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Browse > Legacy / Reanimator / Reanimator by Yukke

Reanimator by Yukke

Report Deck Name
$ 3,975.94
648.29 tix
9 Mythic, 35 Rare, 12 Uncommon, 12 Common, 5 Special

Format: Legacy
Event: Legacy League 2024-09-17, 5-0
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Sep 17, 2024
Archetype: Reanimator

Creatures (14)
2 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student $ 56.00
4 Psychic Frog $ 44.00
2 Brazen Borrower $ 8.06
4 Troll of Khazad-dum $ 3.56
1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier $ 19.19
1 Archon of Cruelty $ 5.46
Spells (27)
4 Brainstorm $ 4.72
4 Entomb $ 40.00
2 Fatal Push $ 2.00
3 Ponder $ 4.71
4 Reanimate $ 20.24
3 Thoughtseize $ 23.73
3 Daze $ 5.07
4 Force of Will $ 215.04
Enchantments (3)
3 Animate Dead $ 15.00
Lands (16)
1 Flooded Strand $ 11.00
1 Island $ 0.00
1 Misty Rainforest $ 24.15
4 Polluted Delta $ 55.88
1 Swamp $ 0.00
1 Undercity Sewers $ 27.02
4 Underground Sea $ 3,161.44
3 Wasteland $ 62.04
Sideboard (15)
1 Engineered Explosives $ 4.18
3 Consign to Memory $ 23.40
2 Fatal Push $ 2.00
2 Fell $ 0.92
2 Orcish Bowmasters $ 100.00
1 Unlicensed Hearse $ 1.47
2 Barrowgoyf $ 32.82
2 Faerie Macabre $ 2.84
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  648 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 16 / wk
Creatures (14)
2 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 56.32 tix
4 Psychic Frog 64.00 tix
2 Brazen Borrower 17.84 tix
4 Troll of Khazad-dum 0.16 tix
1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier 14.69 tix
1 Archon of Cruelty 3.08 tix
Spells (27)
4 Brainstorm 1.92 tix
4 Entomb 47.88 tix
2 Fatal Push 1.50 tix
3 Ponder 0.09 tix
4 Reanimate 0.20 tix
3 Thoughtseize 7.80 tix
3 Daze 40.35 tix
4 Force of Will 55.72 tix
Enchantments (3)
3 Animate Dead 0.12 tix
Lands (16)
1 Flooded Strand 0.95 tix
1 Island 0.00 tix
1 Misty Rainforest 2.96 tix
4 Polluted Delta 5.68 tix
1 Swamp 0.00 tix
1 Undercity Sewers 11.08 tix
4 Underground Sea 65.64 tix
3 Wasteland 62.43 tix
Sideboard (15)
1 Engineered Explosives 1.15 tix
3 Consign to Memory 25.62 tix
2 Fatal Push 1.50 tix
2 Fell
2 Orcish Bowmasters 65.20 tix
1 Unlicensed Hearse 4.81 tix
2 Barrowgoyf 86.94 tix
2 Faerie Macabre 2.66 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  648 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 16 / wk
Creatures (14)
2 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 2 Mythic
4 Psychic Frog 4 Rare
2 Brazen Borrower 2 Mythic
4 Troll of Khazad-dum 4 Comm.
1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier 1 Mythic
1 Archon of Cruelty 1 Mythic
Spells (27)
4 Brainstorm 4 Rare
4 Entomb 4 Rare
2 Fatal Push 2 Unc.
3 Ponder 3 Comm.
4 Reanimate 4 Rare
3 Thoughtseize 3 Mythic
3 Daze 3 Comm.
4 Force of Will 4 Special
Enchantments (3)
3 Animate Dead 3 Unc.
Lands (16)
1 Flooded Strand 1 Rare
1 Island
1 Misty Rainforest 1 Rare
4 Polluted Delta 4 Rare
1 Swamp
1 Undercity Sewers 1 Rare
4 Underground Sea 4 Rare
3 Wasteland 3 Rare
Sideboard (15)
1 Engineered Explosives 1 Special
3 Consign to Memory 3 Unc.
2 Fatal Push 2 Unc.
2 Fell 2 Unc.
2 Orcish Bowmasters 2 Rare
1 Unlicensed Hearse 1 Rare
2 Barrowgoyf 2 Rare
2 Faerie Macabre 2 Comm.
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  648 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 16 / wk

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