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Adventures in Comics and Games Weekly Arena Standard

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Format: Standard
Date: 2020-07-31

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
4 - 0 Golgari Aggro william Lutes $ 241 122 tix Expand
3 - 1 Bant Ramp Christian Vega $ 576 637 tix Expand
3 - 1 Abzan Combo Joshua Claytor $ 235 135 tix Expand
3 - 1 Mardu Winota Michael Perry $ 237 117 tix Expand
3 - 1 Mardu Aggro Robert Miller $ 238 119 tix Expand
2 - 2 Temur Reclamation Andrew Nelms $ 551 614 tix Expand
2 - 2 Simic Yorion Jacob Schoonover $ 424 150 tix Expand
2 - 2 Temur Elementals Matthew Troutman $ 632 385 tix Expand
2 - 2 Mono-Green Aggro Robert Douglas $ 205 87 tix Expand
2 - 2 Selesnya Midrange Sam Dix $ 14 3 tix Expand
1 - 2 Four-color Midrange Bryce Boyd $ 494 522 tix Expand
1 - 2 Temur Reclamation Connor Gonzales $ 437 416 tix Expand
1 - 3 Mono-Red Cavalcade Kyle Martin $ 59 40 tix Expand
1 - 3 Abzan Combo Nicholas Leclaire $ 110 37 tix Expand
- Bant Ramp Kyle Nolan $ 559 542 tix Expand
Displaying all 15 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Negate (4) Simic Yorion (2 - 2) , Temur Reclamation (2 - 2) , Temur Elementals (2 - 2) , Temur Reclamation (1 - 2)
Temple of Silence (4) Mardu Winota (3 - 1) , Mardu Aggro (3 - 1) , Abzan Combo (3 - 1) , Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Temple of Mystery (4) Simic Yorion (2 - 2) , Temur Reclamation (2 - 2) , Temur Elementals (2 - 2) , Bant Ramp (-)
Scavenging Ooze (3) Golgari Aggro (4 - 0) , Mono-Green Aggro (2 - 2) , Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Basri's Lieutenant (3) Mardu Winota (3 - 1) , Mardu Aggro (3 - 1) , Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Temple of Plenty (3) Abzan Combo (3 - 1) , Bant Ramp (3 - 1) , Bant Ramp (-)
Ajani's Pridemate (2) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2) , Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Healer's Hawk (2) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2) , Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Opt (2) Four-color Midrange (1 - 2) , Temur Reclamation (1 - 2)
Scorching Dragonfire (2) Temur Reclamation (2 - 2) , Temur Reclamation (1 - 2)
Temple of Enlightenment (2) Bant Ramp (3 - 1) , Bant Ramp (-)
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose (2) Abzan Combo (3 - 1) , Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Paradise Druid (2) Golgari Aggro (4 - 0) , Simic Yorion (2 - 2)
Temple of Malady (2) Golgari Aggro (4 - 0) , Abzan Combo (3 - 1)
Raise the Alarm (2) Mardu Winota (3 - 1) , Mardu Aggro (3 - 1)
Venerated Loxodon (2) Mardu Winota (3 - 1) , Mardu Aggro (3 - 1)
Devout Decree (2) Mardu Winota (3 - 1) , Mardu Aggro (3 - 1)
Llanowar Visionary (2) Abzan Combo (3 - 1) , Simic Yorion (2 - 2)
Archon of Sun's Grace (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Bloodthirsty Aerialist (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Mortify (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Banishing Light (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Epicure of Blood (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Fire Prophecy (1) Mono-Red Cavalcade (1 - 3)
Spectral Sailor (1) Temur Reclamation (1 - 2)
Conclave Tribunal (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Temple of Abandon (1) Temur Elementals (2 - 2)
Giant Growth (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Gird for Battle (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Scoured Barrens (1) Abzan Combo (1 - 3)
Wildwood Scourge (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Pridemalkin (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Basri's Acolyte (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Basri's Solidarity (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Hunter's Edge (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Blossoming Sands (1) Selesnya Midrange (2 - 2)
Thrashing Brontodon (1) Mono-Green Aggro (2 - 2)
Garruk's Uprising (1) Mono-Green Aggro (2 - 2)
Mazemind Tome (1) Temur Reclamation (2 - 2)
Finale of Revelation (1) Simic Yorion (2 - 2)
Swift Response (1) Bant Ramp (3 - 1)
Revitalize (1) Abzan Combo (3 - 1)
Charming Prince (1) Abzan Combo (3 - 1)
Temple of Triumph (1) Mardu Aggro (3 - 1)
Soul-Guide Lantern (1) Golgari Aggro (4 - 0)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 40.00% 6
Mardu Winota 13.33% 2
Bant Ramp 13.33% 2
Temur Reclamation 13.33% 2
Mono-Green Stompy 6.67% 1
Temur Elementals 6.67% 1
Mono-Red Cavalcade 6.67% 1
Total 100.00% 15

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Growth Spiral 24 40%
2 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 20 40%
3 Shark Typhoon 14 33%
4 Mystical Dispute 11 27%
5 Mystical Dispute 11 27%
6 Teferi, Time Raveler 11 20%
7 Stonecoil Serpent 10 20%
8 Aether Gust 9 27%
9 Aether Gust 9 27%
10 Basri's Lieutenant 8 20%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 20 40%
2 Stonecoil Serpent 10 20%
3 Basri's Lieutenant 8 20%
4 Llanowar Visionary 8 13%
5 Paradise Druid 8 13%
6 Pelt Collector 8 13%
7 Questing Beast 8 13%
8 Selfless Savior 8 13%
9 Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose 8 13%
10 Winota, Joiner of Forces 8 13%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Growth Spiral 24 40%
2 Shark Typhoon 14 33%
3 Mystical Dispute 11 27%
4 Mystical Dispute 11 27%
5 Teferi, Time Raveler 11 20%
6 Aether Gust 9 27%
7 Aether Gust 9 27%
8 Glass Casket 8 27%
9 Noxious Grasp 8 27%
10 Elspeth Conquers Death 8 20%

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