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Legacy Challenge 32 2024-12-28 (1)

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Format: Legacy
Date: 2024-12-28

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Mono-Red Stompy Applepies96 $ 2,970 468 tix Expand
2nd Eldrazi Jumba $ 2,332 244 tix Expand
3rd Eldrazi MatheusPonciano $ 2,687 276 tix Expand
4th Izzet Delver _INF_ $ 3,859 441 tix Expand
5th Izzet Delver ecobaronen $ 3,843 434 tix Expand
6th Dimir Tempo pepeteam $ 4,119 692 tix Expand
7th Lands alli $ 7,363 320 tix Expand
8th Sneak and Show 2plus2isfive $ 3,958 398 tix Expand
9th Dimir Reanimator Zafferix $ 4,021 620 tix Expand
10th Oops! All Spells choutin $ 970 391 tix Expand
11th Izzet Delver Oceansoul92 $ 2,330 597 tix Expand
12th Cephalid Breakfast _epinephrine $ 3,230 318 tix Expand
13th Nadu Midrange Combo jibeta $ 2,524 344 tix Expand
14th Grixis Reanimator RandyWoodson $ 2,293 304 tix Expand
15th Beanstalk Control (Non-Yorion) dgreen16 $ 2,585 330 tix Expand
16th Mono-Red Stompy _Shatun_ $ 2,970 468 tix Expand
17th Eldrazi Dreddybajs $ 2,296 242 tix Expand
18th Izzet Delver ziofrancone $ 3,835 440 tix Expand
19th Mono Jund Reanimator TheGrimLavamancer $ 1,324 196 tix Expand
20th B CJBS $ 2,793 404 tix Expand
21st Sneak and Show NMT_Sco94 $ 3,809 397 tix Expand
22nd 4c Depths DarkDepthsAniki $ 562 165 tix Expand
23rd Oops! All Spells DominiqueTutor $ 728 260 tix Expand
24th Cephalid Breakfast RinEU $ 2,569 380 tix Expand
25th Izzet Delver Joyfulwaffle $ 3,852 450 tix Expand
26th Nadu Midrange Combo SHAKELION $ 2,511 301 tix Expand
27th Temur Delver M_4 $ 4,618 448 tix Expand
28th Izzet Delver Preparation $ 3,850 439 tix Expand
29th Eldrazi albertoSD $ 2,429 252 tix Expand
30th Grixis Tempo DMianete $ 4,363 474 tix Expand
31st Nadu Cradle Combo matyo804 $ 5,705 277 tix Expand
32nd LED Dredge Geodude_Jared $ 2,023 66 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Abrade (4) Izzet Delver (5th) , Sneak and Show (21st) , Sneak and Show (8th) , Izzet Delver (28th)
Soul-Guide Lantern (4) Lands (7th) , Cephalid Breakfast (24th) , Temur Delver (27th) , Cephalid Breakfast (12th)
Balustrade Spy (2) Oops! All Spells (23rd) , Oops! All Spells (10th)
Omniscience (2) Sneak and Show (21st) , Sneak and Show (8th)
Expedition Map (1) Lands (7th)
Duress (1) 4c Depths (22nd)
Go for the Throat (1) Dimir Tempo (6th)
Feed the Swarm (1) B (20th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Temur Delver 18.75% 6
Eldrazi 12.50% 4
Red Stompy 6.25% 2
Oops! All Spells 6.25% 2
Nadu Midrange Combo 6.25% 2
Cephalid Breakfast 6.25% 2
Sneak and Show 6.25% 2
Other 3.12% 1
Rakdos Reanimator 3.12% 1
Dimir Reanimator 3.12% 1
LED Dredge 3.12% 1
Grixis Tempo 3.12% 1
Mono Black Reanimator 3.12% 1
Dimir Tempo 3.12% 1
Beanstalk Control (Non-Yorion) 3.12% 1
Sultai Depths 3.12% 1
Izzet Delver 3.12% 1
Lands 3.12% 1
Nadu Cradle Combo 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 68 53%
2 Force of Will 68 53%
3 Ponder 59 47%
4 Consign to Memory 49 53%
5 Daze 46 41%
6 Lotus Petal 45 38%
7 Pyroblast 35 41%
8 Leyline of the Void 34 31%
9 Lightning Bolt 32 25%
10 Mishra's Bauble 29 25%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Dragon's Rage Channeler 28 22%
2 Delver of Secrets 27 22%
3 Murktide Regent 21 25%
4 Nadu, Winged Wisdom 20 16%
5 Nomads en-Kor 20 16%
6 Simian Spirit Guide 18 19%
7 Glaring Fleshraker 16 12%
8 Sowing Mycospawn 16 12%
9 Thought-Knot Seer 16 12%
10 Brazen Borrower 15 31%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 68 53%
2 Force of Will 68 53%
3 Ponder 59 47%
4 Consign to Memory 49 53%
5 Daze 46 41%
6 Lotus Petal 45 38%
7 Pyroblast 35 41%
8 Leyline of the Void 34 31%
9 Lightning Bolt 32 25%
10 Mishra's Bauble 29 25%

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