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$10K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Tampa - Friday - 10:00 am

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Format: Modern
Date: 2024-09-06

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st 10-Rack Ivan Espinosa $ 834 446 tix Expand
2nd Temur Breach Corey Baumeister $ 1,301 637 tix Expand
3rd Temur Eldrazi Victor Angeles $ 1,069 466 tix Expand
4th Mardu Energy Nicholas Odenheimer $ 968 374 tix Expand
5th Eldrazi Tron Damian Del Nero $ 691 436 tix Expand
6th Mono-Black Necro Jose Alvarez $ 1,308 556 tix Expand
7th Ruby Storm StephenCrumpton $ 389 151 tix Expand
8th Boros Energy Brad carpenter $ 1,015 581 tix Expand
9th 10-Rack JBB $ 474 102 tix Expand
10th Domain Zoo Nathan Sahai $ 558 203 tix Expand
11th Jeskai Control zak miller $ 1,139 672 tix Expand
12th Sultai Infect Quinn Reed $ 493 69 tix Expand
13th Temur Eldrazi s4arp $ 1,030 467 tix Expand
14th Temur Breach Spencer Asral $ 1,303 631 tix Expand
15th Dimir Control Jonathan Williams $ 873 403 tix Expand
16th Eldrazi Tron andrew lopez $ 805 432 tix Expand
17th Dimir Murktide Kyle Shane $ 864 384 tix Expand
18th Colorless Eldrazi Raw5114 $ 914 415 tix Expand
19th Living End Christopher Iaali $ 621 177 tix Expand
20th Ruby Storm JCuvelier $ 481 97 tix Expand
21st Amulet Titan Jackisch $ 955 461 tix Expand
22nd Boros Energy AlejandroArenas $ 1,006 495 tix Expand
23rd Mardu Energy Mjgreg79 $ 1,144 530 tix Expand
24th Mono-White Martyr Tom Hertfelder $ 930 514 tix Expand
25th Izzet Wizards Kevin Toolan $ 503 138 tix Expand
26th Mono-Black Necro AustinMeier $ 1,279 545 tix Expand
27th Ruby Storm Tyler Ragels $ 426 104 tix Expand
28th Mardu Energy Dariusz Szylman $ 965 338 tix Expand
29th Domain Zoo Brendan Ross $ 694 233 tix Expand
30th Dimir Control Gabe Hoppe $ 849 336 tix Expand
31st Mardu Energy Chris Brower $ 938 383 tix Expand
32nd Jeskai Control Adam Dzedzy $ 1,111 667 tix Expand
33rd Dimir Murktide John Bolt $ 835 366 tix Expand
34th Boros Energy Sjuseck $ 889 290 tix Expand
35th Boros Energy Conor Panuccio $ 1,068 599 tix Expand
36th Izzet Wizards Stanley Hartman $ 715 284 tix Expand
37th Dimir Murktide UserRedacted $ 812 386 tix Expand
38th Golgari Yawgmoth Brandon Osborne $ 848 386 tix Expand
39th Dimir Merfolk Hart Horton $ 923 437 tix Expand
40th Five-color Zoo Jim Bishop $ 768 327 tix Expand
41st Dimir Tempo Alexis Cuevas $ 853 376 tix Expand
42nd Eldrazi Tron Lunch Boxx $ 860 431 tix Expand
43rd Amulet Titan Chadi Rachid $ 1,016 453 tix Expand
44th Amulet Titan Victor Cochran $ 1,008 449 tix Expand
45th Mono-Black Control PetC3 $ 1,308 556 tix Expand
46th Mono-Black Midrange Nicholas Pensy $ 1,308 556 tix Expand
47th Dimir Murktide Louis Salerno $ 855 370 tix Expand
48th Four-Color Rhinos Minh Nguyen $ 742 291 tix Expand
49th Mardu Energy Katine $ 1,090 513 tix Expand
50th Gruul Reanimator Fred Lomangino $ 806 421 tix Expand
51st Golgari Yawgmoth Jeremy Norris $ 870 279 tix Expand
52nd Jeskai Energy Spesnor $ 1,015 618 tix Expand
53rd Mardu Energy Brandon Delfosse $ 835 277 tix Expand
54th Mono-Black Midrange JustinVickers $ 835 394 tix Expand
55th Dimir Mill Jack Doucet $ 323 74 tix Expand
56th Dimir Murktide James Drake $ 809 387 tix Expand
57th Gruul Breach Geoff Mullin $ 1,166 443 tix Expand
58th Belcher Russell Kobal $ 318 73 tix Expand
59th Eldrazi Tron Brian Cusick $ 769 440 tix Expand
60th Boros Energy honu $ 1,040 501 tix Expand
61st Jeskai Energy Anthony Hazuka $ 1,062 604 tix Expand
62nd Gruul Eldrazi Chase Hoppe $ 1,131 470 tix Expand
63rd Rakdos Discard Glenn DiGirolamo $ 589 264 tix Expand
64th Samwise Gamgee Combo Joe Dixon $ 583 158 tix Expand
65th Domain Zoo Ryan McDonough $ 536 196 tix Expand
66th Simic Infect David Menendez $ 407 76 tix Expand
67th Gruul Storm Chaz Dillon $ 513 110 tix Expand
68th Merfolk Jay Cole $ 504 151 tix Expand
69th Eldrazi Tron Albert Larsen $ 788 425 tix Expand
70th Esper Goryo's Jorbet $ 928 384 tix Expand
71st Simic Infect Dashlitz $ 364 58 tix Expand
72nd Izzet Wizards AceofSpades03 $ 594 127 tix Expand
73rd Esper Goryo's Alexander Menendez $ 861 286 tix Expand
74th Colorless Tron realtimelaundry $ 884 434 tix Expand
75th Jeskai Control Jose Nasiff $ 1,083 689 tix Expand
76th Boros Energy max molesch $ 1,039 586 tix Expand
77th Dimir Murktide David Bernal $ 830 368 tix Expand
78th Jeskai Control ImDylan $ 1,058 634 tix Expand
79th Tron thewrathchilde $ 870 427 tix Expand
80th Esper Goryo's Randy Stokes $ 696 261 tix Expand
81st Rakdos Combo PositiveForce $ 938 374 tix Expand
82nd Domain Zoo Joshua Meagher $ 532 174 tix Expand
83rd Mardu Aggro Jonathan Lum $ 937 359 tix Expand
84th Dimir Murktide Elliot Gafter $ 797 387 tix Expand
85th Gruul Breach Hjyaz $ 1,172 455 tix Expand
86th Dimir Mill jose santana $ 334 82 tix Expand
87th Four-Color Glimpse Gage Halfon $ 740 162 tix Expand
88th Mardu Energy PeroxideLobster $ 999 408 tix Expand
89th Merfolk B4Bentley $ 644 156 tix Expand
90th Jund Death's Shadow Luis Miguel Collado $ 608 242 tix Expand
91st Mardu Energy David blankenship $ 1,044 385 tix Expand
92nd Ruby Storm AJ Smigielski $ 413 106 tix Expand
93rd Eldrazi Tron Daryl Gnann $ 896 444 tix Expand
94th Mardu Energy LEE STEHT $ 922 340 tix Expand
95th Gruul Breach witchy $ 1,153 456 tix Expand
96th Ruby Storm JacobCumiskey $ 443 85 tix Expand
97th Boros Burn AustenC $ 320 126 tix Expand
98th Mono-Green Combo Justin Martinez $ 932 459 tix Expand
99th Rakdos Breach Kyle Reichard $ 1,137 467 tix Expand
100th Temur Scapeshift myoportal $ 891 424 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 234 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Dimir Murktide 11.97% 28
Jeskai Control 8.12% 19
Mardu Energy 7.26% 17
Boros Energy 5.98% 14
Through the Breach 5.13% 12
Eldrazi Tron 4.70% 11
Ruby Storm 4.70% 11
Domain Zoo 4.27% 10
Amulet Titan 3.42% 8
Mono-Black Midrange 2.56% 6
Other 2.56% 6
The Rock 2.14% 5
Mill 2.14% 5
Goryo's Vengeance 2.14% 5
Boros Burn 2.14% 5
Grinding Station 1.71% 4
Eldrazi Ramp 1.71% 4
Infect 1.71% 4
Hollow One 1.28% 3
Indomitable Creativity 1.28% 3
Grixis Murktide 1.28% 3
Living End 0.85% 2
Izzet Control 0.85% 2
4c Midrange 0.85% 2
Yawgmoth 0.85% 2
Merfolk 0.85% 2
Tron 0.85% 2
Rakdos Midrange 0.85% 2
Death's Shadow 0.85% 2
Grixis Control 0.85% 2
Orzhov Midrange 0.43% 1
Dimir Midrange 0.43% 1
Crashing Footfalls 0.43% 1
Belcher 0.43% 1
Sam Combo 0.43% 1
IzzetControl 0.43% 1
Temur Scapeshift 0.43% 1
4/5c Omnath 0.43% 1
Hammer Time 0.43% 1
Titan Shift 0.43% 1
5c Control 0.43% 1
Mono-White Stoneblade 0.43% 1
Mono-White Midrange 0.43% 1
Jund Aggro 0.43% 1
Temur Prowess 0.43% 1
4c Energy 0.43% 1
Mono-Green Tron 0.43% 1
Gruul Midrange 0.43% 1
Gruul Prowess 0.43% 1
Rakdos Burn 0.43% 1
Seismic Swans 0.43% 1
Boros Midrange 0.43% 1
Enchantress 0.43% 1
Devoted Combo 0.43% 1
Sultai Midrange 0.43% 1
Dredge 0.43% 1
Gruul Energy 0.43% 1
Bogles 0.43% 1
Jund Saga 0.43% 1
Mardu Burn 0.43% 1
Abzan Elves 0.43% 1
Twiddle Storm 0.43% 1
Jeskai Energy 0.43% 1
Total 100.00% 234

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 The One Ring 349 41%
2 Consign to Memory 277 38%
3 Orcish Bowmasters 274 30%
4 Fatal Push 231 31%
5 Counterspell 228 24%
6 Lightning Bolt 225 27%
7 Galvanic Discharge 218 25%
8 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 205 29%
9 Force of Negation 197 31%
10 Thoughtseize 171 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 274 30%
2 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 205 29%
3 Psychic Frog 152 16%
4 Amped Raptor 144 15%
5 Obsidian Charmaw 136 22%
6 Ocelot Pride 134 15%
7 Guide of Souls 129 14%
8 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 127 14%
9 Murktide Regent 122 15%
10 Devourer of Destiny 110 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 The One Ring 349 41%
2 Consign to Memory 277 38%
3 Fatal Push 231 31%
4 Counterspell 228 24%
5 Lightning Bolt 225 27%
6 Galvanic Discharge 218 25%
7 Force of Negation 197 31%
8 Thoughtseize 171 22%
9 Preordain 155 17%
10 Surgical Extraction 142 34%

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