This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Bristling Hydra", "Glint-Sleeve Siphoner", "Greenbelt Rampager", "Hostage Taker", "Longtusk Cub", "Rogue Refiner", "Walking Ballista", "Winding Constrictor", "Attune with Aether", "Blossoming Defense", "Fatal Push", "Skysovereign, Consul Flagship", "Aether Hub", "Drowned Catacomb", "Appetite for the Unnatural", "Die Young", "Spell Pierce", "Vraska's Contempt"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
Report Deck Name
Format: Standard
Event: Competitive Standard League 2017-12-26, 5-0
Deck Date: Dec 26, 2017