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Browse > Home / Decks / Tournaments / BLACK - SAT - 12:30 PM - Pauper Cup - MagicCon: Las Vegas

BLACK - SAT - 12:30 PM - Pauper Cup - MagicCon: Las Vegas

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-10-26

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
6 - 1 Selesnya Bogles MeleeKarp $ 42 47 tix Expand
6 - 1 Orzhov Midrange Redmerlin $ 71 49 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Blue Faeries AlexanderH $ 65 60 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Blue Faeries CoalitionVictory $ 49 68 tix Expand
5 - 1 Boros Midrange Chad Amidon $ 55 113 tix Expand
5 - 1 Grixis Affinity Daniele Migliaccio $ 81 144 tix Expand
5 - 1 Mono-Blue Delver Elliot Fortier $ 56 92 tix Expand
5 - 1 Rakdos Madness Josh Davis $ 64 86 tix Expand
5 - 1 Simic Elves shortfatfriend $ 26 21 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jund Combo Aaron Kaufman-Haft $ 82 66 tix Expand
5 - 2 Rakdos Burn EmmaKoski $ 61 61 tix Expand
5 - 2 Gruul Ramp Hieronymus $ 38 91 tix Expand
5 - 2 Mono-Blue Faeries Itsben808 $ 43 56 tix Expand
5 - 2 Mono-Green Infect itssteve808 $ 110 56 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jund Combo Kyle Rychly $ 78 61 tix Expand
5 - 2 Simic Infect LawrenceLerma $ 36 45 tix Expand
5 - 2 Rakdos Combo Parker Walther $ 40 59 tix Expand
5 - 2 Grixis Affinity rv1992 $ 71 128 tix Expand
4 - 1 Wall Combo Persiden $ 16 17 tix Expand
4 - 1 Golgari Control Spooky_Cyborg $ 41 59 tix Expand
4 - 2 Azorius Combo ethanunofficial $ 76 89 tix Expand
4 - 2 Mono-Red Aggro Josh Crowhurst $ 82 75 tix Expand
4 - 3 Jund Combo Aaron Allen $ 88 85 tix Expand
4 - 3 Mono-Green Infect Agonza04 $ 80 31 tix Expand
4 - 3 Azorius Midrange Blake Chiasson $ 78 149 tix Expand
4 - 3 Jund Midrange Dsonne93 $ 69 33 tix Expand
4 - 3 Golgari Combo JakeBreeden $ 85 64 tix Expand
4 - 3 Gruul Ramp kbourn $ 20 75 tix Expand
4 - 3 Mono-Red Burn KoziKaiju $ 74 64 tix Expand
4 - 3 Golgari Bogles mmorrow21 $ 100 50 tix Expand
4 - 3 Grixis Affinity Sebastian Johns $ 61 105 tix Expand
4 - 3 Mono-Red Burn Sirsavage68 $ 68 72 tix Expand
4 - 3 Selesnya Bogles WilliamJ1199 $ 38 29 tix Expand
3 - 2 Rakdos Combo bischofshof $ 169 112 tix Expand
3 - 2 Gruul Aggro Christopherlyne1987 $ 30 93 tix Expand
3 - 2 Grixis Affinity mkpauper $ 67 114 tix Expand
3 - 2 Burn pighway $ 77 83 tix Expand
3 - 2 Azorius Control XPostModernism $ 58 64 tix Expand
3 - 3 Dimir Control FatB $ 39 48 tix Expand
3 - 3 Grixis Affinity ImmortalSunn $ 75 127 tix Expand
3 - 3 Mono-Blue Delver Jfish1139 $ 49 74 tix Expand
3 - 3 Four-color Tron Jonathran $ 35 44 tix Expand
3 - 3 Gruul Midrange MarP14 $ 27 66 tix Expand
3 - 3 Wall Combo PatronDealer $ 30 5 tix Expand
3 - 3 Mono-Blue Delver pierrepressure $ 57 123 tix Expand
3 - 3 Mono-Blue Delver Sean Evans $ 57 105 tix Expand
3 - 3 Dimir Faeries thesafetysage $ 76 83 tix Expand
3 - 3 Golgari Control WonThanh $ 47 74 tix Expand
3 - 3 Jund Midrange Zachary Bellido $ 37 14 tix Expand
3 - 4 Rakdos Madness Gumbygum $ 62 73 tix Expand
3 - 4 Dimir Midrange JasonS2 $ 86 113 tix Expand
3 - 4 Boros Midrange Mayonaise000 $ 49 104 tix Expand
3 - 4 Temur Ramp Nigma645 $ 56 108 tix Expand
3 - 4 Rakdos Burn Rnicholson $ 59 69 tix Expand
3 - 4 Grixis Affinity Tyler Klein $ 84 145 tix Expand
3 - 4 Gruul Ramp Virtuosto $ 67 75 tix Expand
3 - 4 Grixis Affinity ZacharyPerales $ 72 110 tix Expand
2 - 2 Golgari Combo EMCL123 $ 84 64 tix Expand
2 - 3 Golgari Midrange dbaker13 $ 73 39 tix Expand
2 - 3 Mono-Blue Tempo emdash $ 46 84 tix Expand
2 - 3 Orzhov Midrange goldhabergordon $ 55 35 tix Expand
2 - 3 Rakdos Burn JoelAkins $ 61 63 tix Expand
2 - 3 Jund Midrange RyanKoski $ 44 73 tix Expand
2 - 3 Dimir Faeries SethNutt $ 93 91 tix Expand
2 - 4 Rakdos Madness Duckruckus $ 58 44 tix Expand
2 - 4 Mono-Red Aggro Dylan53 $ 70 65 tix Expand
2 - 4 Jund Combo kkirbs18 $ 87 98 tix Expand
2 - 4 Mono-Red Aggro mistadrummond $ 72 70 tix Expand
2 - 4 Golgari Combo planeswalken $ 52 2 tix Expand
2 - 4 Jund Combo yellowstonetew $ 95 113 tix Expand
2 - 5 Mono-White Hero 61quisberth $ 41 30 tix Expand
2 - 5 Bant Bogles Dakota Wynn $ 41 44 tix Expand
2 - 5 Burn JBarron $ 25 3 tix Expand
2 - 5 Rakdos Madness JemWH $ 57 42 tix Expand
1 - 2 Grixis Control Bobdobb $ 101 132 tix Expand
1 - 3 Dimir Faeries CSNova $ 65 62 tix Expand
1 - 4 Mono-Black Midrange Corvinejones $ 14 6 tix Expand
1 - 4 Mono-Black Burn RobG $ 19 4 tix Expand
1 - 4 Grixis Burn ryanhanson $ 80 90 tix Expand
1 - 4 Sultai Combo SynthScythe $ 48 90 tix Expand
- Jund Midrange haamgamer07 $ 52 89 tix Expand
- Dimir Control tbutch70 $ 80 106 tix Expand
- Jund Combo mslinborealis $ 91 108 tix Expand
- Dimir Control Croh05 $ 84 110 tix Expand
- Rakdos Combo cscatchard $ 27 33 tix Expand
- Grixis Affinity Biolis $ 87 140 tix Expand
Displaying all 86 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Swamp (38) Orzhov Midrange (6 - 1) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Rakdos Burn (5 - 2) , Rakdos Combo (5 - 2) , ...
Mountain (32) Simic Elves (5 - 1) , Gruul Ramp (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Rakdos Burn (5 - 2) , ...
Forest (30) Selesnya Bogles (6 - 1) , Simic Elves (5 - 1) , Gruul Ramp (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , ...
Deadly Dispute (29) Orzhov Midrange (6 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , ...
Island (22) Selesnya Bogles (6 - 1) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Delver (5 - 1) , Simic Elves (5 - 1) , ...
Vault of Whispers (21) Orzhov Midrange (6 - 1) , Rakdos Madness (5 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Rakdos Burn (5 - 2) , ...
Duress (19) Orzhov Midrange (6 - 1) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Rakdos Combo (5 - 2) , Golgari Control (4 - 1) , ...
Blood Fountain (17) Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (5 - 2) , Golgari Control (4 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (4 - 3) , ...
Voldaren Epicure (14) Rakdos Madness (5 - 1) , Rakdos Burn (5 - 2) , Mono-Red Aggro (4 - 2) , Mono-Red Burn (4 - 3) , Mono-Red Burn (4 - 3) , ...
Deep Analysis (11) Mono-Blue Delver (5 - 1) , Azorius Control (3 - 2) , Mono-Blue Delver (3 - 3) , Mono-Blue Delver (3 - 3) , Dimir Midrange (3 - 4) , ...
Tolarian Terror (10) Mono-Blue Delver (5 - 1) , Mono-Blue Delver (3 - 3) , Mono-Blue Delver (3 - 3) , Dimir Midrange (3 - 4) , Mono-Blue Delver (3 - 3) , ...
Seat of the Synod (10) Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (5 - 2) , Grixis Affinity (4 - 3) , Grixis Affinity (3 - 2) , ...
Plains (9) Selesnya Bogles (6 - 1) , Orzhov Midrange (6 - 1) , Azorius Midrange (4 - 3) , Selesnya Bogles (4 - 3) , Azorius Control (3 - 2) , ...
Myr Enforcer (9) Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (5 - 2) , Grixis Affinity (4 - 3) , Grixis Affinity (3 - 2) , ...
Thoughtcast (9) Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (5 - 2) , Grixis Affinity (4 - 3) , Grixis Affinity (3 - 2) , ...
Murmuring Mystic (7) Mono-Blue Delver (5 - 1) , Azorius Combo (4 - 2) , Mono-Blue Delver (3 - 3) , Dimir Faeries (3 - 3) , Dimir Faeries (1 - 3) , ...
Snakeskin Veil (6) Jund Combo (5 - 2) , Mono-Green Infect (5 - 2) , Simic Infect (5 - 2) , Golgari Bogles (4 - 3) , Mono-Green Infect (4 - 3) , ...
Faerie Seer (5) Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 2) , Dimir Faeries (3 - 3) , Dimir Faeries (2 - 3)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (5) Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 2) , Dimir Faeries (3 - 3) , Dimir Faeries (2 - 3)
Negate (5) Grixis Affinity (5 - 1) , Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Azorius Combo (4 - 2) , Grixis Affinity (3 - 2) , Grixis Affinity (3 - 4)
Cartouche of Solidarity (4) Selesnya Bogles (6 - 1) , Selesnya Bogles (4 - 3) , Bant Bogles (2 - 5) , Mono-White Hero (2 - 5)
Ash Barrens (4) Selesnya Bogles (6 - 1) , Simic Infect (5 - 2) , Azorius Combo (4 - 2) , Bant Bogles (2 - 5)
Moon-Circuit Hacker (4) Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 2) , Dimir Faeries (3 - 3)
Smoke Shroud (2) Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 0) , Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 2)
Llanowar Elves (2) Simic Elves (5 - 1) , Wall Combo (3 - 3)
Gearseeker Serpent (2) Boros Midrange (5 - 1) , Grixis Affinity (4 - 3)
Groundswell (2) Simic Infect (5 - 2) , Mono-Green Infect (4 - 3)
Essence Scatter (2) Azorius Midrange (4 - 3) , Wall Combo (3 - 3)
Augur of Bolas (2) Dimir Faeries (2 - 3) , Grixis Control (1 - 2)
Kabira Crossroads (1) Orzhov Midrange (6 - 1)
Elvish Visionary (1) Simic Elves (5 - 1)
Stitched Drake (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (5 - 2)
Bloodfell Caves (1) Rakdos Combo (5 - 2)
Archaeomancer (1) Azorius Combo (4 - 2)
Giant Growth (1) Mono-Green Infect (4 - 3)
Azorius Guildgate (1) Azorius Midrange (4 - 3)
Blossoming Sands (1) Selesnya Bogles (4 - 3)
Expedition Map (1) Four-color Tron (3 - 3)
Feldon's Cane (1) Four-color Tron (3 - 3)
Witching Well (1) Four-color Tron (3 - 3)
Goblin Firebomb (1) Four-color Tron (3 - 3)
Mystical Teachings (1) Rakdos Combo (3 - 2)
Crawl from the Cellar (1) Dimir Midrange (3 - 4)
Abrade (1) Rakdos Burn (3 - 4)
Scoured Barrens (1) Orzhov Midrange (2 - 3)
Inspiring Overseer (1) Orzhov Midrange (2 - 3)
Ghitu Lavarunner (1) Burn (2 - 5)
Forgotten Cave (1) Burn (2 - 5)
Akroan Skyguard (1) Mono-White Hero (2 - 5)
Secluded Steppe (1) Mono-White Hero (2 - 5)
Offer Immortality (1) Golgari Combo (2 - 4)
Tragic Slip (1) Mono-Black Midrange (1 - 4)
Typhoid Rats (1) Mono-Black Midrange (1 - 4)
Disfigure (1) Mono-Black Midrange (1 - 4)
Read the Bones (1) Mono-Black Midrange (1 - 4)
Undying Malice (1) Mono-Black Burn (1 - 4)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 11.63% 10
Grixis Affinity 10.47% 9
Madness Burn 9.30% 8
Jund Broodscale Combo 6.98% 6
Burn 6.98% 6
Blue Terror 5.81% 5
Gruul Ramp 5.81% 5
Bogles 3.49% 3
Mono-Blue Faeries 3.49% 3
Golgari Broodscale Combo 3.49% 3
Dredge 3.49% 3
Dimir Terror 3.49% 3
Glintblade 2.33% 2
Goblins 2.33% 2
Walls Combo 2.33% 2
Caw-Gates 2.33% 2
Dimir Faeries 2.33% 2
Jund Gardens 2.33% 2
Elves 1.16% 1
Familiars 1.16% 1
Golgari Gardens 1.16% 1
Ephemerate Tron 1.16% 1
Cycle Storm 1.16% 1
4c Aggro 1.16% 1
Mono-White Heroic 1.16% 1
Dimir Control 1.16% 1
Poison Storm 1.16% 1
Grixis Control 1.16% 1
Total 100.00% 86

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Deadly Dispute 112 34%
2 Galvanic Blast 92 27%
3 Ichor Wellspring 81 27%
4 Counterspell 75 23%
5 Gorilla Shaman 73 37%
6 Snuff Out 71 27%
7 Cast Down 68 30%
8 Malevolent Rumble 68 21%
9 Lightning Bolt 65 20%
10 Hydroblast 62 21%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Gorilla Shaman 73 37%
2 Writhing Chrysalis 56 16%
3 Voldaren Epicure 54 16%
4 Sneaky Snacker 44 13%
5 Refurbished Familiar 41 13%
6 Krark-Clan Shaman 39 17%
7 Basking Broodscale 36 10%
8 Myr Enforcer 36 10%
9 Tolarian Terror 36 12%
10 Kitchen Imp 34 10%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Deadly Dispute 112 34%
2 Galvanic Blast 92 27%
3 Ichor Wellspring 81 27%
4 Counterspell 75 23%
5 Snuff Out 71 27%
6 Cast Down 68 30%
7 Malevolent Rumble 68 21%
8 Lightning Bolt 65 20%
9 Hydroblast 62 21%
10 Lorien Revealed 62 19%

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