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APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 19.05

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Format: Penny Dreadful
Date: 2021-03-14

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
6 - 1 Anvil Colossus bob49 $ 62 2 tix Expand
5 - 1 Mono Blue Tempo emerald000 $ 27 2 tix Expand
4 - 1 AggroSlide swiftwarkite2 $ 39 2 tix Expand
4 - 3 Izzet Tempo slowpoke42 $ 90 5 tix Expand
3 - 2 Eggs pokemonych $ 180 2 tix Expand
3 - 2 Neoform Hermit shadow438 $ 282 5 tix Expand
2 - 1 Greenpost jgabrielygalan $ 83 5 tix Expand
2 - 2 Aggro-Control ashamael $ 73 6 tix Expand
2 - 2 Pox odourless $ 112 5 tix Expand
2 - 2 Mono White Tokens tenorsax2 $ 49 4 tix Expand
2 - 3 Mono White Tokens -diamonddust- $ 59 4 tix Expand
2 - 3 AggroSlide fran1 $ 51 2 tix Expand
1 - 2 Hushnought byvci $ 540 2 tix Expand
1 - 3 Mono Blue Tempo mildmanneredjanitor $ 27 2 tix Expand
1 - 3 Esper Control spe3 $ 74 3 tix Expand
- Red Deck Wins cotomira $ 58 3 tix Expand
- Fake-Rack crusaders_of_memes $ 40 2 tix Expand
- Chancellor of the Forge Combo arslanrahmano $ 42 1 tix Expand
- Hellion Whip forgetti $ 83 2 tix Expand
Displaying all 19 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Island (6) Izzet Tempo (4 - 3) , Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1) , Eggs (3 - 2) , Aggro-Control (2 - 2) , Esper Control (1 - 3) , ...
Opt (5) Izzet Tempo (4 - 3) , Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1) , Eggs (3 - 2) , Aggro-Control (2 - 2) , Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Mountain (4) Izzet Tempo (4 - 3) , AggroSlide (2 - 3) , Hellion Whip (-) , Chancellor of the Forge Combo (-)
Plains (4) Mono White Tokens (2 - 3) , AggroSlide (2 - 3) , Eggs (3 - 2) , Mono White Tokens (2 - 2)
Sorcerous Spyglass (3) Anvil Colossus (6 - 1) , Eggs (3 - 2) , Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Swamp (3) Pox (2 - 2) , Hellion Whip (-) , Fake-Rack (-)
Forest (2) Anvil Colossus (6 - 1) , Greenpost (2 - 1)
Dryad Militant (2) Anvil Colossus (6 - 1) , Hushnought (1 - 2)
Burst Lightning (2) Izzet Tempo (4 - 3) , Red Deck Wins (-)
Forgotten Cave (2) AggroSlide (4 - 1) , AggroSlide (2 - 3)
Secluded Steppe (2) AggroSlide (4 - 1) , AggroSlide (2 - 3)
Brineborn Cutthroat (2) Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1) , Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Tempest Djinn (2) Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1) , Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Unsummon (2) Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1) , Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Dive Down (2) Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1) , Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Raise the Alarm (2) Mono White Tokens (2 - 3) , Mono White Tokens (2 - 2)
Go for the Throat (2) Aggro-Control (2 - 2) , Esper Control (1 - 3)
Bond of Flourishing (1) Anvil Colossus (6 - 1)
Temple of Epiphany (1) Izzet Tempo (4 - 3)
Light of Hope (1) AggroSlide (4 - 1)
Negate (1) Mono Blue Tempo (5 - 1)
Llanowar Elves (1) Neoform Hermit (3 - 2)
Ajani's Pridemate (1) Mono White Tokens (2 - 3)
Disenchant (1) Eggs (3 - 2)
Crawling Barrens (1) Greenpost (2 - 1)
Expedition Map (1) Greenpost (2 - 1)
Explore (1) Greenpost (2 - 1)
Prophetic Prism (1) Greenpost (2 - 1)
Temple of Malice (1) Pox (2 - 2)
Temple of Silence (1) Pox (2 - 2)
Lonely Sandbar (1) Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Aetherize (1) Mono Blue Tempo (1 - 3)
Feed the Swarm (1) Hellion Whip (-)
Stromkirk Noble (1) Red Deck Wins (-)
Duress (1) Fake-Rack (-)
Moment of Craving (1) Fake-Rack (-)
Dragon Fodder (1) Chancellor of the Forge Combo (-)
Goblin Dark-Dwellers (1) Chancellor of the Forge Combo (-)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 21.05% 4
AggroSlide 10.53% 2
Mono Blue Tempo 10.53% 2
Fake-Rack 10.53% 2
Anvil Colossus 5.26% 1
Izzet Tempo 5.26% 1
Neoform Hermit 5.26% 1
Eggs 5.26% 1
Greenpost 5.26% 1
Aggro-Control 5.26% 1
Mono White Tokens 5.26% 1
Hushnought 5.26% 1
Red Deck Wins 5.26% 1
Total 100.00% 19

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Nihil Spellbomb 26 53%
2 Counterspell 19 26%
3 Opt 18 26%
4 Delver of Secrets 16 21%
5 Ravenous Trap 16 32%
6 Thought Scour 16 21%
7 Treasure Cruise 14 26%
8 Gitaxian Probe 12 16%
9 Honor of the Pure 12 16%
10 Hymn to Tourach 12 16%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Delver of Secrets 16 21%
2 Brineborn Cutthroat 8 11%
3 Drannith Healer 8 11%
4 Drannith Stinger 8 11%
5 Flourishing Fox 8 11%
6 Tempest Djinn 8 11%
7 Irencrag Pyromancer 7 11%
8 Valiant Rescuer 7 11%
9 Ajani's Pridemate 4 5%
10 Ash Zealot 4 5%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Nihil Spellbomb 26 53%
2 Counterspell 19 26%
3 Opt 18 26%
4 Ravenous Trap 16 32%
5 Thought Scour 16 21%
6 Treasure Cruise 14 26%
7 Gitaxian Probe 12 16%
8 Honor of the Pure 12 16%
9 Hymn to Tourach 12 16%
10 Lingering Souls 12 16%

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