out 30 30%
5 Cast Down 29 37%
6 Deadly Dispute 24 20%
7 Lorien Revealed 24 27%
8 Blue Elemental Blast 23 20%
9 Cast into the Fire 23 37%
10 Brainstorm 23 23%

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