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Browse > Pauper / Grixis Affinity / Grixis Affinity by Mogged

Grixis Affinity by Mogged

Report Deck Name
$ 81.50
136.30 tix
6 Rare, 14 Uncommon, 50 Common

Format: Pauper
Event: Pauper Challenge 32 2024-11-08, 2nd Place, 7-2
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Nov 8, 2024
Archetype: Grixis Affinity

Creatures (11)
2 Krark-Clan Shaman $ 8.40
1 Kenku Artificer $ 0.22
4 Refurbished Familiar $ 0.88
4 Myr Enforcer $ 2.88
Spells (18)
4 Galvanic Blast $ 10.64
1 Cast Down $ 0.25
4 Deadly Dispute $ 3.92
3 Reckoner's Bargain $ 1.32
2 Metallic Rebuke $ 0.50
4 Thoughtcast $ 2.80
Artifacts (10)
3 Blood Fountain $ 0.75
2 Chromatic Star $ 0.50
1 Nihil Spellbomb $ 0.93
4 Ichor Wellspring $ 1.12
Enchantments (1)
1 Makeshift Munitions $ 0.20
Lands (20)
4 Drossforge Bridge $ 3.60
3 Great Furnace $ 13.59
3 Mistvault Bridge $ 1.02
3 Seat of the Synod $ 1.44
2 Silverbluff Bridge $ 0.60
1 Swamp $ 0.00
4 Vault of Whispers $ 4.20
Sideboard (15)
4 Blue Elemental Blast $ 2.12
2 Gorilla Shaman $ 0.72
1 Krark-Clan Shaman $ 4.20
1 Nihil Spellbomb $ 0.93
2 Pyroblast $ 8.38
2 Red Elemental Blast $ 4.50
1 Toxin Analysis $ 0.17
2 Tithing Blade $ 0.72
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  136 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk
Creatures (11)
2 Krark-Clan Shaman 2.00 tix
1 Kenku Artificer 6.58 tix
4 Refurbished Familiar 0.12 tix
4 Myr Enforcer 0.08 tix
Spells (18)
4 Galvanic Blast 0.64 tix
1 Cast Down 0.63 tix
4 Deadly Dispute 1.40 tix
3 Reckoner's Bargain 0.09 tix
2 Metallic Rebuke 0.06 tix
4 Thoughtcast 1.96 tix
Artifacts (10)
3 Blood Fountain 0.09 tix
2 Chromatic Star 0.06 tix
1 Nihil Spellbomb 0.03 tix
4 Ichor Wellspring 0.12 tix
Enchantments (1)
1 Makeshift Munitions 0.03 tix
Lands (20)
4 Drossforge Bridge 0.12 tix
3 Great Furnace 14.67 tix
3 Mistvault Bridge 0.09 tix
3 Seat of the Synod 0.87 tix
2 Silverbluff Bridge 0.06 tix
1 Swamp 0.00 tix
4 Vault of Whispers 8.20 tix
Sideboard (15)
4 Blue Elemental Blast 60.84 tix
2 Gorilla Shaman 2.04 tix
1 Krark-Clan Shaman 1.00 tix
1 Nihil Spellbomb 0.03 tix
2 Pyroblast 17.92 tix
2 Red Elemental Blast 16.48 tix
1 Toxin Analysis 0.03 tix
2 Tithing Blade 0.06 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  136 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk
Creatures (11)
2 Krark-Clan Shaman 2 Comm.
1 Kenku Artificer 1 Comm.
4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Comm.
4 Myr Enforcer
Spells (18)
4 Galvanic Blast 4 Comm.
1 Cast Down 1 Unc.
4 Deadly Dispute 4 Rare
3 Reckoner's Bargain 3 Comm.
2 Metallic Rebuke 2 Comm.
4 Thoughtcast 4 Comm.
Artifacts (10)
3 Blood Fountain 3 Comm.
2 Chromatic Star 2 Unc.
1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Comm.
4 Ichor Wellspring 4 Unc.
Enchantments (1)
1 Makeshift Munitions 1 Unc.
Lands (20)
4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Comm.
3 Great Furnace 3 Comm.
3 Mistvault Bridge 3 Comm.
3 Seat of the Synod 3 Comm.
2 Silverbluff Bridge 2 Comm.
1 Swamp
4 Vault of Whispers 4 Comm.
Sideboard (15)
4 Blue Elemental Blast 4 Unc.
2 Gorilla Shaman 2 Comm.
1 Krark-Clan Shaman 1 Comm.
1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Comm.
2 Pyroblast 2 Rare
2 Red Elemental Blast 2 Unc.
1 Toxin Analysis 1 Comm.
2 Tithing Blade 2 Comm.
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  136 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk

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