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Release Dates

Aug 4, 2023

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: CMM

Card Num Card Mana CostRarity Tabletop Price Daily Δ Daily % Weekly Δ Weekly %
702Jeweled LotusBorderless frame break
689The Ur-DragonBorderless profile
Mythic$ 25.23$ -0.23-1%$ 0.763%
681Selvala, Heart of the WildsBorderless profile
Mythic$ 9.03$ -0.10-1%$ 0.131%
633Personal TutorBorderless
Rare$ 3.63$ 0.082%$ 0.082%
661Path of AncestryBorderless
Common$ 0.68$ -0.01-1%$ -0.03-4%
653Arcane SignetBorderless
Uncommon$ 4.06$ -0.06-1%$ -0.09-2%
659Command TowerBorderless
Common$ 1.46$ -0.03-2%$ -0.02-1%
703Sol RingBorderless frame break
Uncommon$ 1.78$ -0.01-1%$ 0.053%
679Azusa, Lost but SeekingBorderless profile
Rare$ 10.00$ 0.020%$ -0.06-1%
668Kozilek, the Great DistortionBorderless profile
Mythic$ 4.52$ 0.020%$ -0.05-1%
657Fellwar StoneBorderless
Uncommon$ 2.77$ 0.000%$ -0.09-3%
684Maelstrom WandererBorderless profile
Rare$ 1.30$ 0.011%$ 0.108%
Mythic$ 11.87$ -0.030%$ 0.313%
651Regal BehemothBorderless
Rare$ 1.03$ 0.033%$ 0.033%
680Omnath, Locus of ManaBorderless profile
Mythic$ 3.07$ 0.000%$ -0.010%
674Urza, Lord High ArtificerBorderless profile
Mythic$ 10.71$ 0.000%$ 0.586%
699InsurrectionBorderless frame break
695Deadly RollickBorderless frame break
640Kindred DominanceBorderless
Rare$ 10.33$ -0.010%$ 0.040%
701Obscuring HazeBorderless frame break
Rare$ 2.75$ 0.000%$ -0.02-1%
658Thran DynamoBorderless
Uncommon$ 3.46$ -0.04-1%$ -0.27-7%
700Finale of DevastationBorderless frame break
654Champion's HelmBorderless
Rare$ 2.92$ 0.000%$ -0.10-3%
625Grand AbolisherBorderless
Rare$ 8.92$ 0.010%$ 0.314%
656Extraplanar LensBorderless
Mythic$ 7.66$ 0.081%$ 0.071%
643Magus of the WheelBorderless
Rare$ 0.84$ 0.034%$ 0.011%
671Kemba, Kha RegentBorderless profile
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
683Kykar, Wind's FuryBorderless profile
Rare$ 0.51$ 0.012%$ 0.000%
670Ulamog, the Ceaseless HungerBorderless profile
Mythic$ 18.78$ 0.271%$ 0.201%
669Morophon, the BoundlessBorderless profile
Mythic$ 7.67$ 0.000%$ 0.101%
650Ohran FrostfangBorderless
Rare$ 5.34$ -0.03-1%$ -0.16-3%
678Neheb, the EternalBorderless profile
Mythic$ 4.13$ 0.031%$ 0.082%
677Grenzo, Havoc RaiserBorderless profile
Rare$ 0.79$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
696Demonic TutorBorderless frame break
Mythic$ 46.77$ -0.110%$ 1.012%
697Balefire DragonBorderless frame break
Mythic$ 12.23$ 0.091%$ -0.27-2%
675Mikaeus, the UnhallowedBorderless profile
Mythic$ 9.50$ 0.061%$ 0.131%
644Storm-Kiln ArtistBorderless
Uncommon$ 1.80$ -0.03-2%$ 0.032%
627Puresteel PaladinBorderless
Rare$ 2.58$ 0.083%$ 0.2310%
Uncommon$ 2.99$ -0.010%$ -0.03-1%
693Smothering TitheBorderless frame break
Mythic$ 27.82$ 0.191%$ 0.562%
663Reliquary TowerBorderless
Uncommon$ 4.46$ -0.06-1%$ -0.11-2%
645Treasure NabberBorderless
Rare$ 1.12$ -0.01-1%$ 0.000%
692Flawless ManeuverBorderless frame break
636Bloodchief AscensionBorderless
Rare$ 13.87$ -0.040%$ -0.50-3%
698Deflecting SwatBorderless frame break
634Reality ShiftBorderless
Uncommon$ 0.51$ -0.02-4%$ -0.02-4%
623Darksteel MutationBorderless
Uncommon$ 2.00$ -0.02-1%$ 0.053%
688Teysa KarlovBorderless profile
Rare$ 0.65$ 0.000%$ 0.058%
629Steelshaper's GiftBorderless
Rare$ 4.31$ 0.000%$ 0.277%
673Talrand, Sky SummonerBorderless profile
Rare$ 1.12$ 0.011%$ -0.04-3%
685Meren of Clan Nel TothBorderless profile
Rare$ 2.21$ 0.052%$ 0.052%
649Kodama's ReachBorderless
Common$ 1.66$ -0.01-1%$ -0.06-3%
639Grave PactBorderless
Mythic$ 15.22$ -0.030%$ 0.876%
672Azami, Lady of ScrollsBorderless profile
Rare$ 0.50$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
652Tooth and NailBorderless
Rare$ 1.48$ 0.000%$ -0.01-1%
682Gisela, Blade of GoldnightBorderless profile
Rare$ 2.22$ 0.000%$ -0.03-1%
631Fact or FictionBorderless
Uncommon$ 0.29$ 0.000%$ 0.014%
694Fierce GuardianshipBorderless frame break
691Zacama, Primal CalamityBorderless profile
Rare$ 3.60$ -0.010%$ -0.16-4%
690Yuriko, the Tiger's ShadowBorderless profile
Rare$ 2.99$ 0.021%$ -0.18-6%
Rare$ 3.00$ 0.000%$ -0.03-1%
Uncommon$ 2.14$ 0.000%$ -0.03-1%
667Vault of ChampionsBorderless
Rare$ 9.22$ 0.061%$ 0.303%
666Undergrowth StadiumBorderless
Rare$ 8.25$ -0.020%$ 0.081%
662Rejuvenating SpringsBorderless
Rare$ 6.61$ 0.112%$ 0.193%
664Spectator SeatingBorderless
Rare$ 9.48$ -0.030%$ 0.222%
665Training CenterBorderless
Rare$ 10.58$ -0.020%$ 0.111%
660Myriad LandscapeBorderless
Uncommon$ 1.22$ -0.02-2%$ -0.04-3%
655Commander's SphereBorderless
Common$ 0.38$ 0.013%$ -0.02-5%
687Tatyova, Benthic DruidBorderless profile
Uncommon$ 1.00$ -0.01-1%$ -0.05-5%
686Slimefoot, the StowawayBorderless profile
Uncommon$ 0.33$ 0.000%$ -0.02-6%
648Elvish MysticBorderless
Common$ 0.57$ 0.012%$ -0.03-5%
642Faithless LootingBorderless
Common$ 1.44$ -0.06-4%$ -0.18-11%
676Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerBorderless profile
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
641Nadier's NightbladeBorderless
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
637Dread ReturnBorderless
Common$ 0.29$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
632Frantic SearchBorderless