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Browse > Home / Sets / Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

Release Dates

May 5, 2020

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: IKO

Card Num Card Mana CostRarity Tabletop Price Daily Δ Daily % Weekly Δ Weekly %
245Bonders' EnclavePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 1.21$ -0.01-1%$ -0.14-10%
179Brokkos, Apex of ForeverPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 2.53$ -0.03-1%$ -0.04-2%
181Chevill, Bane of MonstersPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 2.25$ 0.000%$ 0.021%
148ColossificationPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 3.11$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
234Crystalline GiantPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.87$ 0.022%$ 0.034%
7CubwardenPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.78$ 0.000%$ 0.011%
182Death's OasisPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.39$ -0.01-3%$ -0.01-3%
84Dirge BatPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.54$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
11Drannith MagistratePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 20.11$ -0.33-2%$ -1.16-5%
184Eerie UltimatumPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 5.99$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
185Emergent UltimatumPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 1.56$ -0.01-1%$ -0.07-4%
114Everquill PhoenixPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.40$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
88Extinction EventPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.89$ 0.000%$ -0.03-3%
220Fiend ArtisanPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 6.36$ -0.010%$ 0.000%
186Frondland FelidarPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.55$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
155GemrazerPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.98$ -0.01-1%$ -0.01-1%
187General Kudro of DrannithPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 3.02$ 0.010%$ 0.041%
189Genesis UltimatumPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 1.08$ 0.011%$ 0.011%
221Gyruda, Doom of DepthsPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.76$ 0.011%$ 0.023%
92Hunted NightmarePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.42$ 0.012%$ 0.012%
190Illuna, Apex of WishesPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 1.12$ 0.022%$ 0.022%
248Indatha TriomePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 17.30$ 0.020%$ -0.11-1%
191Inspired UltimatumPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.49$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
222Jegantha, the WellspringPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 2.41$ 0.000%$ -0.05-2%
224Kaheera, the OrphanguardPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.99$ -0.01-1%$ -0.01-1%
225Keruga, the MacrosagePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.50$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
250Ketria TriomePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 14.80$ 0.000%$ -0.030%
192Kinnan, Bonder ProdigyPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 23.43$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
162Kogla, the Titan ApePlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 2.05$ -0.04-2%$ -0.02-1%
193Labyrinth RaptorPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.50$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
19Lavabrink VenturerPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.51$ -0.01-2%$ -0.01-2%
125Lukka, Coppercoat OutcastPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 0.88$ -0.01-1%$ -0.04-4%
21Luminous BroodmothPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 5.22$ 0.265%$ 0.163%
226Lurrus of the Dream-DenPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 1.70$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
227Lutri, the SpellchaserPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.74$ -0.03-4%$ -0.02-3%
168Mythos of BrokkosPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.61$ -0.01-2%$ 0.000%
58Mythos of IllunaPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.50$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
97Mythos of NethroiPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.47$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
24Mythos of SnapdaxPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.77$ -0.04-5%$ -0.03-4%
127Mythos of VadrokPlaneswalker stamp
Rare$ 0.41$ 0.000%$ 0.013%
195Narset of the Ancient WayPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 1.81$ 0.000%$ -0.04-2%
197Nethroi, Apex of DeathPlaneswalker stamp
Mythic$ 1.44$ -0.04-3%$ -0.02-1%
228Obosh, the PreypiercerPlaneswalker stamp