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Browse > Standard / Golgari Midrange / Golgari Midrange by VitorCarvalho01

Golgari Midrange by VitorCarvalho01

Report Deck Name
$ 394.56
79.52 tix
10 Mythic, 37 Rare, 13 Uncommon, 8 Common

Format: Standard
Event: Standard Challenge 32 2024-11-05, 28th Place, 4-3
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Nov 5, 2024
Archetype: Golgari Midrange

Creatures (13)
4 Mosswood Dreadknight $ 10.68
3 Glissa Sunslayer $ 20.94
2 Tranquil Frillback $ 13.98
1 Archfiend of the Dross $ 4.72
1 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse $ 80.11
1 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal $ 9.03
1 Harvester of Misery $ 9.31
Planeswalkers (2)
2 Liliana of the Veil $ 33.54
Spells (20)
2 Analyze the Pollen $ 1.52
2 Cut Down $ 11.18
3 Anoint with Affliction $ 4.50
4 Cruelclaw's Heist $ 3.44
4 Go for the Throat $ 3.76
2 Tear Asunder $ 4.00
3 Gix's Command $ 5.64
Lands (25)
4 Blooming Marsh $ 12.60
1 Demolition Field $ 0.60
3 Forest $ 0.00
1 Fountainport $ 10.92
4 Llanowar Wastes $ 5.04
4 Restless Cottage $ 22.32
4 Swamp $ 0.00
4 Underground Mortuary $ 69.76
Sideboard (15)
4 Duress $ 0.64
1 Anoint with Affliction $ 1.50
2 Tear Asunder $ 4.00
1 Liliana of the Veil $ 16.77
2 Malicious Eclipse $ 0.40
1 The End $ 0.30
2 Harvester of Misery $ 18.62
2 Nissa, Ascended Animist $ 14.74
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  80 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (13)
4 Mosswood Dreadknight 1.96 tix
3 Glissa Sunslayer 1.41 tix
2 Tranquil Frillback 0.42 tix
1 Archfiend of the Dross 0.75 tix
1 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 15.51 tix
1 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal 2.10 tix
1 Harvester of Misery 1.24 tix
Planeswalkers (2)
2 Liliana of the Veil 6.44 tix
Spells (20)
2 Analyze the Pollen 1.20 tix
2 Cut Down 0.26 tix
3 Anoint with Affliction 0.09 tix
4 Cruelclaw's Heist 0.92 tix
4 Go for the Throat 0.12 tix
2 Tear Asunder 0.06 tix
3 Gix's Command 4.08 tix
Lands (25)
4 Blooming Marsh 3.68 tix
1 Demolition Field 0.03 tix
3 Forest 0.00 tix
1 Fountainport 14.12 tix
4 Llanowar Wastes 0.08 tix
4 Restless Cottage 4.92 tix
4 Swamp 0.00 tix
4 Underground Mortuary 13.32 tix
Sideboard (15)
4 Duress 0.08 tix
1 Anoint with Affliction 0.03 tix
2 Tear Asunder 0.06 tix
1 Liliana of the Veil 3.22 tix
2 Malicious Eclipse 0.06 tix
1 The End 0.02 tix
2 Harvester of Misery 2.48 tix
2 Nissa, Ascended Animist 0.86 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  80 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (13)
4 Mosswood Dreadknight 4 Rare
3 Glissa Sunslayer 3 Rare
2 Tranquil Frillback 2 Rare
1 Archfiend of the Dross 1 Rare
1 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 1 Mythic
1 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal 1 Mythic
1 Harvester of Misery 1 Mythic
Planeswalkers (2)
2 Liliana of the Veil 2 Mythic
Spells (20)
2 Analyze the Pollen 2 Rare
2 Cut Down 2 Unc.
3 Anoint with Affliction 3 Comm.
4 Cruelclaw's Heist 4 Rare
4 Go for the Throat 4 Unc.
2 Tear Asunder 2 Unc.
3 Gix's Command 3 Rare
Lands (25)
4 Blooming Marsh 4 Rare
1 Demolition Field 1 Unc.
3 Forest
1 Fountainport 1 Rare
4 Llanowar Wastes 4 Rare
4 Restless Cottage 4 Rare
4 Swamp
4 Underground Mortuary 4 Rare
Sideboard (15)
4 Duress 4 Comm.
1 Anoint with Affliction 1 Comm.
2 Tear Asunder 2 Unc.
1 Liliana of the Veil 1 Mythic
2 Malicious Eclipse 2 Unc.
1 The End 1 Rare
2 Harvester of Misery 2 Mythic
2 Nissa, Ascended Animist 2 Mythic
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  80 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk

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