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Browse > Home / Sets / World Championship Decks 2003

World Championship Decks 2003

Release Dates

Aug 6, 2003

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: WC03

Price History not Available
Card Num Card Mana CostRarity Tabletop Price Daily Δ Daily % Weekly Δ Weekly %
77AngerPeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 26.00$ 24.001200%$ 3.7617%
137Anurid BrushhopperDaniel Zink - SB
Rare$ 0.42$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
24AquamoebaDave Humpherys
Common$ 0.49$ 0.000%$ -0.02-4%
66Arcanis the OmnipotentPeer Kroger
Rare$ 3.17$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
120Arrogant WurmDave Humpherys
Uncommon$ 1.84$ 0.000%$ -0.02-1%
312Barren MoorPeer Kroger
Common$ 1.16$ -0.02-2%$ 0.011%
121Basking RootwallaDave Humpherys
Common$ 0.82$ 0.000%$ -0.14-15%
313Bloodstained MirePeer Kroger
Rare$ 17.15$ 0.000%$ -0.080%
313Bloodstained MireWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 14.80$ 0.000%$ 0.091%
118Buried AlivePeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 4.38$ 0.000%$ -0.62-12%
118Buried AlivePeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 4.53$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
83Burning WishPeer Kroger
Rare$ 1.00$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
62Cabal TherapyPeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 3.04$ 0.000%$ 0.052%
62Cabal TherapyPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 2.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
62Cabal TherapyWolfgang Eder - SB
Uncommon$ 2.43$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
70Careful StudyDave Humpherys
Common$ 0.76$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
316Centaur GardenDave Humpherys
Uncommon$ 1.16$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
57Chainer's EdictPeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 3.13$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
33Circular LogicDave Humpherys
Uncommon$ 0.72$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
33Circular LogicDaniel Zink
Uncommon$ 0.64$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
33Circular LogicDaniel Zink - SB
Uncommon$ 0.75$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
322City of BrassDave Humpherys
Rare$ 12.50$ 0.000%$ -0.10-1%
322City of BrassWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 6.55$ 0.000%$ -0.19-3%
34CompulsionDaniel Zink
Uncommon$ 0.45$ 0.000%$ 0.0410%
37Cunning WishDaniel Zink
Rare$ 1.87$ 0.000%$ 0.127%
123Dark BanishingWolfgang Eder - SB
Common$ 0.48$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
128DecomposePeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 0.43$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
8Decree of JusticeDaniel Zink
Rare$ 0.45$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
36Deep AnalysisDave Humpherys
Common$ 0.75$ 0.000%$ -0.02-3%
36Deep AnalysisDave Humpherys - SB
Common$ 5.25$ 0.000%$ -0.010%
36Deep AnalysisDaniel Zink
Common$ 0.41$ 0.000%$ 0.038%
183DemolishPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 0.45$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
140Doomed NecromancerPeer Kroger
Rare$ 0.54$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
324Elfhame PalaceDaniel Zink
Uncommon$ 0.42$ 0.000%$ -0.02-5%
132EntombPeer Kroger
Rare$ 21.99$ 0.000%$ 1.879%
39EnvelopDave Humpherys - SB
Common$ 0.63$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
28Exalted AngelDaniel Zink - SB
Rare$ 6.96$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
89Flaring PainWolfgang Eder - SB
Common$ 1.36$ 0.3636%$ 0.3636%
316Flooded StrandDaniel Zink
Rare$ 16.86$ -0.23-1%$ -0.32-2%
347ForestDaniel Zink - 347
348ForestDave Humpherys - 348
348ForestDaniel Zink - 348
349ForestDave Humpherys - 349
349ForestDaniel Zink - 349
350ForestDave Humpherys - 350
94Gempalm IncineratorWolfgang Eder
Uncommon$ 0.99$ 0.000%$ 0.044%
100Goblin GrapplerWolfgang Eder
Common$ 0.39$ 0.000%$ -0.01-3%
205Goblin PiledriverWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 2.05$ 0.000%$ -0.07-3%
207Goblin SharpshooterWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 26.85$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
209Goblin SledderWolfgang Eder
Common$ 0.54$ 0.012%$ 0.036%
210Goblin TaskmasterWolfgang Eder
Common$ 0.72$ -0.02-3%$ -0.01-1%
97Goblin WarchiefWolfgang Eder
Uncommon$ 1.00$ 0.000%$ 0.011%
68GuiltfeederPeer Kroger - SB
Rare$ 1.10$ 0.000%$ -0.38-26%
142Haunting EchoesPeer Kroger - SB
Rare$ 1.14$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
121Hunting PackDaniel Zink - SB
Uncommon$ 0.45$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
145Innocent BloodPeer Kroger
Common$ 1.24$ 0.000%$ -0.04-3%
335IslandDaniel Zink - 335
336IslandDave Humpherys - 336
336IslandDaniel Zink - 336
337IslandDave Humpherys - 337
337IslandDaniel Zink - 337
338IslandDave Humpherys - 338
122Krosan ReclamationDave Humpherys
Uncommon$ 0.96$ 0.000%$ -0.02-2%
122Krosan ReclamationDave Humpherys - SB
Uncommon$ 1.00$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
122Krosan ReclamationDaniel Zink - SB
Uncommon$ 0.52$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
141Krosan VergeDaniel Zink
Uncommon$ 0.48$ 0.000%$ 0.037%
146Last RitesPeer Kroger - SB
Common$ 0.45$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
89Mana LeakDave Humpherys - SB
Common$ 0.84$ 0.000%$ -0.02-2%
89Mana LeakDaniel Zink
Common$ 0.40$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
303MirariDaniel Zink
Rare$ 2.69$ 0.000%$ 1.77193%
139Mirari's WakeDaniel Zink
Rare$ 5.88$ 0.000%$ -0.04-1%
251Moment's PeaceDaniel Zink
Common$ 18.68$ -0.98-5%$ -1.74-9%
343MountainWolfgang Eder - 343
344MountainPeer Kroger - 344
344MountainWolfgang Eder - 344
345MountainPeer Kroger - 345
346MountainPeer Kroger - 346
346MountainWolfgang Eder - 346
132Nantuko VigilanteDave Humpherys - SB
Common$ 0.60$ 0.000%$ -0.02-3%
161Patriarch's BiddingPeer Kroger - SB
Rare$ 6.55$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
161Patriarch's BiddingWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 5.11$ -0.28-5%$ 0.194%
127Phantom CentaurDave Humpherys - SB
Uncommon$ 0.56$ 0.000%$ -0.02-3%
190Phantom NishobaPeer Kroger
Rare$ 2.35$ 0.000%$ -0.27-10%
331PlainsDaniel Zink - 331
332PlainsDaniel Zink - 332
333PlainsDaniel Zink - 333
210PyroclasmPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 0.70$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
49Quiet SpeculationDave Humpherys
Uncommon$ 0.65$ 0.000%$ 0.023%
42Ray of DistortionDaniel Zink - SB
Common$ 0.48$ 0.000%$ 0.024%
20Ray of RevelationDave Humpherys
Common$ 0.56$ 0.000%$ -0.04-7%
20Ray of RevelationDave Humpherys - SB
Common$ 0.95$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
20Ray of RevelationDaniel Zink - SB
Common$ 0.45$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
216RecoupPeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 0.65$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
216RecoupPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 0.65$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
50Renewed FaithDaniel Zink
Common$ 0.40$ 0.000%$ -0.08-17%
50Renewed FaithDaniel Zink - SB
Common$ 0.47$ 0.000%$ -0.03-6%
266Roar of the WurmDave Humpherys
Uncommon$ 0.61$ 0.000%$ -0.02-3%
326Shadowblood RidgePeer Kroger
Rare$ 0.89$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
326Shadowblood RidgeWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 0.75$ 0.057%$ 0.057%
83Sickening DreamsPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 1.97$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
103Siege-Gang CommanderWolfgang Eder
Rare$ 1.00$ 0.011%$ 0.011%
230Skirk ProspectorWolfgang Eder
Common$ 1.96$ 0.011%$ 0.000%
327Skycloud ExpanseDaniel Zink
Rare$ 1.16$ 0.000%$ 0.055%
170SmotherPeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 1.56$ 0.043%$ 0.043%
170SmotherWolfgang Eder
Uncommon$ 0.48$ 0.000%$ -0.03-6%
170SmotherWolfgang Eder - SB
Uncommon$ 0.82$ 0.1014%$ 0.1014%
165Soul FeastPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 0.38$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
235SparksmithWolfgang Eder
Common$ 0.56$ 0.000%$ -0.02-3%
328StarstormWolfgang Eder - SB
Rare$ 0.48$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
72Stitch TogetherPeer Kroger
Uncommon$ 3.07$ 0.000%$ 0.114%
72Stitch TogetherPeer Kroger - SB
Uncommon$ 5.38$ 0.000%$ -0.52-9%