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Legacy Challenge 32 2024-12-22 (1)

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Format: Legacy
Date: 2024-12-22

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Nadu Midrange Combo amgpewqq $ 3,090 362 tix Expand
2nd Eldrazi death_grips $ 2,687 290 tix Expand
3rd Beanstalk Control (Non-Yorion) BrunoGuerra $ 4,431 515 tix Expand
4th Grixis Tempo TueBo $ 5,221 502 tix Expand
5th Dimir Tempo piao $ 4,252 743 tix Expand
6th Doomsday wonderPreaux $ 4,421 334 tix Expand
7th Grixis Tempo ecobaronen $ 5,221 502 tix Expand
8th Stiflenought Gabelmeister $ 3,602 421 tix Expand
9th Gruul Initiative oOMegaGenesis $ 3,372 432 tix Expand
10th B grymn $ 2,809 416 tix Expand
11th Eldrazi NMT_Sco94 $ 2,687 290 tix Expand
12th Eldrazi Peppe $ 2,205 265 tix Expand
13th Mono-Red Stompy Filho_do_MOL $ 2,981 448 tix Expand
14th Mystic Forge Combo kyataoka $ 3,311 560 tix Expand
15th Nadu Cradle Combo Bosseidon $ 6,002 267 tix Expand
16th Sneak and Show JPA93 $ 4,189 385 tix Expand
17th Eldrazi DNSolver $ 3,413 261 tix Expand
18th Izzet Delver joker10289 $ 3,893 422 tix Expand
19th Izzet Delver silviawataru $ 3,575 534 tix Expand
20th Grixis Tempo Fixit89 $ 4,562 480 tix Expand
21st Eldrazi Karolmo $ 2,923 273 tix Expand
22nd Cephalid Breakfast tao_bye_bye $ 2,607 390 tix Expand
23rd WUB wooop_orc $ 3,473 663 tix Expand
24th Lands empiricism $ 7,006 319 tix Expand
25th Nadu Midrange Combo ResponsiblyStupid $ 3,178 410 tix Expand
26th Dimir Tempo _Batutinha_ $ 4,216 843 tix Expand
27th Jeskai Control Fenruscloud $ 2,401 580 tix Expand
28th The EPIC Storm gotsjo $ 5,055 542 tix Expand
29th Mono-White Initiative Sardukar $ 2,458 325 tix Expand
30th High Tide Iwouldliketorespond $ 1,070 255 tix Expand
31st Sneak and Show Statuskrow $ 4,103 453 tix Expand
32nd Ninjas Betrayedblocks $ 1,815 560 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Soul-Guide Lantern (4) Lands (24th) , Cephalid Breakfast (22nd) , Mystic Forge Combo (14th) , Nadu Midrange Combo (25th)
Abrade (3) Sneak and Show (31st) , Izzet Delver (19th) , Mystic Forge Combo (14th)
Omniscience (2) Sneak and Show (31st) , Sneak and Show (16th)
Go for the Throat (2) Dimir Tempo (26th) , Dimir Tempo (5th)
Secluded Courtyard (1) Eldrazi (17th)
Duress (1) Doomsday (6th)
Feed the Swarm (1) B (10th)
Expedition Map (1) Lands (24th)
Remand (1) High Tide (30th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Eldrazi 15.62% 5
Grixis Tempo 9.38% 3
Sneak and Show 6.25% 2
Other 6.25% 2
Dimir Tempo 6.25% 2
Nadu Midrange Combo 6.25% 2
Stiflenought 3.12% 1
Red Stompy 3.12% 1
Mystic Forge Combo 3.12% 1
Cephalid Breakfast 3.12% 1
Ninjas 3.12% 1
Nadu Cradle Combo 3.12% 1
Beanstalk Control (Non-Yorion) 3.12% 1
High Tide 3.12% 1
Mono-White Initiative 3.12% 1
Jeskai Control 3.12% 1
Lands 3.12% 1
Gruul Initiative 3.12% 1
Doomsday 3.12% 1
The EPIC Storm 3.12% 1
Izzet Delver 3.12% 1
Temur Delver 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 80 62%
2 Force of Will 76 59%
3 Ponder 74 59%
4 Consign to Memory 50 53%
5 Lotus Petal 45 38%
6 Swords to Plowshares 39 31%
7 Daze 38 38%
8 Orcish Bowmasters 31 25%
9 Leyline of the Void 31 25%
10 Force of Negation 29 47%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 31 25%
2 Glaring Fleshraker 24 19%
3 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 24 28%
4 Murktide Regent 23 28%
5 Delver of Secrets 20 16%
6 Dragon's Rage Channeler 20 16%
7 Sowing Mycospawn 20 16%
8 Thought-Knot Seer 20 16%
9 Nadu, Winged Wisdom 16 12%
10 Devourer of Destiny 15 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 80 62%
2 Force of Will 76 59%
3 Ponder 74 59%
4 Consign to Memory 50 53%
5 Lotus Petal 45 38%
6 Swords to Plowshares 39 31%
7 Daze 38 38%
8 Leyline of the Void 31 25%
9 Force of Negation 29 47%
10 Pyroblast 28 38%

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