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Vintage Challenge 32 2023-12-09 (1)

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Format: Vintage
Date: 2023-12-09

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Orzhov Initiative Thiim $ 38,822 335 tix Expand
2nd Dredge Wizard_2002 $ 11,314 252 tix Expand
3rd Mono-White Initiative fingers1991 $ 39,305 368 tix Expand
4th Grixis Underworld Breach thedeck84 $ 57,905 401 tix Expand
5th Dimir Tinker MagerMistake $ 57,932 428 tix Expand
6th Esper Tinker Dazai $ 56,941 359 tix Expand
7th Mono-White Initiative Dreddybajs $ 39,113 355 tix Expand
8th WU musasabi $ 49,502 372 tix Expand
9th Paradoxical Outcome Jositoshekel $ 62,768 624 tix Expand
10th Sultai Midrange lordoflifegain $ 46,585 418 tix Expand
11th WUR unluckymonkey $ 46,415 431 tix Expand
12th Paradoxical Outcome ElfKid $ 62,475 642 tix Expand
13th Oath of Druids JKnecht $ 56,428 512 tix Expand
14th Paradoxical Outcome Sharkym02 $ 62,728 654 tix Expand
15th Prison Shops Oderus Urungus $ 57,284 351 tix Expand
16th WU Miharu_Fuyumiya $ 49,552 395 tix Expand
17th UB Mogged $ 66,381 562 tix Expand
18th Paradoxical Outcome Baby $ 62,475 642 tix Expand
19th Mono-White Initiative _Shatun_ $ 39,305 368 tix Expand
20th Hogaak Vine ZollZollZoll $ 36,824 369 tix Expand
21st Esper Tinker Kenzaburo $ 60,776 369 tix Expand
22nd Esper Tinker AFX $ 57,127 426 tix Expand
23rd Mono-White Initiative LasVegasChaos $ 39,305 368 tix Expand
24th WU Parrotlet $ 49,546 392 tix Expand
25th WG Wesal $ 46,909 267 tix Expand
26th Paradoxical Outcome cantillon $ 63,051 662 tix Expand
27th Dredge micrograms $ 10,989 162 tix Expand
28th R MrSporks $ 19,385 347 tix Expand
29th Paradoxical Outcome FunkiMunki $ 62,990 663 tix Expand
30th WU discoverN $ 54,559 387 tix Expand
31st Paradoxical Outcome BERNASTORRES $ 62,475 642 tix Expand
32nd Esper Tinker WadeB $ 57,127 426 tix Expand
33rd Paradoxical Outcome AlpInco $ 62,912 621 tix Expand
34th Paradoxical Outcome yPrincipe $ 62,745 640 tix Expand
35th UBRG Mannes $ 49,925 392 tix Expand
36th Colorless InnistradRevService $ 53,512 348 tix Expand
37th Paradoxical Outcome slaxx $ 62,640 592 tix Expand
38th WUBR adm29 $ 36,562 337 tix Expand
39th Esper Tinker Martinho1111 $ 54,104 432 tix Expand
40th Oath of Druids Gregoriusil $ 51,855 456 tix Expand
41st WU burnt_taco77 $ 44,308 415 tix Expand
42nd 4c Tempo TrueHero $ 50,424 456 tix Expand
43rd Paradoxical Outcome Sentoe187 $ 62,475 642 tix Expand
44th Grixis Underworld Breach FGC $ 60,167 419 tix Expand
45th Dredge Firetruck $ 10,919 153 tix Expand
46th Oath of Druids SimoCr $ 56,082 473 tix Expand
47th UBG MadMaxErnst $ 57,907 541 tix Expand
48th Oath of Druids albertoSD $ 56,082 473 tix Expand
49th Mono-White Initiative Jujkata $ 39,305 368 tix Expand
50th Mono-White Initiative xfile $ 40,590 328 tix Expand
51st Esper Tinker almostomniscient $ 57,127 426 tix Expand
52nd 4c Tinker onebigpin_ $ 57,559 392 tix Expand
53rd WUB CrazyDiamond513 $ 45,265 381 tix Expand
54th Sultai Midrange karatedom $ 46,990 550 tix Expand
55th Doomsday duke12 $ 41,188 263 tix Expand
56th Doomsday AnExaltedPariah $ 37,359 234 tix Expand
57th Oath of Druids Diem4x $ 52,015 420 tix Expand
58th Paradoxical Outcome J0SE $ 50,915 270 tix Expand
59th 4c Underworld Breach Michelino $ 57,236 373 tix Expand
60th UBG Trailovsky $ 52,248 444 tix Expand
61st Esper Tinker burrarun $ 57,127 426 tix Expand
Displaying all 61 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 24.59% 15
Paradoxical Outcome 19.67% 12
Blue Tinker 14.75% 9
Mono-White Initiative 9.84% 6
Oath of Druids 8.20% 5
Dredge 4.92% 3
Underworld Breach 4.92% 3
Doomsday 3.28% 2
Sultai Midrange 3.28% 2
Prison Shops 1.64% 1
Hogaak Vine 1.64% 1
Orzhov Initiative 1.64% 1
Blue Tempo 1.64% 1
Total 100.00% 61

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 184 75%
2 Force of Negation 94 67%
3 Lorien Revealed 77 41%
4 Swords to Plowshares 74 34%
5 Flusterstorm 69 52%
6 Leyline of the Void 60 25%
7 Black Lotus 58 95%
8 Containment Priest 56 28%
9 Mox Sapphire 56 92%
10 Pithing Needle 53 57%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Containment Priest 56 28%
2 Phyrexian Metamorph 52 23%
3 White Plume Adventurer 44 18%
4 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade 41 26%
5 Wurmcoil Engine 39 21%
6 Hullbreacher 35 25%
7 Archon of Emeria 32 13%
8 Seasoned Dungeoneer 32 18%
9 Dauntless Dismantler 28 13%
10 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 28 13%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 184 75%
2 Force of Negation 94 67%
3 Lorien Revealed 77 41%
4 Swords to Plowshares 74 34%
5 Flusterstorm 69 52%
6 Leyline of the Void 60 25%
7 Black Lotus 58 95%
8 Mox Sapphire 56 92%
9 Pithing Needle 53 57%
10 Mox Jet 52 85%

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