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Browse > Home / Sets / Fallen Empires

Fallen Empires

Release Dates

Nov 1, 1994

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: FEM

Price History not Available
Card Num Card Mana CostRarity Tabletop Price Daily Δ Daily % Weekly Δ Weekly %
Rare$ 1.85$ -0.04-2%$ 0.000%
Balm of Restoration
Rare$ 0.75$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Bottomless Vault
Rare$ 1.40$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Breeding Pit
Uncommon$ 0.28$ -0.01-3%$ -0.01-3%
Conch Horn
Rare$ 3.78$ -0.010%$ -0.02-1%
Deep Spawn
Uncommon$ 0.26$ 0.014%$ 0.000%
Delif's Cone
Common$ 0.26$ 0.000%$ -0.01-4%
Delif's Cube
Rare$ 0.76$ 0.011%$ 0.011%
Rare$ 0.50$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Draconian Cylix
Rare$ 1.33$ -0.02-1%$ 0.022%
Dwarven Armorer
Rare$ 3.30$ -0.02-1%$ -0.09-3%
Dwarven Catapult
Uncommon$ 0.28$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Dwarven Hold
Rare$ 1.36$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Dwarven Lieutenant
Uncommon$ 0.30$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Dwarven Ruins
Uncommon$ 0.99$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
Ebon Praetor
Rare$ 1.08$ -0.01-1%$ -0.01-1%
Ebon Stronghold
Uncommon$ 0.47$ 0.000%$ 0.024%
Elven Lyre
Rare$ 0.72$ 0.011%$ 0.000%
Elvish Farmer
Rare$ 4.28$ -0.010%$ -0.17-4%
Farrelite Priest
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Farrel's Mantle
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Feral Thallid
Uncommon$ 0.28$ 0.000%$ -0.01-3%
Fungal Bloom
Rare$ 2.78$ -0.02-1%$ 0.000%
Goblin Flotilla
Rare$ 0.76$ 0.011%$ 0.011%
Goblin Kites
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Goblin Warrens
Rare$ 1.16$ 0.033%$ 0.055%
Hand of Justice
Rare$ 0.96$ 0.000%$ 0.022%
Havenwood Battleground
Uncommon$ 0.40$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.014%$ 0.014%
Hollow Trees
Rare$ 0.84$ 0.000%$ 0.011%
Homarid Shaman
Rare$ 0.88$ -0.03-3%$ -0.03-3%
Homarid Spawning Bed
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian Lieutenant
Rare$ 0.80$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian Phalanx
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian Priest
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian Skirmishers
Rare$ 0.79$ 0.011%$ 0.011%
Icatian Store
Rare$ 0.71$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian Town
Rare$ 0.40$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
Implements of Sacrifice
Rare$ 0.91$ 0.022%$ 0.011%
Orcish Captain
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Rare$ 0.47$ 0.024%$ 0.012%
Raiding Party
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Rainbow Vale
Rare$ 6.75$ -0.030%$ 0.315%
Ring of Renewal
Rare$ 1.20$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
River Merfolk
Rare$ 1.00$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Ruins of Trokair
Uncommon$ 0.40$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
Sand Silos
Rare$ 1.78$ -0.11-6%$ 0.095%
Uncommon$ 0.31$ 0.000%$ -0.01-3%
Soul Exchange
Uncommon$ 0.49$ 0.000%$ 0.024%
Spirit Shield
Rare$ 0.86$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Spore Flower
Uncommon$ 0.44$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Svyelunite Priest
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Svyelunite Temple
Uncommon$ 0.73$ -0.01-1%$ 0.000%
Thallid Devourer
Uncommon$ 0.44$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thelonite Druid
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thelonite Monk
Rare$ 1.04$ 0.022%$ 0.011%
Thelon's Chant
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thelon's Curse
Rare$ 0.72$ 0.011%$ -0.03-4%
Thrull Champion
Rare$ 2.57$ 0.062%$ 0.062%
Thrull Retainer
Uncommon$ 0.30$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thrull Wizard
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Tidal Influence
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Tourach's Chant
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Tourach's Gate
Rare$ 0.75$ 0.000%$ 0.011%
Vodalian Knights
Rare$ 0.86$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian War Machine
Rare$ 0.69$ 0.1119%$ 0.0813%
Zelyon Sword
Rare$ 0.98$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Fallen Empires Booster BoxSealed
Special$ 572.50$ 0.000%$ 16.513%
Armor ThrullSpencer
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Armor ThrullVenters
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Armor ThrullKirschner
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Armor ThrullMenges
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Basal ThrullC
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Basal ThrullD
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Basal ThrullB
Common$ 0.26$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Basal ThrullA
Common$ 0.33$ 0.000%$ 0.013%
Brassclaw OrcsC
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Brassclaw OrcsD
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Brassclaw OrcsB
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Brassclaw OrcsA
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Combat MedicCamp
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Combat MedicDanforth
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Combat MedicBeard
Common$ 0.23$ -0.01-4%$ 0.014%
Combat MedicMaddocks
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Dwarven SoldierShuler
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Dwarven SoldierAlexander
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Dwarven SoldierAsplund-Faith
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elven FortressPoole
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elven FortressWänerstrand
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elven FortressVenters
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Elven FortressAsplund-Faith
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elvish HunterMaddocks
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elvish HunterPoole
Common$ 0.26$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elvish HunterCamp
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Elvish ScoutRush
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elvish ScoutPoole
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Elvish ScoutVenters
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ 0.015%
Farrel's ZealotBenson
Common$ 0.22$ -0.01-4%$ -0.01-4%
Farrel's ZealotFerguson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Farrel's ZealotBeard
Common$ 0.24$ -0.01-4%$ 0.000%
Goblin ChirurgeonFoglio
Common$ 0.50$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Goblin ChirurgeonGelon
Common$ 0.94$ 0.000%$ 0.011%
Goblin ChirurgeonFrazier
Common$ 0.59$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
Goblin GrenadeRush
Common$ 0.49$ 0.000%$ 0.012%
Goblin GrenadeFrazier
Common$ 0.44$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Goblin GrenadeSpencer
Common$ 0.49$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
Goblin War DrumsFerguson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Goblin War DrumsMenges
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Goblin War DrumsHudson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Goblin War DrumsFrazier
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
High TideWeber
Common$ 0.55$ 0.012%$ -0.01-2%
High TideTucker
Common$ 0.74$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
High TideMaddocks
Common$ 0.54$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
Common$ 0.23$ -0.01-4%$ -0.01-4%
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Common$ 0.23$ 0.015%$ 0.015%
Common$ 0.23$ 0.015%$ 0.014%
Homarid WarriorShuler
Common$ 0.22$ -0.01-4%$ 0.000%
Homarid WarriorGelon
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Homarid WarriorAsplund-Faith
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Hymn to TourachHoover
Common$ 0.60$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Hymn to TourachKirschner
Common$ 0.48$ 0.000%$ -0.01-2%
Hymn to TourachCamp
Common$ 0.63$ 0.012%$ 0.023%
Hymn to TourachDanforth
Common$ 0.47$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian InfantryShuler
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian InfantryTucker
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian InfantryRush
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Icatian InfantryBeard
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian JavelineersKirschner
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian JavelineersBenson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Icatian JavelineersBeard
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian MoneychangerBenson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian MoneychangerBeard
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Icatian MoneychangerTucker
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian ScoutAlexander
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian ScoutShuler
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian ScoutFoglio
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Icatian ScoutFerguson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Initiates of the Ebon HandDanforth
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Initiates of the Ebon HandFoglio
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Initiates of the Ebon HandHudson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ -0.01-4%
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ -0.01-4%
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.20$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Mindstab ThrullTedin
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Mindstab ThrullFerguson
Common$ 0.24$ 0.014%$ 0.014%
Mindstab ThrullHudson
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Night SoilTucker
Common$ 0.30$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Night SoilEveringham
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Night SoilHudson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ -0.01-4%
Orcish SpyVenters
Common$ 0.24$ -0.01-4%$ 0.000%
Orcish SpyCamp
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Orcish SpyGelon
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Orcish VeteranFrazier
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Orcish VeteranShuler
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Orcish VeteranBenson
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Orcish VeteranHoover
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Order of LeitburC
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Order of LeitburB
Common$ 0.26$ 0.014%$ 0.014%
Order of LeitburA
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Order of the Ebon HandSpencer
Common$ 0.30$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Order of the Ebon HandBenson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Order of the Ebon HandRush
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Spore CloudWeber
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Spore CloudMyrfors
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Spore CloudCamp
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thorn ThallidMyrfors
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thorn ThallidTedin
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thorn ThallidHudson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Thorn ThallidGelon
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Tidal FlatsC
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Tidal FlatsB
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Tidal FlatsA
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian MagePoole
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian MageHoover
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian MageCamp
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
Vodalian SoldiersMenges
Common$ 0.24$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian SoldiersCamp
Common$ 0.23$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian SoldiersFerguson
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
Vodalian SoldiersBenson
Common$ 0.22$ 0.000%$ 0.000%

Showing 188 Cards.

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