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Vintage Challenge 32 2023-12-31

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Format: Vintage
Date: 2023-12-31

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Aggro Shops TeamLeaderNA $ 50,342 406 tix Expand
2nd Lurrus Saga ElfKid $ 40,546 462 tix Expand
3rd Lurrus Saga Mogged $ 44,509 462 tix Expand
4th Aggro Shops revenantkioku $ 50,274 401 tix Expand
5th 4c Tinker TrueHero $ 63,474 506 tix Expand
6th Doomsday Tsubasa_Cat $ 41,418 389 tix Expand
7th Doomsday Diem4x $ 45,330 393 tix Expand
8th Sultai Midrange Wesal $ 46,150 524 tix Expand
9th Mono-White Initiative f1shmagic $ 39,767 413 tix Expand
10th Esper Tinker Antarctica $ 55,034 484 tix Expand
11th Esper Control Kenzaburo $ 59,076 545 tix Expand
12th Lurrus Saga musasabi $ 56,012 660 tix Expand
13th Dredge TheManLand $ 10,888 257 tix Expand
14th Counter Vine otakkun $ 11,218 286 tix Expand
15th Lurrus Saga discoverN $ 59,328 650 tix Expand
16th Mono-White Initiative toonbleu $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
17th Mono-White Initiative bless_von $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
18th Mono-White Initiative _Shatun_ $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
19th Mono-White Initiative Katzival $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
20th Mono-White Initiative Thomas_Serra $ 39,847 424 tix Expand
21st Paradoxical Outcome KingHairy $ 52,681 471 tix Expand
22nd Jewel Shops yPrincipe $ 62,162 681 tix Expand
23rd Counter Vine ecobaronen $ 11,218 286 tix Expand
24th Mono-White Initiative Schiaveto $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
25th Mono-White Initiative Clockwork Dean $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
26th Jewel Shops MadMaxErnst $ 62,161 676 tix Expand
27th Jewel Shops MarcusMPV $ 61,772 626 tix Expand
28th Lurrus Saga LuisMJ $ 44,948 483 tix Expand
29th Jewel Shops kasa $ 62,209 649 tix Expand
30th Lurrus Saga BERNASTORRES $ 48,856 477 tix Expand
31st Dredge Haqy6510 $ 10,880 247 tix Expand
32nd Lurrus Saga Asmussen $ 66,704 619 tix Expand
33rd Lurrus Saga misterfister $ 56,839 652 tix Expand
34th Lurrus Saga medvedev $ 45,360 525 tix Expand
35th Lurrus Saga JJ4Heisman $ 61,516 662 tix Expand
36th Oath of Druids Gregoriusil $ 62,085 524 tix Expand
37th Jewel Shops 416FrowningTable $ 62,469 726 tix Expand
38th Lurrus Saga grumart $ 40,546 462 tix Expand
39th Grixis Underworld Breach CrazyDiamond513 $ 57,329 455 tix Expand
40th Mono-White Initiative quinniac $ 39,939 434 tix Expand
41st 8-Cast Sommertroll $ 66,714 348 tix Expand
42nd Counter Vine lyz050915 $ 11,178 293 tix Expand
43rd Other Shops adm29 $ 57,240 391 tix Expand
44th 4c Tinker Mill-enial $ 27,294 459 tix Expand
45th Hogaak Vine Dreddybajs $ 37,388 437 tix Expand
46th Jewel Shops Slasher21 $ 62,209 649 tix Expand
47th Oath of Druids xXGimmliXx $ 55,513 516 tix Expand
48th Esper Tinker ZYURYO $ 60,209 440 tix Expand
49th Oath of Druids AFX $ 55,513 516 tix Expand
50th Dredge jez_organix $ 10,898 259 tix Expand
51st Beseech Storm HouseOfManaMTG $ 57,337 492 tix Expand
Displaying all 51 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Lurrus Saga 21.57% 11
Mono-White Initiative 17.65% 9
Jewel Shops 11.76% 6
Blue Tinker 7.84% 4
Oath of Druids 5.88% 3
Counter Vine 5.88% 3
Dredge 5.88% 3
Aggro Shops 3.92% 2
Doomsday 3.92% 2
Hogaak Vine 1.96% 1
Other Shops 1.96% 1
Paradoxical Outcome 1.96% 1
Sultai Midrange 1.96% 1
Beseech Storm 1.96% 1
Blue Control 1.96% 1
8-Cast 1.96% 1
Underworld Breach 1.96% 1
Total 100.00% 51

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 152 72%
2 Force of Negation 95 64%
3 Lorien Revealed 72 38%
4 Null Rod 69 43%
5 Swords to Plowshares 68 38%
6 Containment Priest 66 36%
7 Mindbreak Trap 55 47%
8 Leyline of the Void 52 25%
9 Black Lotus 46 87%
10 Mox Sapphire 45 85%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Containment Priest 66 36%
2 White Plume Adventurer 44 21%
3 Seasoned Dungeoneer 41 21%
4 Archon of Emeria 40 19%
5 Chancellor of the Annex 40 19%
6 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 39 19%
7 Dauntless Dismantler 38 19%
8 Solitude 38 19%
9 Phyrexian Metamorph 35 19%
10 Hollow One 32 15%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 152 72%
2 Force of Negation 95 64%
3 Lorien Revealed 72 38%
4 Null Rod 69 43%
5 Swords to Plowshares 68 38%
6 Mindbreak Trap 55 47%
7 Leyline of the Void 52 25%
8 Black Lotus 46 87%
9 Mox Sapphire 45 85%
10 Mox Jet 44 83%

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