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Legacy Challenge 32 2024-11-17

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Format: Legacy
Date: 2024-11-17

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Mono-Red Stompy Mogged $ 2,596 437 tix Expand
2nd Elves zhinonono $ 6,181 234 tix Expand
3rd Dimir Tempo Just_Roll $ 3,933 500 tix Expand
4th Death and Taxes (Yorion) yoshiwata $ 1,742 298 tix Expand
5th Dimir Tempo _Shatun_ $ 3,939 523 tix Expand
6th Painter kanican $ 2,231 388 tix Expand
7th Dimir Reanimator OSCA66 $ 3,742 460 tix Expand
8th Nadu Combo SHAKELION $ 2,300 216 tix Expand
9th Nadu Combo Maxtortion $ 2,856 228 tix Expand
10th Grixis Reanimator KazukiOoyama $ 2,344 322 tix Expand
11th Sneak and Show 2plus2isfive $ 3,888 389 tix Expand
12th Esper Control bolov0 $ 3,622 433 tix Expand
13th Sneak and Show Filho_do_MOL $ 3,104 434 tix Expand
14th Eldrazi BERNASTORRES $ 2,592 262 tix Expand
15th Dimir Reanimator keipon $ 3,827 444 tix Expand
16th Sneak and Show RyanWu $ 3,136 393 tix Expand
17th Mono-Red Stompy Magic_Dads71522 $ 2,653 433 tix Expand
18th BG AnnndWhammy $ 1,016 43 tix Expand
19th Dimir Reanimator Cunaim $ 3,733 398 tix Expand
20th Dimir Delver NukaCola $ 3,892 410 tix Expand
21st Mono Golgari Reanimator Roodslay $ 1,250 162 tix Expand
22nd Mono-Red Stompy Schiaveto $ 2,488 241 tix Expand
23rd Dimir Reanimator Munchlax446 $ 3,956 351 tix Expand
24th Dimir Reanimator lxclxc $ 3,739 423 tix Expand
25th Cradle Control daz5 $ 4,750 213 tix Expand
26th Mono-Red Stompy bdmtg $ 2,628 409 tix Expand
27th Selesnya Cloudpost Srogers90 $ 3,793 335 tix Expand
28th Oops! All Spells choutin $ 2,404 227 tix Expand
29th Temur Delver M_4 $ 4,298 373 tix Expand
30th Mono-Red Stompy 416FrowningTable $ 2,646 432 tix Expand
31st Ad Nauseam Tendrils hugofreitas1 $ 4,966 171 tix Expand
32nd Grixis Tempo hughmann $ 3,664 443 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Duress (3) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (31st) , Mono Golgari Reanimator (21st) , Dimir Reanimator (23rd)
Omniscience (2) Sneak and Show (16th) , Sneak and Show (13th)
Patchwork Automaton (1) BG (18th)
Goblin Rabblemaster (1) Mono-Red Stompy (22nd)
Abrade (1) Sneak and Show (11th)
Soul-Guide Lantern (1) Temur Delver (29th)
Balustrade Spy (1) Oops! All Spells (28th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Dimir Reanimator 15.62% 5
Red Stompy 15.62% 5
Sneak and Show 9.38% 3
Dimir Tempo 6.25% 2
Nadu Combo 6.25% 2
Oops! All Spells 3.12% 1
Rakdos Reanimator 3.12% 1
Cradle Control 3.12% 1
Temur Delver 3.12% 1
Mono Black Reanimator 3.12% 1
Grixis Tempo 3.12% 1
Elves 3.12% 1
Dimir Delver 3.12% 1
Ad Nauseam Tendrils 3.12% 1
Other 3.12% 1
Painter 3.12% 1
Green Cloudpost 3.12% 1
Death and Taxes (Yorion) 3.12% 1
Eldrazi 3.12% 1
Esper Control 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 68 53%
2 Force of Will 64 50%
3 Ponder 64 50%
4 Faerie Macabre 59 62%
5 Thoughtseize 48 47%
6 Consign to Memory 43 47%
7 Psychic Frog 40 31%
8 Daze 40 38%
9 Fatal Push 34 31%
10 Lotus Petal 32 31%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Faerie Macabre 59 62%
2 Psychic Frog 40 31%
3 Simian Spirit Guide 30 28%
4 Fury 22 19%
5 Magus of the Moon 21 25%
6 Atraxa, Grand Unifier 20 31%
7 Broadside Bombardiers 20 16%
8 Pyrogoyf 18 16%
9 Brazen Borrower 16 28%
10 Troll of Khazad-dum 16 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 68 53%
2 Force of Will 64 50%
3 Ponder 64 50%
4 Thoughtseize 48 47%
5 Consign to Memory 43 47%
6 Daze 40 38%
7 Fatal Push 34 31%
8 Lotus Petal 32 31%
9 The One Ring 32 31%
10 Reanimate 29 25%

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