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Legacy Challenge 32 2023-09-30

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Format: Legacy
Date: 2023-09-30

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Grixis Tempo kulne $ 5,695 633 tix Expand
2nd UB davy2892 $ 4,035 585 tix Expand
3rd 5c Zenith OnlyLandsDotCom $ 3,823 527 tix Expand
4th Grixis Tempo JPA93 $ 4,996 619 tix Expand
5th WURG mortr3d $ 4,598 632 tix Expand
6th Doomsday FirstToThirst $ 5,066 401 tix Expand
7th WUBG MahfuzVanGogh $ 2,760 214 tix Expand
8th WR _INF_ $ 3,960 641 tix Expand
9th WR -=Alfa=- $ 2,995 499 tix Expand
10th WUBRG Coldsnaps $ 3,900 439 tix Expand
11th Mystic Forge Combo wambocombo2020 $ 5,268 738 tix Expand
12th R GhostPattern $ 624 187 tix Expand
13th Death's Shadow TheGrimLavamancer $ 1,782 500 tix Expand
14th Nic Fit ZYURYO $ 2,803 727 tix Expand
15th Temur Delver modo_baggins $ 4,451 405 tix Expand
16th Colorless CoolUser $ 4,042 775 tix Expand
17th B Elbegast $ 1,719 787 tix Expand
18th Reanimator snoopy-magic $ 2,217 347 tix Expand
19th Selesnya Depths findago $ 6,349 339 tix Expand
20th URG Beekeeper $ 2,526 321 tix Expand
21st WBG Testacular $ 5,000 437 tix Expand
22nd WUR Oceansoul92 $ 2,921 313 tix Expand
23rd WR Antarctica $ 3,378 704 tix Expand
24th Mono-Red Prison Wizard_2002 $ 2,728 613 tix Expand
25th Goblins umeboshijiisan $ 3,690 468 tix Expand
26th UB Ilife $ 3,791 605 tix Expand
27th B Wooded_Raptus $ 1,342 511 tix Expand
28th B FerMTG $ 1,771 694 tix Expand
29th Colorless yPrincipe $ 4,882 856 tix Expand
30th 5c Zenith DemonicTutors $ 3,919 623 tix Expand
31st Mystic Forge Combo Dreddybajs $ 5,238 757 tix Expand
32nd Grixis Tempo DaedalusX $ 5,154 625 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Goblin Rabblemaster (2) R (12th) , Mono-Red Prison (24th)
Vault of Whispers (2) B (28th) , B (17th)
Expedition Map (1) Selesnya Depths (19th)
Soul-Guide Lantern (1) Colorless (16th)
Scavenging Ooze (1) 5c Zenith (30th)
Abrade (1) Grixis Tempo (1st)
Duress (1) Doomsday (6th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 53.12% 17
Grixis Tempo 9.38% 3
Mystic Forge Combo 6.25% 2
5c Zenith 6.25% 2
Temur Delver 3.12% 1
Selesnya Depths 3.12% 1
Death's Shadow 3.12% 1
Reanimator 3.12% 1
Goblins 3.12% 1
Mono-Red Prison 3.12% 1
Doomsday 3.12% 1
Nic Fit 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 52 41%
2 Force of Will 52 41%
3 Orcish Bowmasters 50 41%
4 Lotus Petal 44 34%
5 Leyline of the Void 41 34%
6 Ponder 40 31%
7 Thoughtseize 31 31%
8 Daze 30 28%
9 Swords to Plowshares 30 25%
10 Chrome Mox 26 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 50 41%
2 Grief 23 22%
3 Murktide Regent 22 22%
4 Caves of Chaos Adventurer 20 16%
5 Simian Spirit Guide 20 16%
6 Dauthi Voidwalker 19 19%
7 Delighted Halfling 16 12%
8 Dragon's Rage Channeler 16 12%
9 Endurance 16 16%
10 Solitude 16 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 52 41%
2 Force of Will 52 41%
3 Lotus Petal 44 34%
4 Leyline of the Void 41 34%
5 Ponder 40 31%
6 Thoughtseize 31 31%
7 Daze 30 28%
8 Swords to Plowshares 30 25%
9 Chrome Mox 26 22%
10 Dark Ritual 24 19%

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