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ANZ Super Series Cycle 7 Regional Championships - Sydney

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-11-08

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
8 - 0 Rakdos Mice Matthew Giudes $ 232 62 tix Expand
7 - 1 Jund Combo James Moore $ 369 91 tix Expand
7 - 1 Rakdos Mice James Wilks $ 232 62 tix Expand
7 - 1 Sultai Acererak Combo Kieran Tierney $ 470 86 tix Expand
7 - 1 Rakdos Mice Luke Mulcahy $ 230 59 tix Expand
7 - 1 Rakdos Transmogrify Matthew Dewitte $ 372 82 tix Expand
6 - 1 Rakdos Demons AndrewD2 $ 617 114 tix Expand
6 - 1 Lotus Field Combo Brennan Crawford $ 357 45 tix Expand
6 - 1 Izzet Phoenix connor mcgillivray $ 170 54 tix Expand
6 - 1 Azorius Lotus Field LeonardB $ 348 179 tix Expand
6 - 2 Selesnya Company Aaron Gillis $ 219 60 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Mice Albern Catan $ 260 67 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Demons Brett Girvan $ 512 97 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Mice Clhis $ 257 70 tix Expand
6 - 2 Selesnya Company Dan Bretherton $ 189 54 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Demons David Huang $ 317 66 tix Expand
6 - 2 Four-Color Zur James Drake $ 593 140 tix Expand
6 - 2 Dimir Ninjas Jeffrey Blancia $ 443 232 tix Expand
6 - 2 Azorius Lotus Field Joe Deane $ 351 127 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Mice lt254 $ 260 69 tix Expand
6 - 2 Azorius Control Mark Zhou $ 263 137 tix Expand
6 - 2 Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Nathan Basser $ 352 43 tix Expand
6 - 2 Izzet Phoenix NatW13 $ 171 56 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Demons pnametala $ 546 102 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Demons Scott Stipkovich $ 428 78 tix Expand
6 - 2 Mono-Black Demons Sniperhood $ 462 81 tix Expand
6 - 2 Jund Sacrifice Tyler Visser $ 305 95 tix Expand
6 - 2 Izzet Phoenix William Poor $ 170 54 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Mice Zen Takahashi $ 328 176 tix Expand
5 - 2 Azorius Control alejandrofp $ 252 105 tix Expand
5 - 2 Simic Aggro Gabriel Dennison $ 286 225 tix Expand
5 - 2 Izzet Phoenix Tim So $ 171 55 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jund Sacrifice Viraz $ 436 93 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Demons Aidan Gordon $ 350 61 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jund Sacrifice Alex Humbley $ 299 89 tix Expand
5 - 3 Sultai Acererak Combo Alex Lim $ 471 86 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mardu Greasefang antoine nguyen $ 383 102 tix Expand
5 - 3 Four-Color Zur Ben Parker $ 623 183 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Cauldron Brandon Rashad $ 456 101 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jund Combo Brendan_Lyons $ 381 92 tix Expand
5 - 3 Quintorius Combo CJPearse $ 397 49 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix Darcanis $ 174 57 tix Expand
5 - 3 Azorius Humans Ethan Bird $ 276 86 tix Expand
5 - 3 Azorius Lotus Field Floyd $ 313 104 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Demons Henry Sams $ 502 96 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix Jacob Golding $ 172 56 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix JAMzone_ $ 182 66 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix Jose Gabriel Hilario $ 171 55 tix Expand
5 - 3 Selesnya Company Keayn de Vries-Turnell $ 167 53 tix Expand
5 - 3 Naya Midrange kenneth Hickey $ 643 176 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix Klarke Trezise $ 181 55 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mardu Greasefang Kyle Gibson $ 284 82 tix Expand
5 - 3 Selesnya Company Malcolm Zegveld $ 170 53 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix MatteoBuckley $ 185 60 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix Matthew Barnes $ 196 66 tix Expand
5 - 3 Jund Sacrifice MikeTaylor $ 386 78 tix Expand
5 - 3 Orzhov Humans Nick Chow $ 253 48 tix Expand
5 - 3 Selesnya Company Nick Millar $ 159 53 tix Expand
5 - 3 Four-Color Zur Rowan Millers $ 570 127 tix Expand
5 - 3 Golgari Food Samuel Maher $ 421 105 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Black Demons Scott Aitchison $ 296 58 tix Expand
5 - 3 Izzet Phoenix Sebastian Vearncombe $ 178 52 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Mice Simon Harnden $ 328 176 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Midrange StrikerAce $ 573 115 tix Expand
4 - 1 Azorius Control Ramohn $ 276 115 tix Expand
4 - 2 Izzet Phoenix Billskillz $ 166 56 tix Expand
4 - 2 Azorius Lotus Field Daniel Yam $ 357 130 tix Expand
4 - 3 Rakdos Demons Denby Adams $ 398 69 tix Expand
4 - 3 Jund Sacrifice Isaac Lee $ 422 106 tix Expand
4 - 3 Sultai Soulflayer PureParzival $ 369 59 tix Expand
4 - 3 Selesnya Company Steve Rebbechi $ 218 60 tix Expand
4 - 3 Selesnya Company Yoshika $ 205 60 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Phoenix Adam Jazwinski $ 162 50 tix Expand
4 - 4 Enigmatic Fires Bailey Parks $ 663 180 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Mice Ben Kemp $ 328 176 tix Expand
4 - 4 Four-Color Zur Ben Tudman $ 598 141 tix Expand
4 - 4 Orzhov Demons Cain $ 615 96 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Mice Chia Wei Leong $ 232 62 tix Expand
4 - 4 Boros Burn Dillon Kikkawa $ 195 35 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mardu Greasefang egg6910 $ 268 86 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Demons Fernando Arriagada $ 508 100 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Phoenix Ian Cormick $ 171 59 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Midrange James Laurenson $ 365 116 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Midrange Joel McAndrew $ 513 97 tix Expand
4 - 4 Selesnya Angels KillaD $ 346 50 tix Expand
4 - 4 Sultai Oculus Luke Wilkes $ 364 197 tix Expand
4 - 4 Selesnya Company Max de Kievith $ 151 47 tix Expand
4 - 4 Azorius Control Michael Billinghurst $ 305 150 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Phoenix Michael Russell $ 171 54 tix Expand
4 - 4 Golgari Combo Oran Ryan $ 430 121 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Phoenix Oscar Gray $ 170 54 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Midrange Qihan Zhang $ 497 104 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mardu Greasefang RaijinDemon $ 350 105 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Midrange Richard Velvin $ 510 97 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Cauldron Roberte Brookes $ 444 101 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Midrange Runningtarget $ 602 104 tix Expand
4 - 4 Azorius Humans skerpyderps $ 318 91 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Phoenix Supvik $ 171 59 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Cauldron Teus van Oosterom $ 451 102 tix Expand
4 - 4 Bant Ramp Tim Hughes $ 335 139 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 221 in total

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Swamp (95) Rakdos Transmogrify (7 - 1) , Jund Combo (7 - 1) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 1) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 2) , Jund Sacrifice (6 - 2) , ...
Duress (73) Rakdos Transmogrify (7 - 1) , Jund Combo (7 - 1) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 1) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 2) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 2) , ...
Island (72) Izzet Phoenix (6 - 1) , Azorius Lotus Field (6 - 1) , Azorius Lotus Field (6 - 2) , Jeskai Ascendancy Combo (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , ...
Plains (63) Azorius Lotus Field (6 - 1) , Azorius Lotus Field (6 - 2) , Selesnya Company (6 - 2) , Selesnya Company (6 - 2) , Azorius Control (6 - 2) , ...
Mountain (59) Rakdos Mice (8 - 0) , Rakdos Transmogrify (7 - 1) , Rakdos Mice (7 - 1) , Jund Combo (7 - 1) , Rakdos Mice (7 - 1) , ...
Go for the Throat (42) Rakdos Mice (8 - 0) , Rakdos Mice (7 - 1) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 1) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 2) , Rakdos Demons (6 - 2) , ...
Abrade (41) Izzet Phoenix (6 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (5 - 2) , ...
Opt (39) Izzet Phoenix (6 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (5 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (5 - 3) , ...
Negate (35) Izzet Phoenix (6 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (6 - 2) , Izzet Phoenix (5 - 2) , Simic Aggro (5 - 2) , ...
Forest (25) Jund Combo (7 - 1) , Sultai Acererak Combo (7 - 1) , Lotus Field Combo (6 - 1) , Simic Aggro (5 - 2) , Jund Combo (5 - 3) , ...
Llanowar Elves (22) Sultai Acererak Combo (7 - 1) , Selesnya Company (6 - 2) , Selesnya Company (6 - 2) , Sultai Acererak Combo (5 - 3) , Selesnya Company (5 - 3) , ...
Infuriate (16) Rakdos Mice (8 - 0) , Rakdos Mice (7 - 1) , Rakdos Mice (7 - 1) , Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , ...
Deadly Dispute (9) Jund Sacrifice (6 - 2) , Jund Sacrifice (5 - 2) , Golgari Food (5 - 3) , Jund Sacrifice (5 - 3) , Jund Sacrifice (5 - 3) , ...
Feed the Swarm (8) Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (2 - 3) , Rakdos Demons (2 - 4) , ...
Elspeth's Smite (8) Azorius Lotus Field (5 - 3) , Naya Midrange (5 - 3) , Four-Color Zur (5 - 3) , Four-Color Zur (4 - 4) , Esper Control (3 - 2) , ...
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (6) Azorius Humans (5 - 3) , Orzhov Humans (5 - 3) , Azorius Humans (4 - 4) , Azorius Humans (3 - 5) , Mono-White Humans (3 - 5) , ...
Cathar Commando (6) Mardu Greasefang (4 - 4) , Mardu Greasefang (3 - 4) , Mardu Greasefang (3 - 5) , Mono-White Humans (3 - 5) , Mardu Greasefang (1 - 5) , ...
Recruitment Officer (5) Azorius Humans (5 - 3) , Orzhov Humans (5 - 3) , Azorius Humans (4 - 4) , Azorius Humans (3 - 5) , Mono-White Humans (2 - 4)
Play with Fire (4) Boros Burn (4 - 4) , Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 2) , Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 3) , Izzet Burn (-)
Destroy Evil (3) Jeskai Ascendancy Combo (6 - 2) , Boros Burn (4 - 4) , Mono-White Humans (3 - 5)
Ancestral Anger (3) Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (6 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (2 - 3)
Omen of the Sea (3) Enigmatic Fires (4 - 4) , Esper Control (1 - 4) , Azorius Yorion (1 - 3)
Titan's Strength (3) Rakdos Mice (2 - 3) , Rakdos Mice (1 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (-)
Soul-Guide Lantern (3) Selesnya Scales (2 - 5) , Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 2) , Izzet Burn (-)
Young Pyromancer (2) Izzet Phoenix (5 - 3) , Izzet Phoenix (-)
Giada, Font of Hope (2) Selesnya Angels (4 - 4) , Selesnya Angels (1 - 2)
Righteous Valkyrie (2) Selesnya Angels (4 - 4) , Selesnya Angels (1 - 2)
Priest of Forgotten Gods (2) Golgari Combo (4 - 4) , Golgari Combo (3 - 4)
Mazemind Tome (2) Mono-Black Demons (2 - 3) , Orzhov Demons (1 - 3)
Lyra Dawnbringer (2) Azorius Yorion (1 - 3) , Selesnya Angels (1 - 2)
Ghitu Lavarunner (2) Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 2) , Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 3)
Dreadhorde Arcanist (2) Rakdos Mice (1 - 2) , Rakdos Mice (-)
Omniscience (1) Lotus Field Combo (6 - 1)
Sphinx of the Final Word (1) Lotus Field Combo (6 - 1)
Moon-Circuit Hacker (1) Dimir Ninjas (6 - 2)
Fading Hope (1) Simic Aggro (5 - 2)
Zetalpa, Primal Dawn (1) Sultai Soulflayer (4 - 3)
Boros Charm (1) Boros Burn (4 - 4)
Ipnu Rivulet (1) Bant Ramp (4 - 4)
Lotus Cobra (1) Bant Ramp (4 - 4)
Conclave Tribunal (1) Selesnya Angels (4 - 4)
Trail of Crumbs (1) Golgari Combo (4 - 4)
Regal Caracal (1) Esper Control (3 - 2)
Voldaren Epicure (1) Boros Convoke (3 - 5)
Resolute Reinforcements (1) Boros Convoke (3 - 5)
Venerated Loxodon (1) Boros Convoke (3 - 5)
Kodama of the West Tree (1) Selesnya Scales (2 - 5)
Snakeskin Veil (1) Selesnya Scales (2 - 5)
Scavenging Ooze (1) Selesnya Scales (2 - 5)
Inspiring Overseer (1) Selesnya Angels (1 - 2)
Obliterating Bolt (1) Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 2)
Reckless Impulse (1) Mono-Red Prowess (1 - 3)
Obstinate Baloth (1) Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 2)
Tail Swipe (1) Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 2)
Balmor, Battlemage Captain (1) Izzet Burn (-)
Spectral Sailor (1) Azorius Spirits (-)
Audacity (1) Gruul Prowess (-)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Izzet Phoenix 16.74% 37
Rakdos Midrange 14.03% 31
Rakdos Prowess 8.14% 18
Selesnya Company 7.24% 16
Other 5.88% 13
Azorius Control 4.98% 11
Mardu Greasefang 4.52% 10
Mono-Black Midrange 4.07% 9
Jund Sacrifice 3.17% 7
Rakdos Transmogrify 2.71% 6
Azorius Lotus Field 1.81% 4
Hidden Strings 1.81% 4
Rakdos Tree 1.81% 4
Jund Midrange 1.36% 3
Azorius Humans 1.36% 3
Golgari Food 1.36% 3
Orzhov Midrange 1.36% 3
Gwenna Acererak Combo 0.90% 2
4c Midrange 0.90% 2
Quintorius Combo 0.90% 2
Naya Midrange 0.90% 2
Selesnya Angels 0.90% 2
Abzan Greasefang 0.90% 2
Mono-White Humans 0.90% 2
5c Enigmatic Incarnation 0.90% 2
Golgari Midrange 0.90% 2
Niv to Light 0.90% 2
Mono-Red Prowess 0.90% 2
Jeskai Ascendancy 0.45% 1
Dimir Aggro 0.45% 1
Orzhov Humans 0.45% 1
Soulflayer 0.45% 1
Boros Prowess 0.45% 1
5c Enigmatic Fires 0.45% 1
Golgari Citadel 0.45% 1
Boros Convoke 0.45% 1
4c Rona Combo 0.45% 1
Selesnya Hardened Scales 0.45% 1
Esper Control 0.45% 1
Esper Greasefang 0.45% 1
Nykthos Ramp 0.45% 1
5c Fires of Invention 0.45% 1
Izzet Prowess 0.45% 1
Azorius Spirits 0.45% 1
Azorius Flash 0.45% 1
Total 100.00% 221

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 448 54%
2 Thoughtseize 416 50%
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 267 31%
4 Duress 213 33%
5 Bloodtithe Harvester 201 23%
6 Unlicensed Hearse 189 45%
7 Torch the Tower 176 39%
8 Consider 175 20%
9 Unholy Annex // Ritual Chamber 172 20%
10 Treasure Cruise 161 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Bloodtithe Harvester 201 23%
2 Picklock Prankster 156 18%
3 Arclight Phoenix 148 17%
4 Unstoppable Slasher 138 17%
5 Archfiend of the Dross 108 13%
6 Monastery Swiftspear 90 10%
7 Elvish Mystic 84 10%
8 Llanowar Elves 84 10%
9 Skyclave Apparition 82 11%
10 Brazen Borrower 80 17%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 448 54%
2 Thoughtseize 416 50%
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 267 31%
4 Duress 213 33%
5 Unlicensed Hearse 189 45%
6 Torch the Tower 176 39%
7 Consider 175 20%
8 Unholy Annex // Ritual Chamber 172 20%
9 Treasure Cruise 161 19%
10 Opt 154 18%

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