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Arcane Arena - Standard Artisan Tournament

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Format: Standard
Date: 2020-08-09

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
3 - 0 Mono-Black Aggro Jerome Cruz $ 17 1 tix Expand
3 - 0 Golgari Adventures Troy Fiel $ 15 1 tix Expand
3 - 1 Izzet Tempo Leomar Rebollido $ 20 2 tix Expand
3 - 1 Orzhov Burn Rizalino Jose Sanchez $ 19 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Simic Mutate J Vecina $ 17 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Gruul Aggro Jeffrey Leal $ 16 8 tix Expand
2 - 2 Azorius Tempo Lawrence Errol Tales $ 21 2 tix Expand
2 - 2 Izzet Aggro MERLIN MAISOG $ 24 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Selesnya Stompy Ranier Maglantay $ 15 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Dimir Control Xezur Vallesteros $ 20 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Rakdos Midrange Ace Herrera $ 17 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Decklist Andre Masmela $ 0 0 tix Expand
1 - 3 Izzet Control Eric Talag $ 18 1 tix Expand
- Golgari Adventures Paulo Carandang $ 13 1 tix Expand
Displaying all 14 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Negate (4) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Dimir Control (2 - 2) , Azorius Tempo (2 - 2) , Izzet Control (1 - 3)
Shock (4) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Aggro (2 - 2) , Gruul Aggro (2 - 2) , Izzet Control (1 - 3)
Village Rites (3) Mono-Black Aggro (3 - 0) , Orzhov Burn (3 - 1) , Rakdos Midrange (1 - 3)
Winged Words (3) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Aggro (2 - 2) , Azorius Tempo (2 - 2)
Opt (3) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Aggro (2 - 2) , Izzet Control (1 - 3)
Swiftwater Cliffs (3) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Aggro (2 - 2) , Izzet Control (1 - 3)
Paradise Druid (2) Simic Mutate (2 - 2) , Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Murmuring Mystic (2) Dimir Control (2 - 2) , Izzet Control (1 - 3)
Disfigure (2) Dimir Control (2 - 2) , Golgari Adventures (-)
Spectral Sailor (2) Dimir Control (2 - 2) , Azorius Tempo (2 - 2)
Disenchant (2) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1) , Azorius Tempo (2 - 2)
Light of Hope (2) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1) , Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Izzet Guildgate (2) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Aggro (2 - 2)
Jungle Hollow (2) Golgari Adventures (3 - 0) , Golgari Adventures (-)
Thrill of Possibility (1) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1)
Starlit Mantle (1) Azorius Tempo (2 - 2)
Tranquil Cove (1) Azorius Tempo (2 - 2)
Pacifism (1) Azorius Tempo (2 - 2)
Blossoming Sands (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Gird for Battle (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Mowu, Loyal Companion (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Wildwood Scourge (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Pridemalkin (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Basri's Solidarity (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Conclave Tribunal (1) Selesnya Stompy (2 - 2)
Gnarlback Rhino (1) Gruul Aggro (2 - 2)
Heartfire Immolator (1) Gruul Aggro (2 - 2)
Rugged Highlands (1) Gruul Aggro (2 - 2)
Thrashing Brontodon (1) Gruul Aggro (2 - 2)
Scorching Dragonfire (1) Izzet Control (1 - 3)
Bastion of Remembrance (1) Rakdos Midrange (1 - 3)
Bloodfell Caves (1) Rakdos Midrange (1 - 3)
Evolving Wilds (1) Rakdos Midrange (1 - 3)
Soul Sear (1) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1)
Faerie Vandal (1) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1)
Ajani's Pridemate (1) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1)
Faith's Fetters (1) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1)
Revitalize (1) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1)
Burglar Rat (1) Mono-Black Aggro (3 - 0)
Orzhov Guildgate (1) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1)
Scoured Barrens (1) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1)
Archfiend's Vessel (1) Mono-Black Aggro (3 - 0)
Banishing Light (1) Orzhov Burn (3 - 1)
Dismal Backwater (1) Dimir Control (2 - 2)
Alchemist's Gift (1) Mono-Black Aggro (3 - 0)
Duress (1) Golgari Adventures (3 - 0)
Essence Scatter (1) Dimir Control (2 - 2)
Golgari Guildgate (1) Golgari Adventures (3 - 0)
Fire Prophecy (1) Izzet Aggro (2 - 2)
Meteor Golem (1) Simic Mutate (2 - 2)
Thornwood Falls (1) Simic Mutate (2 - 2)
Unsummon (1) Simic Mutate (2 - 2)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 78.57% 11
Temur Control 14.29% 2
Rakdos Sacrifice 7.14% 1
Total 100.00% 14

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Shock 16 29%
2 Noxious Grasp 13 36%
3 Opt 12 21%
4 Foulmire Knight 11 21%
5 Blightbeetle 11 29%
6 Kraul Harpooner 11 29%
7 Order of Midnight 9 21%
8 Agonizing Remorse 9 21%
9 Negate 9 29%
10 Ram Through 9 21%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Foulmire Knight 11 21%
2 Blightbeetle 11 29%
3 Kraul Harpooner 11 29%
4 Order of Midnight 9 21%
5 Beanstalk Giant 8 14%
6 Edgewall Innkeeper 8 14%
7 Pteramander 8 14%
8 Sprite Dragon 8 14%
9 Paradise Druid 7 14%
10 Smitten Swordmaster 7 14%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Shock 16 29%
2 Noxious Grasp 13 36%
3 Opt 12 21%
4 Agonizing Remorse 9 21%
5 Negate 9 29%
6 Ram Through 9 21%
7 Village Rites 9 21%
8 Eliminate 8 21%
9 Lucky Clover 8 14%
10 Teferi's Tutelage 8 14%

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