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Melee sur Arena STD Octobre#4

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Format: Standard
Date: 2021-10-13

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Temur Treasures Poppa_Capp $ 389 271 tix Expand
2nd Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Dmitry Kolomiets $ 278 209 tix Expand
3rd Boros Midrange lamachere julien $ 252 221 tix Expand
4th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Jessica D $ 228 178 tix Expand
5th Izzet Delver ❄ Vonrienstein $ 272 218 tix Expand
6th Izzet Control DoomBringerIL $ 205 204 tix Expand
7th Temur Treasures Lordhebus $ 434 336 tix Expand
8th Dimir Control Kevin Vanden Bossche $ 151 125 tix Expand
9th Selesnya Midrange Fabien Rigoulet $ 289 259 tix Expand
10th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Tuno Uys $ 279 207 tix Expand
11th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Franck Goubier $ 144 138 tix Expand
12th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Federico Casal $ 185 97 tix Expand
13th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Joel Fernandes $ 229 178 tix Expand
14th Esper Control Quentin Petton $ 324 182 tix Expand
15th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Rocky6 $ 124 146 tix Expand
16th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ TBa66ins $ 142 88 tix Expand
17th Izzet Dragons ❄️ PaulJosephClist $ 366 289 tix Expand
18th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ charlyy phoenix $ 277 209 tix Expand
19th Azorius Epiphany Roberto Nazareno $ 242 200 tix Expand
20th Mono-White Aggro al carrer al carrer $ 161 160 tix Expand
21st Jeskai Epiphany Pawel Lysiak $ 240 212 tix Expand
22nd Azorius Control Ryan Ramon $ 59 36 tix Expand
23rd Grixis Aggro Gui Gui $ 359 175 tix Expand
Displaying all 23 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Mono-Green Aggro 30.43% 7
Mono-White Aggro ️ 13.04% 3
Temur Midrange 8.70% 2
Izzet Dragons 8.70% 2
Izzet Control 8.70% 2
Boros Aggro 4.35% 1
Dimir Control 4.35% 1
Ramp 4.35% 1
Esper Control 4.35% 1
Jeskai Control 4.35% 1
Other 4.35% 1
Grixis Control 4.35% 1
Total 100.00% 23

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Esika's Chariot 40 43%
2 Ranger Class 35 39%
3 Werewolf Pack Leader 28 30%
4 Blizzard Brawl 28 30%
5 Old-Growth Troll 24 26%
6 Memory Deluge 23 30%
7 Wrenn and Seven 23 30%
8 Goldspan Dragon 21 26%
9 Kazandu Mammoth 20 22%
10 Malevolent Hermit 20 26%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Werewolf Pack Leader 28 30%
2 Old-Growth Troll 24 26%
3 Goldspan Dragon 21 26%
4 Kazandu Mammoth 20 22%
5 Malevolent Hermit 20 26%
6 Luminarch Aspirant 18 22%
7 Elite Spellbinder 17 22%
8 Intrepid Adversary 16 17%
9 Jaspera Sentinel 16 17%
10 Prosperous Innkeeper 16 17%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Esika's Chariot 40 43%
2 Ranger Class 35 39%
3 Blizzard Brawl 28 30%
4 Memory Deluge 23 30%
5 Wrenn and Seven 23 30%
6 Expressive Iteration 20 26%
7 Alrund's Epiphany 19 26%
8 Divide by Zero 19 26%
9 Jwari Disruption 19 30%
10 Saw It Coming 19 26%

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