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$600 Cash GGtoor M:TG Arena Duel #9 (FREE!)

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Format: Standard
Date: 2022-03-19

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Azorius Control Lukas Dusek $ 371 502 tix Expand
2nd Mono-White Aggro Anatoly Zybin $ 248 426 tix Expand
3rd Bant Festival Atog $ 504 684 tix Expand
4th Boros Aggro malseman $ 220 407 tix Expand
5th Mono-White Aggro Helio Sampaio $ 218 338 tix Expand
6th Mono-White Aggro Harun BALO $ 250 388 tix Expand
7th Selesnya Tokens Keganfall $ 344 479 tix Expand
8th Mono-White Aggro Parmenion Uy $ 240 409 tix Expand
9th Mardu Midrange Kalsi $ 611 506 tix Expand
10th Esper Midrange Tyler Blackburn $ 591 468 tix Expand
11th Mono-White Aggro Felipe Rodrigues $ 216 338 tix Expand
12th Esper Control Jakub Sonakowski $ 572 510 tix Expand
13th Naya Aggro Tlacaelel Campos $ 260 344 tix Expand
14th Esper Control Victoriano Lim $ 549 463 tix Expand
15th Naya Runes Shylo Elliott $ 232 160 tix Expand
16th Naya Runes Raphael PASTOU $ 204 178 tix Expand
17th Mono-White Aggro Manuel Braun $ 254 428 tix Expand
18th Orzhov Midrange Zan Syed $ 448 356 tix Expand
19th Selesnya Humans Gabriel Souza Braga $ 327 457 tix Expand
20th Naya Runes Simón Arboleda Escobar $ 169 150 tix Expand
21st Jeskai Combo icarus $ 334 265 tix Expand
22nd Jeskai Combo Guy Tumeo $ 294 199 tix Expand
23rd Jund Sacrifice Noriyuki Mori $ 392 382 tix Expand
24th Naya Midrange Kevin Li $ 375 472 tix Expand
25th Selesnya Midrange Charles Petty $ 321 427 tix Expand
26th Naya Midrange Carlo De Gaetano $ 170 149 tix Expand
27th Izzet Control Berk Elçi $ 262 282 tix Expand
28th Naya Runes Marco Lo Piano $ 139 127 tix Expand
29th Mono-White Aggro Antonio Carmona Sierra $ 214 317 tix Expand
30th Orzhov Midrange Maxi Lopez $ 485 370 tix Expand
31st Esper Midrange Gonzalo Santiago $ 398 254 tix Expand
32nd Grixis Control Johnathan Tietz $ 473 271 tix Expand
33rd Dimir Aggro Skyler Hinkel $ 211 76 tix Expand
34th Selesnya Tokens Kristien Woodcock $ 336 503 tix Expand
35th Esper Midrange Guardianthesecond $ 525 434 tix Expand
36th Mono-White Aggro Pavel Escamilla Dominguez $ 217 334 tix Expand
37th Gruul Werewolves Mateusz Kostecki $ 156 66 tix Expand
38th Boros Control leon deniz $ 333 328 tix Expand
39th Rakdos Sacrifice Ewan Chapuis $ 484 384 tix Expand
40th Orzhov Tokens Lorentzo7 $ 382 218 tix Expand
41st Mono-Black Control Tuno Uys $ 247 125 tix Expand
42nd Dimir Control Emil Ros $ 437 234 tix Expand
43rd Sultai Aggro cjparmen $ 208 50 tix Expand
44th Rakdos Midrange Patrik Szmatana $ 356 342 tix Expand
45th Mono-White Aggro Kazuya Inoue $ 246 382 tix Expand
46th Izzet Mill Frederic Archambault $ 167 206 tix Expand
47th Naya Humans Tyler Stafford $ 234 316 tix Expand
48th Selesnya Tokens Zachary Edmonds $ 325 442 tix Expand
49th Abzan Midrange Marcin Erhard $ 421 328 tix Expand
50th Naya Runes Mertcan Hekimoglu $ 213 153 tix Expand
51st Gruul Aggro Delbiano Gomes da Silva Barbosa $ 139 116 tix Expand
52nd Mono-White Aggro Roberto Vincenzo Evola $ 262 414 tix Expand
53rd Mono-White Aggro Kasta 942 $ 217 337 tix Expand
54th Jeskai Treasures prokopy $ 284 219 tix Expand
55th Orzhov Midrange Lucas Franzoni $ 386 297 tix Expand
56th Jund Control Luiz Costa $ 246 346 tix Expand
57th Izzet Tempo Scott Spurlock $ 212 262 tix Expand
58th Jeskai Control Daniele Cattin $ 334 316 tix Expand
59th Esper Midrange Erick Daniel Caballero Reyes $ 553 463 tix Expand
60th Azorius Control Mark Pollock $ 313 548 tix Expand
61st Abzan Midrange Tiago Duarte $ 437 410 tix Expand
62nd Rakdos Sacrifice Bruno Beça $ 372 341 tix Expand
63rd Sultai Ultimatum Marcin Czajka $ 497 379 tix Expand
64th Naya Burn Juan Alvarez $ 274 406 tix Expand
65th Esper Midrange Pablo Tapia $ 572 510 tix Expand
66th Rakdos Midrange Yazeed Fredericks $ 237 300 tix Expand
67th Orzhov Midrange removed removed $ 599 479 tix Expand
68th Abzan Aggro Paulo Henrique de Farias $ 323 286 tix Expand
69th Izzet Control David Acevedo $ 265 371 tix Expand
70th Mono-White Aggro Andre Cantagalli $ 207 361 tix Expand
71st Orzhov Midrange mpareto $ 459 372 tix Expand
72nd Esper Control Paweł Kardyś $ 421 552 tix Expand
73rd Rakdos Sacrifice Daniel Carletti $ 369 358 tix Expand
74th Azorius Control Pedro Urquisa Barbosa $ 380 483 tix Expand
75th Naya Runes Ozan Birinci $ 229 204 tix Expand
76th Bant Control Mitchell Burns $ 451 627 tix Expand
77th Naya Runes Henri Dalençon $ 203 241 tix Expand
78th Mono-White Aggro J Dobbs $ 218 338 tix Expand
79th Mono-White Aggro Ryszard Brzeziński $ 217 338 tix Expand
80th Naya Midrange Cacophony $ 226 314 tix Expand
81st Orzhov Midrange Deiv Meh $ 494 387 tix Expand
82nd Mono-White Aggro coleman clark $ 203 318 tix Expand
83rd Rakdos Sacrifice Vitor Martins $ 369 358 tix Expand
84th Naya Runes Kangbreath $ 234 164 tix Expand
85th Boros Aggro Carlos Stark Schofield $ 144 252 tix Expand
86th Mono-White Aggro Sebastian Mazzucchini $ 262 414 tix Expand
87th Mono-White Aggro Bart L $ 243 400 tix Expand
88th Mono-White Aggro Jose Fernando Calvo Mendez $ 216 334 tix Expand
89th Esper Epiphany Ramirinho $ 549 463 tix Expand
90th Jeskai Combo Justin Hedgpeth $ 324 262 tix Expand
91st Orzhov Midrange THIAGOCC / ManaFoxMTG $ 335 269 tix Expand
92nd Selesnya Midrange Tonchi Mercado $ 323 462 tix Expand
93rd Naya Runes Imaad Davids $ 292 293 tix Expand
94th Orzhov Midrange MagicBeard $ 516 417 tix Expand
95th Selesnya Humans Zachary Okorn $ 344 479 tix Expand
96th Azorius Control Leo Tomatsu $ 400 642 tix Expand
97th Naya Runes Inaste Noquar $ 193 152 tix Expand
98th Azorius Vehicles Vinicius Gris $ 135 87 tix Expand
99th Mono-White Aggro Flushdonkey $ 154 243 tix Expand
100th Azorius Control Samuel Vosper $ 345 455 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 156 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 19.23% 30
Mono-White Aggro ️ 18.59% 29
Naya Enchantments 8.33% 13
Azorius Control 6.41% 10
Selesnya Midrange 5.77% 9
Jeskai Control 4.49% 7
Rakdos Artifacts 4.49% 7
Orzhov Control 4.49% 7
Orzhov Midrange 3.85% 6
Naya Midrange 3.21% 5
Izzet Dragons 3.21% 5
Esper Control 2.56% 4
Gruul Werewolves 1.92% 3
Grixis Control 1.28% 2
Dimir Control 1.28% 2
Boros Aggro 1.28% 2
Bant Ramp 0.64% 1
Jund Sacrifice 0.64% 1
Dimir Rogues 0.64% 1
Izzet Tempo 0.64% 1
Rakdos Control 0.64% 1
Mono-Black Control 0.64% 1
Sultai Control 0.64% 1
Bant Control 0.64% 1
4c Sacrifice 0.64% 1
Temur Midrange 0.64% 1
Ramp 0.64% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 0.64% 1
Abzan Control 0.64% 1
Bant Midrange 0.64% 1
Selesnya Aggro 0.64% 1
Total 100.00% 156

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 The Wandering Emperor 267 60%
2 Luminarch Aspirant 230 38%
3 Wedding Announcement 156 27%
4 Legion Angel 143 32%
5 Hopeful Initiate 138 22%
6 Skyclave Apparition 130 27%
7 Elite Spellbinder 127 23%
8 The Meathook Massacre 127 35%
9 Usher of the Fallen 124 21%
10 Vanishing Verse 123 24%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Luminarch Aspirant 230 38%
2 Legion Angel 143 32%
3 Hopeful Initiate 138 22%
4 Skyclave Apparition 130 27%
5 Elite Spellbinder 127 23%
6 Usher of the Fallen 124 21%
7 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 114 22%
8 Intrepid Adversary 112 22%
9 Guardian of Faith 106 26%
10 Archon of Emeria 88 23%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 The Wandering Emperor 267 60%
2 Wedding Announcement 156 27%
3 The Meathook Massacre 127 35%
4 Vanishing Verse 123 24%
5 Duress 117 29%
6 Portable Hole 99 33%
7 Valorous Stance 99 35%
8 Emeria's Call 98 29%
9 Deadly Dispute 94 17%
10 Portable Hole 84 24%

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