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MMA Ma Melee Arena Standard Mars#7

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Format: Standard
Date: 2022-03-23

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Dimir Tempo Andreas Holm $ 313 343 tix Expand
2nd Orzhov Midrange SirHamilton1 $ 456 446 tix Expand
3rd Orzhov Midrange Sdreka $ 452 446 tix Expand
4th Naya Runes Vonrienstein $ 233 191 tix Expand
5th Esper Midrange Ramirinho $ 617 616 tix Expand
6th Izzet Control anthony desiata $ 267 352 tix Expand
7th Selesnya Tokens Alex Rodriguez $ 371 437 tix Expand
8th Esper Control Deivid Salazar Chavarría $ 492 550 tix Expand
9th Mono-White Aggro Monika Ruiz $ 280 438 tix Expand
10th Boros Aggro bairfanx $ 306 537 tix Expand
11th Golgari Planeswalkers Graham Hayhurst $ 245 317 tix Expand
12th Jeskai Combo Tyler Traxler $ 272 376 tix Expand
13th Mono-White Aggro Maxi Lopez $ 248 357 tix Expand
14th Rakdos Sacrifice José Claudio Costa Junior $ 319 416 tix Expand
15th Orzhov Control João Afonso $ 390 365 tix Expand
16th Jeskai Control Anthony Aguilar $ 378 340 tix Expand
17th Dimir Rogues James Bouloufa $ 333 387 tix Expand
18th Naya Runes Antonio Carmona Sierra $ 122 124 tix Expand
19th Orzhov Midrange DoomBringerIL $ 390 365 tix Expand
20th Rakdos Ramp Jérémy Guyonnet $ 409 282 tix Expand
21st Naya Midrange Sgask 78 $ 341 402 tix Expand
22nd Orzhov Midrange luis romero $ 539 538 tix Expand
23rd Esper Planeswalkers Kristien Woodcock $ 714 688 tix Expand
24th Mardu Midrange Gentle Phoenix Charlyy $ 347 367 tix Expand
25th Mono-Blue Tempo Pavel Escamilla Dominguez $ 63 32 tix Expand
26th Sultai Reanimator Franck Goubier $ 381 266 tix Expand
27th Mono-Red Aggro Matteo Angelo Lezzi $ 71 258 tix Expand
28th Mono-White Aggro Michael Norval $ 241 272 tix Expand
29th Esper Midrange Shaine Hahn $ 537 477 tix Expand
30th Azorius Control VicenteCanalesLoyola $ 406 517 tix Expand
31st Bant Ramp Xylon Cassar $ 300 317 tix Expand
32nd Orzhov Midrange Tuno Uys $ 401 436 tix Expand
33rd Orzhov Midrange Pawel Grzybek $ 490 420 tix Expand
34th Mono-Red Aggro Enrico Di Cola $ 45 117 tix Expand
Displaying all 34 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 41.18% 14
Orzhov Control 8.82% 3
Dimir Rogues 5.88% 2
Esper Control 5.88% 2
Mono-White Aggro ️ 5.88% 2
Jeskai Control 5.88% 2
Naya Enchantments 2.94% 1
Selesnya Midrange 2.94% 1
Boros Midrange 2.94% 1
Rakdos Control 2.94% 1
Mono-Green Aggro 2.94% 1
Mardu Midrange 2.94% 1
Mono-Blue Tempo 2.94% 1
Azorius Control 2.94% 1
Orzhov Midrange 2.94% 1
Total 100.00% 34

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 The Wandering Emperor 54 53%
2 Vanishing Verse 37 32%
3 Luminarch Aspirant 36 26%
4 Wedding Announcement 36 26%
5 Legion Angel 30 29%
6 The Meathook Massacre 27 35%
7 Lolth, Spider Queen 23 32%
8 Duress 21 24%
9 Go Blank 21 32%
10 Deadly Dispute 19 15%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Luminarch Aspirant 36 26%
2 Legion Angel 30 29%
3 Eyetwitch 16 12%
4 Skyclave Apparition 16 12%
5 Elite Spellbinder 15 15%
6 Spirited Companion 14 12%
7 Shambling Ghast 13 15%
8 Hopeful Initiate 12 9%
9 Silverquill Silencer 12 9%
10 Archon of Emeria 12 15%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 The Wandering Emperor 54 53%
2 Vanishing Verse 37 32%
3 Wedding Announcement 36 26%
4 The Meathook Massacre 27 35%
5 Lolth, Spider Queen 23 32%
6 Duress 21 24%
7 Go Blank 21 32%
8 Deadly Dispute 19 15%
9 Emeria's Call 19 26%
10 The Restoration of Eiganjo 19 18%

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