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Classic Qualifier Trieste

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Format: Modern
Date: 2023-01-15

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
6 - 0 Grixis Death's Shadow Daniele Frontuto $ 1,078 431 tix Expand
6 - 0 Four-Color Rhinos Sergio Balbuena Evans $ 1,280 642 tix Expand
6 - 1 Five-Color Indomitable Creativity Alessio Gorgeri $ 1,015 425 tix Expand
6 - 1 Hardened Scales Davide Patacchiola $ 829 405 tix Expand
6 - 1 Four-Color Rhinos Fabijan Pavlović $ 1,262 561 tix Expand
6 - 1 Rakdos Scam Ferran Relat $ 1,139 569 tix Expand
6 - 1 Izzet Murktide Michele Sinigoi $ 1,008 546 tix Expand
6 - 1 Mono-Blue Merfolk Morgan Di Candia $ 773 270 tix Expand
6 - 2 Jeskai Breach Albert Cordobés $ 1,047 503 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Scam Daniele Merli $ 1,089 542 tix Expand
6 - 2 Hardened Scales Stan Splinter $ 775 370 tix Expand
5 - 2 Izzet Murktide Alessio Degl'Innocenti $ 1,044 558 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jeskai Breach Francisco Sanchez $ 1,077 501 tix Expand
5 - 3 Five-color Zoo Andrea Martinelli $ 1,025 395 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jeskai Breach Edoardo Santullo $ 1,039 491 tix Expand
5 - 3 Four-color Elementals Gianluca Boaretto $ 1,334 735 tix Expand
5 - 3 Five-color Zoo Giovanni Iannarelli $ 1,031 398 tix Expand
5 - 3 Esper Combo LorenzoI $ 682 275 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Scam Maksymilian Przybylski $ 1,118 508 tix Expand
5 - 3 Four-color Elementals Markus Leicht $ 1,261 703 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jund Creativity Matteo Diana $ 1,167 550 tix Expand
5 - 3 Azorius Hammer Oscar Garcia $ 942 411 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jeskai Breach Pablo Beijerink $ 1,290 679 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Murktide Rodmanbcn $ 1,018 518 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Scam Spielbert95 $ 994 558 tix Expand
5 - 3 Azorius Hammer Tin Mihael Capar $ 868 373 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jund Creativity William Pizzi $ 1,152 555 tix Expand
4 - 4 Four-color Elementals Aniello Orabona $ 1,502 744 tix Expand
4 - 4 Grixis Death's Shadow Christian Held $ 1,078 420 tix Expand
4 - 4 Four-Color Rhinos DAMIANO Di Muzio $ 1,168 617 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Control Daniele Migliaccio $ 1,040 549 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Scam Diego Lagasse $ 1,109 553 tix Expand
4 - 4 Azorius Hammer Fernando Checa $ 889 398 tix Expand
4 - 4 Azorius Hammer Gabriele Bilanzuoli $ 876 404 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Murktide Kevin Gambis $ 1,024 559 tix Expand
4 - 4 Merfolk Marco Rossi $ 782 267 tix Expand
4 - 4 Jeskai Breach Maurizio D'Antonio $ 1,290 690 tix Expand
4 - 4 Temur Rhinos Niccolo Ciorra $ 1,162 622 tix Expand
4 - 4 Amulet Titan Storm Rombout $ 973 617 tix Expand
3 - 3 Azorius Hammer AndreaB $ 881 409 tix Expand
3 - 3 Five-Color Indomitable Creativity Ivan Kosovec $ 1,084 511 tix Expand
3 - 3 Izzet Prowess Michael Kundegraber $ 899 333 tix Expand
3 - 3 Izzet Murktide Pier Franchini $ 949 546 tix Expand
3 - 4 Mono-Green Tron Alessio Soncin $ 593 241 tix Expand
3 - 4 Grixis Aggro Francesco Senneca $ 1,253 585 tix Expand
3 - 4 Mono-Blue Affinity Ivan La Marca $ 255 238 tix Expand
3 - 4 Hardened Scales Marko Kosovic $ 778 385 tix Expand
3 - 4 Azorius Hammer Marlon Neyra $ 816 389 tix Expand
3 - 4 Jeskai Breach Ricardo Sanchez $ 1,026 486 tix Expand
3 - 5 Golgari Yawgmoth Francesco Castaldo $ 775 393 tix Expand
3 - 5 Mono-Green Tron Gianmarco Clagnan $ 596 275 tix Expand
3 - 5 Temur Rhinos Roberto Congiu $ 1,132 587 tix Expand
3 - 5 Four-Color Rhinos Sean Goddard $ 1,219 554 tix Expand
2 - 2 Rakdos Scam Jacopo Giacomoni $ 1,093 534 tix Expand
2 - 2 Rakdos Scam Marco Fabrizi $ 1,168 554 tix Expand
2 - 3 Izzet Murktide Andrea Fortunati $ 990 505 tix Expand
2 - 3 Four-color Elementals Antonio Bertè $ 1,478 689 tix Expand
2 - 3 Grixis Death's Shadow Carlos Moral $ 1,109 440 tix Expand
2 - 3 Dimir Affinity EliasI $ 584 367 tix Expand
2 - 3 Four-color Elementals Federico Alberto Ciancia $ 1,316 652 tix Expand
2 - 3 Boros Burn Nicolai Vinther $ 464 137 tix Expand
2 - 3 Selesnya Heliod Nils Stamm $ 1,023 445 tix Expand
2 - 3 Jeskai Breach Philipp Hamerle $ 1,114 499 tix Expand
2 - 4 Boros Burn Antonio Neri $ 414 147 tix Expand
2 - 4 Boros Burn Danny van Benthem $ 489 156 tix Expand
2 - 4 Izzet Tempo Davide ivano Canonico $ 1,064 577 tix Expand
2 - 4 Golgari Yawgmoth Floor Hogenhout $ 885 432 tix Expand
2 - 4 Temur Scapeshift Giorgio Bortolussi $ 694 144 tix Expand
2 - 4 All Other Decklists Giuseppe Cerbero $ 826 374 tix Expand
2 - 4 Tron Nazareno parlato rovella $ 809 362 tix Expand
1 - 3 Izzet Murktide andrea abbarchi $ 1,056 549 tix Expand
1 - 3 Dredge Gabriele Costa $ 464 124 tix Expand
1 - 3 Selesnya Hammer Jakub Sznajder $ 888 405 tix Expand
1 - 3 Izzet Murktide martos $ 994 521 tix Expand
1 - 3 Temur Rhinos Max Vervoort $ 1,205 630 tix Expand
1 - 3 Jeskai Breach Raul Venturi $ 1,045 491 tix Expand
1 - 3 Dimir Urza Simone Trimarchi $ 1,110 526 tix Expand
1 - 3 All Other Decklists Stefano Spurio $ 1,193 577 tix Expand
1 - 4 Izzet Murktide Adrián Alvarez $ 992 521 tix Expand
1 - 4 Boros Burn Claesar $ 482 161 tix Expand
1 - 4 Dimir Mill dario barrotta $ 620 197 tix Expand
1 - 4 Azorius Control (Kaheera) Denis Prodanovic $ 932 396 tix Expand
1 - 4 Rakdos Scam Matteo Salvador $ 1,093 512 tix Expand
1 - 4 Azorius Hammer Stefano Confortini $ 836 372 tix Expand
1 - 5 Temur Rhinos Gianluca Gargiulo $ 1,093 491 tix Expand
- Izzet Murktide Tom Law $ 950 530 tix Expand
- Izzet Murktide Davide Tedeschi $ 961 509 tix Expand
- Four-color Elementals YONG CLAUDIO KE $ 1,374 632 tix Expand
- Azorius Hammer Giacomo Cerretini $ 829 372 tix Expand
- Izzet Murktide Mattia Pesenti $ 1,014 539 tix Expand
Displaying all 90 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Abrade (15) Rakdos Scam (6 - 1) , Izzet Murktide (6 - 1) , Izzet Murktide (5 - 2) , Izzet Murktide (5 - 3) , Izzet Control (4 - 4) , ...
Gingerbrute (11) Azorius Hammer (5 - 3) , Azorius Hammer (5 - 3) , Azorius Hammer (4 - 4) , Azorius Hammer (4 - 4) , Mono-Blue Affinity (3 - 4) , ...
Violent Outburst (9) Four-Color Rhinos (6 - 0) , Four-Color Rhinos (6 - 1) , Four-Color Rhinos (4 - 4) , Temur Rhinos (4 - 4) , Temur Rhinos (3 - 5) , ...
Undying Malice (9) Rakdos Scam (6 - 1) , Rakdos Scam (6 - 2) , Rakdos Scam (5 - 3) , Rakdos Scam (5 - 3) , Rakdos Scam (4 - 4) , ...
Soul-Guide Lantern (5) Jeskai Breach (4 - 4) , Jeskai Breach (2 - 3) , Jeskai Breach (1 - 3) , Dimir Mill (1 - 4) , Dimir Urza (1 - 3)
Boros Charm (4) Boros Burn (2 - 4) , Boros Burn (2 - 3) , Boros Burn (2 - 4) , Boros Burn (1 - 4)
Expedition Map (4) Amulet Titan (4 - 4) , Mono-Green Tron (3 - 4) , Mono-Green Tron (3 - 5) , Tron (2 - 4)
Patchwork Automaton (4) Hardened Scales (6 - 1) , Hardened Scales (6 - 2) , Mono-Blue Affinity (3 - 4) , Hardened Scales (3 - 4)
Night's Whisper (3) Rakdos Scam (6 - 1) , Rakdos Scam (5 - 3) , Rakdos Scam (1 - 4)
Harbinger of the Tides (2) Mono-Blue Merfolk (6 - 1) , Merfolk (4 - 4)
Remand (2) Five-color Zoo (5 - 3) , Temur Scapeshift (2 - 4)
Thought Monitor (2) Mono-Blue Affinity (3 - 4) , Dimir Affinity (2 - 3)
Thoughtcast (2) Mono-Blue Affinity (3 - 4) , Dimir Affinity (2 - 3)
Scavenging Ooze (2) Golgari Yawgmoth (3 - 5) , Golgari Yawgmoth (2 - 4)
Go for the Throat (2) Golgari Yawgmoth (3 - 5) , Dimir Mill (1 - 4)
Explore (1) Amulet Titan (4 - 4)
Tireless Tracker (1) Amulet Titan (4 - 4)
Sorcerous Spyglass (1) Tron (2 - 4)
Basilisk Collar (1) Hardened Scales (6 - 1)
Bloodbraid Elf (1) Temur Rhinos (1 - 5)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Murktide Regent 15.56% 14
Hammer Time 11.11% 10
Crashing Footfalls 10.00% 9
Rakdos Midrange 8.89% 8
Generic Ragavan 6.67% 6
Burn 4.44% 4
Indomitable Creativity 4.44% 4
4/5c Omnath 4.44% 4
Other 4.44% 4
Death's Shadow 3.33% 3
Hardened Scales 3.33% 3
Merfolk 2.22% 2
Domain Zoo 2.22% 2
Affinity 2.22% 2
Mono-Green Tron 2.22% 2
Yawgmoth 2.22% 2
Thopter Combo 1.11% 1
Mill 1.11% 1
Dredge 1.11% 1
Jeskai Control 1.11% 1
Temur Control 1.11% 1
Prison Tron 1.11% 1
Grixis Midrange 1.11% 1
Selesnya Lifegain 1.11% 1
Amulet Titan 1.11% 1
Esper Control 1.11% 1
Grinding Station 1.11% 1
Total 100.00% 90

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 166 56%
2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 152 42%
3 Expressive Iteration 108 30%
4 Mishra's Bauble 107 30%
5 Unholy Heat 94 29%
6 Dragon's Rage Channeler 89 27%
7 Fury 87 27%
8 Ledger Shredder 87 29%
9 Engineered Explosives 81 48%
10 Consider 78 23%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 152 42%
2 Dragon's Rage Channeler 89 27%
3 Fury 87 27%
4 Ledger Shredder 87 29%
5 Endurance 52 21%
6 Ornithopter 43 12%
7 Esper Sentinel 42 12%
8 Sanctifier en-Vec 41 16%
9 Puresteel Paladin 40 11%
10 Stoneforge Mystic 40 11%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 166 56%
2 Expressive Iteration 108 30%
3 Mishra's Bauble 107 30%
4 Unholy Heat 94 29%
5 Engineered Explosives 81 48%
6 Consider 78 23%
7 Spell Pierce 76 38%
8 Flusterstorm 72 41%
9 Counterspell 67 19%
10 Mystical Dispute 62 30%

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