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$10K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Tampa - Friday - 10:00 am

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Format: Modern
Date: 2024-09-06

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st 10-Rack Ivan Espinosa $ 780 405 tix Expand
2nd Temur Breach Corey Baumeister $ 1,266 593 tix Expand
3rd Temur Eldrazi Victor Angeles $ 998 443 tix Expand
4th Mardu Energy Nicholas Odenheimer $ 963 341 tix Expand
5th Eldrazi Tron Damian Del Nero $ 643 400 tix Expand
6th Mono-Black Necro Jose Alvarez $ 1,266 523 tix Expand
7th Ruby Storm StephenCrumpton $ 386 127 tix Expand
8th Boros Energy Brad carpenter $ 987 510 tix Expand
9th 10-Rack JBB $ 467 86 tix Expand
10th Domain Zoo Nathan Sahai $ 543 179 tix Expand
11th Jeskai Control zak miller $ 1,101 612 tix Expand
12th Sultai Infect Quinn Reed $ 521 72 tix Expand
13th Temur Eldrazi s4arp $ 956 439 tix Expand
14th Temur Breach Spencer Asral $ 1,266 589 tix Expand
15th Dimir Control Jonathan Williams $ 867 372 tix Expand
16th Eldrazi Tron andrew lopez $ 749 399 tix Expand
17th Dimir Murktide Kyle Shane $ 863 352 tix Expand
18th Colorless Eldrazi Raymond Wrixon $ 853 394 tix Expand
19th Living End Christopher Iaali $ 615 175 tix Expand
20th Ruby Storm JCuvelier $ 471 88 tix Expand
21st Amulet Titan Jackisch $ 948 429 tix Expand
22nd Boros Energy Sandswalker $ 981 437 tix Expand
23rd Mardu Energy Michael Gregory $ 1,123 489 tix Expand
24th Mono-White Martyr Tom Hertfelder $ 896 493 tix Expand
25th Izzet Wizards Kevin Toolan $ 485 134 tix Expand
26th Mono-Black Necro AustinMeier $ 1,235 518 tix Expand
27th Ruby Storm Tyler Ragels $ 419 88 tix Expand
28th Mardu Energy Dariusz Szylman $ 960 323 tix Expand
29th Domain Zoo Brendan Ross $ 697 207 tix Expand
30th Dimir Control Gabe Hoppe $ 838 313 tix Expand
31st Mardu Energy Chris Brower $ 938 348 tix Expand
32nd Jeskai Control Adam Dzedzy $ 1,074 599 tix Expand
33rd Dimir Murktide John Bolt $ 834 336 tix Expand
34th Boros Energy Sjuseck $ 879 252 tix Expand
35th Boros Energy Conor Panuccio $ 1,036 522 tix Expand
36th Izzet Wizards Stanley Hartman $ 708 276 tix Expand
37th Dimir Murktide UserRedacted $ 807 359 tix Expand
38th Golgari Yawgmoth Brandon Osborne $ 828 379 tix Expand
39th Dimir Merfolk Hart Horton $ 925 406 tix Expand
40th Five-color Zoo Jim Bishop $ 756 311 tix Expand
41st Dimir Tempo Alexis Cuevas $ 851 343 tix Expand
42nd Eldrazi Tron Lunch Boxx $ 803 399 tix Expand
43rd Amulet Titan Chadi Rachid $ 1,001 420 tix Expand
44th Amulet Titan Victor Cochran $ 998 419 tix Expand
45th Mono-Black Control PetC3 $ 1,266 523 tix Expand
46th Mono-Black Midrange Nicholas Pensy $ 1,266 523 tix Expand
47th Dimir Murktide Louis Salerno $ 853 338 tix Expand
48th Four-Color Rhinos Minh Nguyen $ 729 261 tix Expand
49th Mardu Energy Katine $ 1,078 476 tix Expand
50th Gruul Reanimator Fred Lomangino $ 767 381 tix Expand
51st Golgari Yawgmoth Jeremy Norris $ 861 277 tix Expand
52nd Jeskai Energy Spesnor $ 974 548 tix Expand
53rd Mardu Energy Brandon Delfosse $ 830 235 tix Expand
54th Mono-Black Midrange JustinVickers $ 780 353 tix Expand
55th Dimir Mill Jack Doucet $ 326 72 tix Expand
56th Dimir Murktide James Drake $ 803 360 tix Expand
57th Gruul Breach Geoff Mullin $ 1,087 416 tix Expand
58th Belcher Russell Kobal $ 313 74 tix Expand
59th Eldrazi Tron Brian Cusick $ 717 402 tix Expand
60th Boros Energy honu $ 1,013 443 tix Expand
61st Jeskai Energy Anthony Hazuka $ 1,021 541 tix Expand
62nd Gruul Eldrazi Chase Hoppe $ 1,063 439 tix Expand
63rd Rakdos Discard Glenn DiGirolamo $ 595 270 tix Expand
64th Samwise Gamgee Combo Joe Dixon $ 573 167 tix Expand
65th Domain Zoo Ryan McDonough $ 524 171 tix Expand
66th Simic Infect David Menendez $ 407 84 tix Expand
67th Gruul Storm Chaz Dillon $ 501 96 tix Expand
68th Merfolk Jay Cole $ 494 137 tix Expand
69th Eldrazi Tron Albert Larsen $ 735 393 tix Expand
70th Esper Goryo's Jorbet $ 921 344 tix Expand
71st Simic Infect Dashlitz $ 364 65 tix Expand
72nd Izzet Wizards AceofSpades03 $ 584 123 tix Expand
73rd Esper Goryo's Alexander Menendez $ 853 242 tix Expand
74th Colorless Tron realtimelaundry $ 832 392 tix Expand
75th Jeskai Control Jose Nasiff $ 1,054 599 tix Expand
76th Boros Energy max molesch $ 1,009 517 tix Expand
77th Dimir Murktide David Bernal $ 829 336 tix Expand
78th Jeskai Control ImDylan $ 1,017 567 tix Expand
79th Tron thewrathchilde $ 812 393 tix Expand
80th Esper Goryo's Randy Stokes $ 691 225 tix Expand
81st Rakdos Combo PositiveForce $ 929 364 tix Expand
82nd Domain Zoo Joshua Meagher $ 523 152 tix Expand
83rd Mardu Aggro Jonathan Lum $ 942 342 tix Expand
84th Dimir Murktide Elliot Gafter $ 790 361 tix Expand
85th Gruul Breach Hjyaz $ 1,092 430 tix Expand
86th Dimir Mill jose santana $ 334 77 tix Expand
87th Four-Color Glimpse Gage Halfon $ 709 158 tix Expand
88th Mardu Energy PeroxideLobster $ 995 373 tix Expand
89th Merfolk B4Bentley $ 633 141 tix Expand
90th Jund Death's Shadow Luis Miguel Collado $ 609 251 tix Expand
91st Mardu Energy David blankenship $ 1,039 352 tix Expand
92nd Ruby Storm AJ Smigielski $ 408 88 tix Expand
93rd Eldrazi Tron Daryl Gnann $ 833 415 tix Expand
94th Mardu Energy LEE STEHT $ 925 325 tix Expand
95th Gruul Breach witchy $ 1,075 425 tix Expand
96th Ruby Storm JacobCumiskey $ 440 77 tix Expand
97th Boros Burn AustenC $ 314 112 tix Expand
98th Mono-Green Combo Justin Martinez $ 927 425 tix Expand
99th Rakdos Breach Kyle Reichard $ 1,067 430 tix Expand
100th Temur Scapeshift myoportal $ 855 379 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 234 in total

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Soul-Guide Lantern (26) Temur Breach (2nd) , Boros Energy (8th) , Temur Breach (14th) , Mardu Energy (31st) , Jeskai Control (32nd) , ...
Expedition Map (19) Eldrazi Tron (16th) , Amulet Titan (21st) , Eldrazi Tron (42nd) , Amulet Titan (43rd) , Amulet Titan (44th) , ...
Go for the Throat (18) Dimir Murktide (17th) , Dimir Murktide (33rd) , Dimir Merfolk (39th) , Dimir Murktide (47th) , Dimir Murktide (77th) , ...
Abrade (12) Ruby Storm (7th) , 10-Rack (9th) , Ruby Storm (20th) , Ruby Storm (27th) , Gruul Storm (67th) , ...
Reckless Impulse (11) Ruby Storm (7th) , 10-Rack (9th) , Ruby Storm (20th) , Ruby Storm (27th) , Gruul Storm (67th) , ...
Explore (9) Amulet Titan (21st) , Amulet Titan (43rd) , Amulet Titan (44th) , Mono-Green Combo (98th) , Temur Affinity (101st) , ...
Boros Charm (6) Boros Burn (97th) , Boros Burn (182nd) , Boros Burn (194th) , Boros Burn (206th) , Boros Burn (209th) , ...
Reclamation Sage (5) Golgari Yawgmoth (38th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (102nd) , Temur Scapeshift (108th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (119th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (231st)
Negate (3) Temur Breach (2nd) , Temur Breach (14th) , Temur Breach (226th)
Snakeskin Veil (3) Simic Infect (66th) , Simic Infect (71st) , Gruul Blitz (181st)
Forgotten Cave (2) Izzet Spirits (192nd) , Dredge (216th)
Remand (2) Temur Scapeshift (100th) , Temur Scapeshift (108th)
Sorcerous Spyglass (2) Eldrazi Tron (69th) , Mono-Green Tron (164th)
Harbinger of the Tides (2) Merfolk (68th) , Merfolk (89th)
Omniscience (2) Gruul Reanimator (50th) , Gruul Midrange (197th)
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose (2) Mono-Black Necro (26th) , Rakdos Burn (212th)
Waker of Waves (2) Living End (19th) , Living End (202nd)
Cartouche of Solidarity (1) Bogles (225th)
Llanowar Elves (1) Abzan Elves (241st)
Elvish Visionary (1) Abzan Elves (241st)
Audacity (1) Bogles (225th)
Leaf-Crowned Visionary (1) Abzan Elves (241st)
Eaten by Piranhas (1) Bant Control (196th)
Lonely Sandbar (1) Izzet Spirits (192nd)
Dark Confidant (1) Mardu Energy (140th)
Balustrade Spy (1) Belcher (58th)
Demolition Field (1) Mono-White Martyr (24th)
Groundswell (1) Sultai Infect (12th)
Duress (1) Sultai Infect (12th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Dimir Murktide 11.97% 28
Jeskai Control 8.55% 20
Mardu Energy 7.26% 17
Boros Energy 5.98% 14
Through the Breach 5.13% 12
Eldrazi Tron 4.70% 11
Ruby Storm 4.70% 11
Domain Zoo 4.27% 10
Amulet Titan 3.42% 8
Mono-Black Midrange 2.56% 6
Yawgmoth 2.56% 6
Boros Burn 2.14% 5
Mill 2.14% 5
Goryo's Vengeance 2.14% 5
Infect 1.71% 4
Eldrazi Ramp 1.71% 4
Other 1.71% 4
Grinding Station 1.71% 4
Indomitable Creativity 1.28% 3
Grixis Murktide 1.28% 3
Hollow One 1.28% 3
Death's Shadow 0.85% 2
Rakdos Midrange 0.85% 2
Tron 0.85% 2
Merfolk 0.85% 2
Grixis Control 0.85% 2
4c Midrange 0.85% 2
Izzet Murktide 0.85% 2
Living End 0.85% 2
Gruul Midrange 0.43% 1
Gruul Prowess 0.43% 1
Rakdos Burn 0.43% 1
Mono-Green Tron 0.43% 1
Orzhov Midrange 0.43% 1
Seismic Swans 0.43% 1
Boros Midrange 0.43% 1
Enchantress 0.43% 1
Devoted Combo 0.43% 1
Sultai Midrange 0.43% 1
Dredge 0.43% 1
Gruul Energy 0.43% 1
Bogles 0.43% 1
Jund Saga 0.43% 1
Mardu Burn 0.43% 1
Abzan Elves 0.43% 1
Twiddle Storm 0.43% 1
Jeskai Energy 0.43% 1
Dimir Midrange 0.43% 1
Crashing Footfalls 0.43% 1
Belcher 0.43% 1
Sam Combo 0.43% 1
IzzetControl 0.43% 1
Glimpse Combo 0.43% 1
Temur Scapeshift 0.43% 1
4/5c Omnath 0.43% 1
Hammer Time 0.43% 1
Titan Shift 0.43% 1
5c Control 0.43% 1
Mono-White Stoneblade 0.43% 1
Mono-White Midrange 0.43% 1
Jund Aggro 0.43% 1
The Rock 0.43% 1
Temur Prowess 0.43% 1
4c Energy 0.43% 1
Total 100.00% 234

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 The One Ring 349 41%
2 Consign to Memory 277 38%
3 Orcish Bowmasters 274 30%
4 Fatal Push 231 31%
5 Counterspell 228 24%
6 Lightning Bolt 225 27%
7 Galvanic Discharge 218 25%
8 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 205 29%
9 Force of Negation 197 31%
10 Thoughtseize 171 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 274 30%
2 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 205 29%
3 Psychic Frog 152 16%
4 Amped Raptor 144 15%
5 Obsidian Charmaw 136 22%
6 Ocelot Pride 134 15%
7 Guide of Souls 129 14%
8 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 127 14%
9 Murktide Regent 122 15%
10 Devourer of Destiny 110 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 The One Ring 349 41%
2 Consign to Memory 277 38%
3 Fatal Push 231 31%
4 Counterspell 228 24%
5 Lightning Bolt 225 27%
6 Galvanic Discharge 218 25%
7 Force of Negation 197 31%
8 Thoughtseize 171 22%
9 Preordain 155 17%
10 Surgical Extraction 142 34%

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