Recent Tournament Finishes for SNKY466
Date | Event | Format | Deck | Finish | Price (Tabletop) | Price (MTGO) | View Deck |
2024-12-07 | 132 / The 132nd Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-Color Nadu | 1 - 2 | $ 4,528.97 | 376.62 tix | Expand |
2024-11-30 | 131 / The 131st Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-Color Nadu | 2 - 1 | $ 4,747.34 | 386.51 tix | Expand |
2024-11-23 | 130 / The 130th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-Color Nadu | 2 - 1 | $ 4,464.26 | 357.69 tix | Expand |
2024-11-16 | 129 / The 128th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-Color Nadu | 2 - 1 | $ 4,300.10 | 311.71 tix | Expand |
2024-11-09 | 128 / The 128th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-Color Nadu | 1 - 2 | $ 4,328.78 | 301.18 tix | Expand |
2024-11-03 | 2 in Shimane | Legacy | Four-Color Nadu | 4 - 2 | $ 4,335.83 | 315.25 tix | Expand |
2024-10-19 | 126 / The 126th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Dimir Tempo | 2 - 1 | $ 1,256.05 | 357.98 tix | Expand |
2024-08-31 | 120 / The 120th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-color Combo | 2 - 1 | $ 4,234.34 | 461.59 tix | Expand |
2024-07-20 | 117 / The 117th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Five-Color Control (Yorion) | 0 - 3 | $ 5,362.52 | 586.31 tix | Expand |
2024-07-13 | 116 / The 116th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Five-Color Control (Yorion) | 1 - 2 | $ 5,338.16 | 570.31 tix | Expand |
2024-04-13 | 105 / The 105th Legacy at Home | Legacy | Five-Color Control (Yorion) | 2 - 1 | $ 4,821.79 | 528.92 tix | Expand |
2024-03-30 | 103 / The 103rd Legacy at Home | Legacy | Four-Color Midrange (Yorion) | 0 - 3 | $ 5,092.49 | 561.11 tix | Expand |
2023-11-24 | 2023 Asia Legacy Championship | Legacy | Five-Color Control (Yorion) | 2 - 2 | $ 6,990.17 | 821.93 tix | Expand |