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Browse > Pauper / Mono-White Aggro / Mono-White Aggro by Cryomanc3r

Mono-White Aggro by Cryomanc3r

Report Deck Name
$ 42.37
54.55 tix
12 Uncommon, 46 Common

Format: Pauper
Event: Pauper League 2024-11-08, 5-0
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Nov 8, 2024
Archetype: Mono-White Aggro

Creatures (29)
2 Judge's Familiar $ 0.40
2 Lunarch Veteran $ 0.70
3 Novice Inspector $ 0.75
4 Thraben Inspector $ 0.80
4 Kor Skyfisher $ 1.76
4 Raffine's Informant $ 0.80
4 Squadron Hawk $ 1.00
1 Suture Priest $ 1.69
3 Militia Bugler $ 0.60
2 Eagles of the North $ 0.46
Spells (13)
3 Thraben Charm $ 0.60
2 Guardians' Pledge $ 0.64
2 Prismatic Strands $ 2.98
4 Battle Screech $ 0.76
2 Ramosian Rally $ 0.40
Artifacts (1)
1 Greatsword of Tyr $ 0.20
Lands (17)
2 Azorius Chancery $ 0.40
2 Idyllic Grange $ 0.50
13 Plains $ 0.00
Sideboard (15)
1 Hallow $ 0.38
2 Relic of Progenitus $ 7.00
2 Dawnbringer Cleric $ 0.40
1 Journey to Nowhere $ 0.20
2 Standard Bearer $ 1.90
1 Sunder the Gateway $ 0.20
1 Suture Priest $ 1.69
1 Thraben Charm $ 0.20
2 Dust to Dust $ 11.98
2 Prismatic Strands $ 2.98
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  55 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
Creatures (29)
2 Judge's Familiar 0.06 tix
2 Lunarch Veteran 0.08 tix
3 Novice Inspector 0.09 tix
4 Thraben Inspector 0.12 tix
4 Kor Skyfisher 0.08 tix
4 Raffine's Informant 0.16 tix
4 Squadron Hawk 0.08 tix
1 Suture Priest 0.03 tix
3 Militia Bugler 0.09 tix
2 Eagles of the North 0.06 tix
Spells (13)
3 Thraben Charm 0.09 tix
2 Guardians' Pledge 0.08 tix
2 Prismatic Strands 15.44 tix
4 Battle Screech 0.04 tix
2 Ramosian Rally 2.12 tix
Artifacts (1)
1 Greatsword of Tyr 0.04 tix
Lands (17)
2 Azorius Chancery 0.06 tix
2 Idyllic Grange 0.06 tix
13 Plains 0.00 tix
Sideboard (15)
1 Hallow 0.17 tix
2 Relic of Progenitus 1.72 tix
2 Dawnbringer Cleric 0.06 tix
1 Journey to Nowhere 0.03 tix
2 Standard Bearer 5.30 tix
1 Sunder the Gateway 0.03 tix
1 Suture Priest 0.03 tix
1 Thraben Charm 0.03 tix
2 Dust to Dust 12.96 tix
2 Prismatic Strands 15.44 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  55 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
Creatures (29)
2 Judge's Familiar 2 Unc.
2 Lunarch Veteran 2 Comm.
3 Novice Inspector 3 Comm.
4 Thraben Inspector 4 Comm.
4 Kor Skyfisher
4 Raffine's Informant 4 Comm.
4 Squadron Hawk 4 Comm.
1 Suture Priest 1 Comm.
3 Militia Bugler 3 Unc.
2 Eagles of the North 2 Comm.
Spells (13)
3 Thraben Charm 3 Comm.
2 Guardians' Pledge 2 Comm.
2 Prismatic Strands 2 Comm.
4 Battle Screech 4 Unc.
2 Ramosian Rally 2 Comm.
Artifacts (1)
1 Greatsword of Tyr 1 Comm.
Lands (17)
2 Azorius Chancery 2 Unc.
2 Idyllic Grange 2 Comm.
13 Plains
Sideboard (15)
1 Hallow 1 Comm.
2 Relic of Progenitus 2 Comm.
2 Dawnbringer Cleric 2 Comm.
1 Journey to Nowhere 1 Unc.
2 Standard Bearer 2 Comm.
1 Sunder the Gateway 1 Comm.
1 Suture Priest 1 Comm.
1 Thraben Charm 1 Comm.
2 Dust to Dust 2 Comm.
2 Prismatic Strands 2 Comm.
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  55 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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