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Browse > Pauper / Dimir Terror / Dimir Control by Trivo06

Dimir Control by Trivo06

Report Deck Name
$ 85.46
119.23 tix
8 Rare, 11 Uncommon, 45 Common

Format: Pauper
Event: Liga Gacha de Pauper 2024 - Etapa 9 - Bagual Anthologies, 5-1-1
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Nov 24, 2024
Archetype: Dimir Terror

Creatures (9)
1 Murmuring Mystic $ 0.28
4 Gurmag Angler $ 1.00
4 Tolarian Terror $ 0.76
Spells (35)
4 Brainstorm $ 5.44
1 Crawl from the Cellar $ 0.18
3 Mental Note $ 14.70
3 Spell Pierce $ 0.75
4 Thought Scour $ 1.56
1 Agony Warp $ 0.20
1 Cast Down $ 0.25
4 Counterspell $ 5.60
3 Unexpected Fangs $ 0.72
3 Deep Analysis $ 0.57
4 Snuff Out $ 30.44
4 Lorien Revealed $ 8.24
Lands (16)
4 Contaminated Aquifer $ 3.96
1 Ice Tunnel $ 0.39
11 Island $ 0.00
Sideboard (15)
3 Annul $ 0.60
2 Dispel $ 0.50
4 Hydroblast $ 8.00
2 Extract a Confession $ 0.36
2 Arms of Hadar $ 0.40
2 Murmuring Mystic $ 0.56
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  119 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk
Creatures (9)
1 Murmuring Mystic 0.03 tix
4 Gurmag Angler 0.12 tix
4 Tolarian Terror 0.04 tix
Spells (35)
4 Brainstorm 2.68 tix
1 Crawl from the Cellar 0.03 tix
3 Mental Note 29.55 tix
3 Spell Pierce 0.06 tix
4 Thought Scour 0.12 tix
1 Agony Warp 0.02 tix
1 Cast Down 0.78 tix
4 Counterspell 0.16 tix
3 Unexpected Fangs 0.09 tix
3 Deep Analysis 0.09 tix
4 Snuff Out 26.72 tix
4 Lorien Revealed 5.48 tix
Lands (16)
4 Contaminated Aquifer 0.12 tix
1 Ice Tunnel 0.03 tix
11 Island 0.00 tix
Sideboard (15)
3 Annul 0.09 tix
2 Dispel 0.06 tix
4 Hydroblast 45.84 tix
2 Extract a Confession 0.06 tix
2 Arms of Hadar 7.00 tix
2 Murmuring Mystic 0.06 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  119 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk
Creatures (9)
1 Murmuring Mystic 1 Unc.
4 Gurmag Angler 4 Comm.
4 Tolarian Terror 4 Comm.
Spells (35)
4 Brainstorm 4 Rare
1 Crawl from the Cellar 1 Comm.
3 Mental Note 3 Comm.
3 Spell Pierce 3 Comm.
4 Thought Scour 4 Comm.
1 Agony Warp 1 Comm.
1 Cast Down 1 Unc.
4 Counterspell 4 Rare
3 Unexpected Fangs 3 Comm.
3 Deep Analysis 3 Unc.
4 Snuff Out 4 Comm.
4 Lorien Revealed 4 Comm.
Lands (16)
4 Contaminated Aquifer 4 Comm.
1 Ice Tunnel 1 Comm.
11 Island
Sideboard (15)
3 Annul 3 Comm.
2 Dispel 2 Comm.
4 Hydroblast 4 Unc.
2 Extract a Confession 2 Comm.
2 Arms of Hadar 2 Comm.
2 Murmuring Mystic 2 Unc.
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  119 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk

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