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$500 Cash GGtoor M:TG Arena Duel #6 (FREE!)

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Format: Standard
Date: 2022-01-08

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Antimo Morlando $ 145 125 tix Expand
2nd Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Alejandro Sepulveda $ 148 171 tix Expand
3rd Mono-Green Aggro ❄ manthos300 $ 109 57 tix Expand
4th Izzet Epiphany Zachary Okorn $ 223 167 tix Expand
5th Izzet Epiphany Love Janse $ 218 176 tix Expand
6th Izzet Control SirHamilton1 $ 250 180 tix Expand
7th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Paolo Nicosanti $ 127 92 tix Expand
8th Jund Control Tlacaelel Campos $ 316 173 tix Expand
9th Mono-Black Control ❄ Vinícius Marques de Castro $ 263 287 tix Expand
10th Izzet Epiphany Nicolas Pompeu $ 188 160 tix Expand
11th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Nathan Laumann $ 110 57 tix Expand
12th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Carlos Stark Schofield $ 130 65 tix Expand
13th Mono-Black Control ❄ Aleksandr Tikhii $ 317 312 tix Expand
14th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Janisss $ 147 161 tix Expand
15th Izzet Control Marco Bahamonde $ 193 163 tix Expand
16th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Taras Kohut $ 144 125 tix Expand
17th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ al carrer mtg $ 136 129 tix Expand
18th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Moisés Pozo Soza $ 130 70 tix Expand
19th Izzet Epiphany Paulo Raposo $ 207 200 tix Expand
20th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Sebastian Mazzucchini $ 136 138 tix Expand
21st Azorius Control Pedro Urquisa Barbosa $ 182 188 tix Expand
22nd Orzhov Control❄ Jeremy Sutcliffe $ 241 242 tix Expand
23rd Izzet Epiphany Dylan Simpson $ 268 185 tix Expand
24th Izzet Epiphany Jee $ 250 179 tix Expand
25th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Luiz Benedetto $ 146 148 tix Expand
26th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Miguel Sanchez $ 117 105 tix Expand
27th Izzet Control Shaine Hahn $ 204 205 tix Expand
28th Izzet Epiphany Claudio Castro $ 229 177 tix Expand
29th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Alberto BoLivar $ 131 128 tix Expand
30th Gruul Aggro Lordan $ 285 184 tix Expand
31st Jund Treasures Hiroaki Taniguchi $ 351 188 tix Expand
32nd Mono-White Aggro ❄️ TheLastBeta $ 118 106 tix Expand
33rd Mono-Black Aggro Pablo Tapia $ 335 348 tix Expand
34th Naya Fury Nik Scharenbroch $ 170 185 tix Expand
35th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ André Feitoza $ 158 138 tix Expand
36th Grixis Control Rodrigo Porcino $ 419 318 tix Expand
37th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Fernando Lucas $ 152 90 tix Expand
38th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Poppa_Capp $ 158 184 tix Expand
39th Izzet Turns Aviv Melamed $ 199 177 tix Expand
40th Mono-Black Zombies❄ Inaste Noquar $ 274 164 tix Expand
41st Izzet Control Braunson1212 $ 313 185 tix Expand
42nd Mono-White Control❄ Sgask 78 $ 106 85 tix Expand
43rd Dimir Control Miguel Gonzalez $ 246 185 tix Expand
44th Jund Treasures Rodrigo Silva $ 316 173 tix Expand
45th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Reamonn Behal $ 184 121 tix Expand
46th Orzhov Midrange removed removed $ 344 353 tix Expand
47th Golgari Midrange Hellpojo $ 352 197 tix Expand
48th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Tim Schmeltz $ 150 174 tix Expand
49th Izzet Epiphany TAKERU NISHIKAWA $ 232 172 tix Expand
50th Mono-Black Control ❄ Mattja $ 276 290 tix Expand
51st Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Sergey Mutenin $ 141 176 tix Expand
52nd Grixis Control Eugene Nicolas P. Saño $ 230 178 tix Expand
53rd Izzet Dragons ❄️ Nick Usman $ 227 177 tix Expand
54th Orzhov Control❄ José Claudio Costa Junior $ 268 266 tix Expand
55th Mono-Black Zombies❄ Frank Alberts $ 307 220 tix Expand
56th Orzhov Midrange Marco Bortoni $ 308 335 tix Expand
57th Abzan Aggro Kacper Sarna $ 230 178 tix Expand
58th Izzet Tempo Vasileios-Nikiforos Kotoulas $ 163 183 tix Expand
59th Jund Treasures TheItta $ 439 277 tix Expand
60th Izzet Epiphany Gonzalo de los Rios Vega $ 190 154 tix Expand
61st Dimir Control Apostolos Botsaropoulos $ 193 216 tix Expand
62nd Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Marcos Silva $ 169 112 tix Expand
63rd Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Carlos Cardoso $ 141 166 tix Expand
64th Selesnya Lifegain Mugen Styles $ 69 46 tix Expand
65th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Nuno Amaral $ 152 90 tix Expand
66th Mono-Green Aggro Gonzalo Emilio Alvarez Slowik $ 168 156 tix Expand
67th Orzhov Clerics Sean Barber-Crane $ 217 158 tix Expand
68th Azorius Control Guardianthesecond $ 148 247 tix Expand
69th Jeskai Epiphany Tiago Bergomi Pongilo $ 319 227 tix Expand
70th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Aero Muller $ 146 179 tix Expand
71st Izzet Epiphany❄ Erick Daniel Caballero Reyes $ 228 178 tix Expand
72nd Orzhov Aggro luis romero $ 109 113 tix Expand
73rd Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Licha Guyot $ 151 111 tix Expand
74th Esper Tempo John Girardot $ 302 266 tix Expand
75th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Daniel Kulczyński $ 123 62 tix Expand
76th Izzet Control Paolo Prenassi $ 189 161 tix Expand
77th Orzhov Control❄ Kasta 942 $ 262 232 tix Expand
78th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Antonio Carmona Sierra $ 105 69 tix Expand
79th Izzet Control Alessandro Murania $ 242 185 tix Expand
80th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Lordhebus $ 147 166 tix Expand
81st Mono-White Aggro ❄️ tdias $ 160 181 tix Expand
82nd Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Pablo Lopez $ 137 141 tix Expand
83rd Orzhov Clerics Calvin Fontanaud $ 102 70 tix Expand
84th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Mason Stewart $ 150 174 tix Expand
85th Orzhov Lifegain Felipe Landim (ManaFox) $ 306 359 tix Expand
86th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Santi Delgado $ 159 139 tix Expand
87th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Regis Farias $ 145 125 tix Expand
88th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ RcurtissIII $ 110 57 tix Expand
89th Izzet Epiphany lisandro suarez $ 180 154 tix Expand
90th Jund Treasures Shylo Elliott $ 368 209 tix Expand
91st Izzet Dragons ❄️ GingerHannibal $ 290 271 tix Expand
92nd Esper Control Lukas Dusek $ 340 395 tix Expand
93rd Izzet Epiphany Bruno Beça $ 223 167 tix Expand
94th Orzhov Control❄ João Afonso $ 264 233 tix Expand
95th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Łukasz Klimek $ 137 60 tix Expand
96th Izzet Epiphany Emiliano Biondi $ 210 157 tix Expand
97th Abzan Aggro Elmir Murtazin $ 291 227 tix Expand
98th Rakdos Vampires ShepherdJohn $ 51 22 tix Expand
99th Izzet Epiphany Gavin Bennett $ 225 161 tix Expand
100th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ agentbinky $ 152 161 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 153 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Mono-White Aggro ️ 21.57% 33
Izzet Dragons 16.99% 26
Mono-Green Aggro 16.34% 25
Jund Midrange 5.88% 9
Izzet Control 5.23% 8
Orzhov Control 4.58% 7
Mono-Black Aggro 3.92% 6
Grixis Control 3.92% 6
Other 3.92% 6
Esper Control 3.92% 6
Dimir Control 2.61% 4
Azorius Control 1.31% 2
Naya Aggro 1.31% 2
Orzhov Midrange 1.31% 2
Orzhov Clerics 1.31% 2
Abzan Sacrifice 0.65% 1
Gruul Midrange 0.65% 1
Golgari Control 0.65% 1
Grixis Dragons 0.65% 1
Selesnya Lifegain 0.65% 1
Jeskai Control 0.65% 1
Rakdos Vampires 0.65% 1
Gruul Werewolves 0.65% 1
Mono-Red Control 0.65% 1
Total 100.00% 153

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Divide by Zero 187 31%
2 Expressive Iteration 160 27%
3 Luminarch Aspirant 155 25%
4 Spikefield Hazard 154 28%
5 Unexpected Windfall 150 25%
6 Jwari Disruption 144 35%
7 Esika's Chariot 135 23%
8 Alrund's Epiphany 128 26%
9 Fading Hope 122 31%
10 Elite Spellbinder 121 24%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Luminarch Aspirant 155 25%
2 Elite Spellbinder 121 24%
3 Usher of the Fallen 115 20%
4 Hopeful Initiate 113 19%
5 Goldspan Dragon 111 29%
6 Werewolf Pack Leader 110 19%
7 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 107 23%
8 Brutal Cathar 103 22%
9 Old-Growth Troll 100 16%
10 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar 94 22%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Divide by Zero 187 31%
2 Expressive Iteration 160 27%
3 Spikefield Hazard 154 28%
4 Unexpected Windfall 150 25%
5 Jwari Disruption 144 35%
6 Esika's Chariot 135 23%
7 Alrund's Epiphany 128 26%
8 Fading Hope 122 31%
9 Galvanic Iteration 117 24%
10 Test of Talents 105 36%

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