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Legacy Challenge 64 2023-12-03 (1)

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Format: Legacy
Date: 2023-12-03

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Temur Cascade Killah_SUV $ 3,633 434 tix Expand
2nd Mono-Red Prison J.A.Eliso $ 2,629 478 tix Expand
3rd 4c Control Benjamin_S $ 4,450 355 tix Expand
4th Doomsday monkeyscantcry $ 4,504 374 tix Expand
5th Sneak and Show JPA93 $ 4,253 496 tix Expand
6th Sneak and Show maximusdee $ 4,162 454 tix Expand
7th Rescaminator ScavengingBooze $ 1,760 466 tix Expand
8th Boros Initiative lazerbeam $ 4,195 421 tix Expand
9th Rescaminator Slasher21 $ 1,734 455 tix Expand
10th Abzan Stoneblade Hill_Giant $ 2,699 432 tix Expand
11th Doomsday fj_rodman $ 5,176 378 tix Expand
12th 5c Control trunks132 $ 5,037 573 tix Expand
13th Boros Initiative EnihcamAmgine $ 3,468 435 tix Expand
14th Selesnya Cloudpost TrueFuturism $ 4,299 378 tix Expand
15th UBR davy2892 $ 4,911 482 tix Expand
16th Death's Shadow Sven745 $ 2,164 506 tix Expand
17th Riddlesmith Combo Killabee $ 3,749 348 tix Expand
18th Goblins DoubleStrike2 $ 2,191 422 tix Expand
19th Temur Delver Maxtortion $ 4,417 462 tix Expand
20th Omni-Tell bja $ 1,968 291 tix Expand
21st Reanimator ecobaronen $ 4,798 562 tix Expand
22nd Temur Cascade Dr_D1ck_Forest $ 2,889 358 tix Expand
23rd Painter thafurn $ 2,339 429 tix Expand
24th Goblins burrarun $ 2,204 420 tix Expand
25th Beanstalk Control molz $ 6,330 640 tix Expand
26th Painter Betrix2688 $ 1,827 399 tix Expand
27th Goblins sadbrucelee $ 2,387 426 tix Expand
28th Oops! All Spells twitchisme123 $ 745 150 tix Expand
29th 8-Cast Laplasjan $ 1,610 491 tix Expand
30th Abzan Depths Martin_Dominguez $ 4,557 388 tix Expand
31st Boros Initiative Otazz $ 3,755 469 tix Expand
32nd Izzet Delver Baku_91 $ 3,934 440 tix Expand
33rd Lands Aeolus1295 $ 7,420 356 tix Expand
34th Rescaminator Johnni $ 1,735 465 tix Expand
35th The EPIC Storm MeTheKaptain $ 5,838 246 tix Expand
36th Mono-Red Prison darius89 $ 2,756 486 tix Expand
37th Selesnya Depths Didackith $ 3,662 220 tix Expand
38th Beanstalk Control dannyground $ 4,975 560 tix Expand
39th Temur Cascade billsive $ 3,633 434 tix Expand
40th Dimir Scam Wooded_Raptus $ 4,372 475 tix Expand
41st Patchwork Stompy jaarseth $ 1,539 476 tix Expand
42nd Grixis Tempo jankyb $ 5,839 552 tix Expand
43rd Grixis Tempo m0sc0wmitch $ 5,888 563 tix Expand
44th Sneak and Show musasabi $ 4,138 431 tix Expand
45th Beanstalk Control SuperJoschi $ 5,019 533 tix Expand
46th Dimir Scam learntolove6 $ 4,301 540 tix Expand
47th Rescaminator pepeteam $ 1,734 455 tix Expand
48th Beanstalk Control medvedev $ 4,730 517 tix Expand
49th Mono-Red Prison 8salazzar8 $ 2,740 484 tix Expand
50th Beanstalk Control VendilionMisclique $ 4,974 503 tix Expand
51st Izzet Delver willoneil $ 3,781 420 tix Expand
52nd Mono-Red Prison Sentoe187 $ 2,402 466 tix Expand
53rd Boros Initiative Legend_cay $ 3,690 473 tix Expand
54th Infect SuperCow12653 $ 3,095 273 tix Expand
55th Doomsday SAWATARIX $ 5,642 561 tix Expand
56th Izzet Delver lordoflifegain $ 3,669 395 tix Expand
57th Grixis Tempo Antarctica $ 5,221 542 tix Expand
58th Beanstalk Control AnziD $ 5,038 615 tix Expand
59th Mono-Black Scam grymn $ 2,159 508 tix Expand
60th Cephalid Breakfast Wagadel $ 4,106 313 tix Expand
61st Painter UrzaEnjoyer $ 2,392 468 tix Expand
62nd 4c Control grumart $ 4,543 364 tix Expand
63rd 5c Control Kihara_Works $ 4,129 509 tix Expand
64th Boros Initiative tao_bye_bye $ 3,690 473 tix Expand
65th WUBG Raikonette $ 3,074 145 tix Expand
66th Mystic Forge Combo yPrincipe $ 3,602 662 tix Expand
67th Maverick achillies27 $ 2,788 342 tix Expand
68th Boros Initiative JuanmaAT $ 3,690 477 tix Expand
69th Lands DeathWrongShaman420 $ 7,947 398 tix Expand
70th Goblins Geodude_Jared $ 2,179 321 tix Expand
71st Izzet Delver micrograms $ 3,914 436 tix Expand
72nd R MrSporks $ 2,239 430 tix Expand
73rd Doomsday Darkowicz $ 4,566 303 tix Expand
74th Izzet Artifacts Raest $ 2,642 706 tix Expand
75th Lands CCdsmash $ 7,438 369 tix Expand
76th Izzet Delver kentaro_hokori $ 3,913 424 tix Expand
77th Cradle Control daz5 $ 4,859 517 tix Expand
78th Boros Initiative CliffBoyardee $ 3,673 467 tix Expand
79th Beanstalk Control astrozombee $ 5,151 546 tix Expand
80th Mono-Black Scam wec8371 $ 1,114 338 tix Expand
81st Grixis Scam Ark4n $ 4,733 424 tix Expand
82nd Lands Granham $ 7,967 405 tix Expand
83rd Mono-Black Scam Pugface $ 2,806 586 tix Expand
84th Boros Initiative Eldhrimr $ 4,078 460 tix Expand
85th Rescaminator Thalai $ 1,784 465 tix Expand
86th Mystic Forge Combo DarthStone $ 3,613 681 tix Expand
87th Abzan Depths DNEELEY $ 4,485 364 tix Expand
88th Lands Nictophobia $ 7,451 371 tix Expand
89th Izzet Delver WeareVenom $ 3,887 433 tix Expand
90th Boros Initiative matyo804 $ 4,105 445 tix Expand
91st Lands Cachorrowo $ 7,451 371 tix Expand
92nd Goblins Ovinize $ 2,248 378 tix Expand
93rd Jeskai Stoneblade Gernardi $ 3,543 269 tix Expand
94th The EPIC Storm RodsVaz $ 5,837 245 tix Expand
95th Beseech Storm Ghost_wheel $ 5,189 258 tix Expand
96th Sneak and Show wildespony $ 3,744 463 tix Expand
97th Grixis Tempo yogaliberal $ 5,232 538 tix Expand
98th Izzet Delver einstein9998 $ 3,912 425 tix Expand
99th R eddiecheng $ 2,156 415 tix Expand
100th Sultai Scam Spaz696969 $ 4,972 422 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 112 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Temur Delver 9.82% 11
Boros Initiative 8.93% 10
Beanstalk Control 7.14% 8
Rescaminator 5.36% 6
Sneak and Show 5.36% 6
Lands 5.36% 6
Goblins 4.46% 5
Mono-Red Prison 3.57% 4
Doomsday 3.57% 4
Grixis Tempo 3.57% 4
Other 3.57% 4
Selesnya Depths 2.68% 3
Painter 2.68% 3
Mono-Black Scam 2.68% 3
Temur Cascade 2.68% 3
Dimir Scam 1.79% 2
5c Control 1.79% 2
Reanimator 1.79% 2
Maverick 1.79% 2
The EPIC Storm 1.79% 2
4C Control 1.79% 2
Mystic Forge Combo 1.79% 2
Jeskai Stoneblade 0.89% 1
Abzan Stoneblade 0.89% 1
Death and Taxes 0.89% 1
Grixis Scam 0.89% 1
Riddlesmith Combo 0.89% 1
8-Cast 0.89% 1
Patchwork Stompy 0.89% 1
Blue Artifacts 0.89% 1
Infect 0.89% 1
Cephalid Breakfast 0.89% 1
Sultai Scam 0.89% 1
Esper Control 0.89% 1
Oops! All Spells 0.89% 1
Omni-Tell 0.89% 1
Green Cloudpost 0.89% 1
Cradle Control 0.89% 1
Beseech Storm 0.89% 1
Death's Shadow 0.89% 1
Total 100.00% 112

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 236 50%
2 Brainstorm 220 46%
3 Ponder 215 45%
4 Orcish Bowmasters 161 37%
5 Swords to Plowshares 145 33%
6 Lotus Petal 138 31%
7 Daze 116 28%
8 Force of Negation 116 39%
9 Surgical Extraction 113 55%
10 Chrome Mox 110 24%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 161 37%
2 Simian Spirit Guide 104 27%
3 Murktide Regent 78 22%
4 Grief 72 16%
5 Magus of the Moon 65 26%
6 Dragon's Rage Channeler 64 13%
7 Troll of Khazad-dum 64 15%
8 Delver of Secrets 62 13%
9 Caves of Chaos Adventurer 60 13%
10 Faerie Macabre 60 24%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 236 50%
2 Brainstorm 220 46%
3 Ponder 215 45%
4 Swords to Plowshares 145 33%
5 Lotus Petal 138 31%
6 Daze 116 28%
7 Force of Negation 116 39%
8 Surgical Extraction 113 55%
9 Chrome Mox 110 24%
10 Thoughtseize 104 24%

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