Recent Tournament Finishes for terrordactyl
Date | Event | Format | Deck | Finish | Price (Tabletop) | Price (MTGO) | View Deck |
2021-06-15 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Historic | Historic | WUR | 0 - 2 | $ 460.72 | 105.17 tix | Expand |
2021-06-08 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Historic | Historic | WUBR | 0 - 2 | $ 541.06 | 150.69 tix | Expand |
2021-05-29 | GoblinVitational #5 (Historic) ($250+ in prizes!) | Historic | Selesnya Company | 5th | $ 360.47 | 155.04 tix | Expand |
2021-05-28 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Historic | Historic | Selesnya Company | 4 - 0 | $ 415.74 | 161.17 tix | Expand |
2021-05-20 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Standard | Standard | Prismari Midrange | 0 - 2 | $ 284.49 | 149.99 tix | Expand |
2021-05-14 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Historic | Historic | WU | 2 - 2 | $ 339.37 | 49.03 tix | Expand |
2021-05-07 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Historic | Historic | WR | 1 - 3 | $ 150.43 | 32.57 tix | Expand |
2021-05-06 | The Mythic Society | Weekly | Standard | Standard | UG | 2 - 2 | $ 291.65 | 106.67 tix | Expand |
2021-05-02 | $5K Strixhaven Championship Qualifier | Historic | Mono-Red Aggro | 3 - 3 | $ 112.36 | 60.93 tix | Expand |
2021-05-01 | SCG Tour Online - Satellite #4 - Historic | Historic | Simic Stompy | 4 - 2 | $ 354.63 | 74.56 tix | Expand |
2021-04-30 | SCG Tour Online - Satellite #3 - Historic | Historic | URG | 0 - 2 | $ 343.70 | 189.88 tix | Expand |
2019-11-25 | Pioneer League 2019-11-25 | Pioneer | Mono-Green Aggro | 5 - 0 | $ 144.68 | 61.86 tix | Expand |
2019-11-23 | Vintage Challenge #12028097 | Vintage | Colorless | 4 - 2 | $ 34,356.38 | 250.28 tix | Expand |
2019-10-27 | Legacy Challenge #12000549 | Legacy | G | 5 - 2 | $ 1,343.27 | 294.73 tix | Expand |
2019-10-20 | Legacy Challenge #11995305 | Legacy | G | 4 - 3 | $ 1,436.72 | 324.43 tix | Expand |
2019-08-03 | Vintage Challenge #11935046 | Vintage | BRG | 5 - 1 | $ 12,159.15 | 428.15 tix | Expand |
2019-07-28 | Legacy Challenge #11929199 | Legacy | R | 4 - 3 | $ 2,097.95 | 512.80 tix | Expand |
2018-11-24 | Modern Challenge #11712646 | Modern | WG | 6 - 1 | $ 602.91 | 222.72 tix | Expand |
2017-12-31 | Pauper Challenge #11063118 | Pauper | B | 4 - 3 | $ 35.66 | 25.62 tix | Expand |
2017-04-26 | Competitive Standard League 2017-04-26 | Standard | BG | 5 - 0 | $ 263.17 | 150.24 tix | Expand |