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Browse > Modern / Death's Shadow / Dimir Deaths Shadow by Jacob Hauch

Dimir Deaths Shadow by Jacob Hauch

Report Deck Name
$ 704.96
367.41 tix
12 Mythic, 36 Rare, 21 Uncommon, 4 Common

Format: Modern
Event: Nordic Masters 2024 - Modern, 2-4
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Aug 31, 2024
Archetype: Death's Shadow

Creatures (20)
4 Death's Shadow $ 7.96
4 Nethergoyf $ 71.84
4 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student $ 112.00
4 Orcish Bowmasters $ 200.40
4 Street Wraith $ 1.00
Spells (20)
4 Fatal Push $ 4.00
4 Preordain $ 4.00
4 Thoughtseize $ 31.64
4 Counterspell $ 5.60
1 Drown in the Loch $ 1.28
2 Shoot the Sheriff $ 0.50
1 Sink into Stupor $ 6.98
Artifacts (4)
4 Mishra's Bauble $ 5.32
Lands (16) +1 MDFCs
4 Bloodstained Mire $ 46.52
1 Island $ 0.00
4 Polluted Delta $ 55.92
1 Swamp $ 0.00
1 Undercity Sewers $ 26.99
1 Verdant Catacombs $ 22.00
4 Watery Grave $ 57.88
Sideboard (15)
2 Stern Scolding $ 1.40
3 Stubborn Denial $ 8.52
2 Dress Down $ 2.24
3 Emperor of Bones $ 3.81
2 Harbinger of the Seas $ 10.78
3 Toxic Deluge $ 16.38
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  367 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 9 / wk
Creatures (20)
4 Death's Shadow 0.56 tix
4 Nethergoyf 32.76 tix
4 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 98.72 tix
4 Orcish Bowmasters 138.12 tix
4 Street Wraith 0.24 tix
Spells (20)
4 Fatal Push 3.00 tix
4 Preordain 5.56 tix
4 Thoughtseize 9.68 tix
4 Counterspell 0.20 tix
1 Drown in the Loch 0.04 tix
2 Shoot the Sheriff 0.58 tix
1 Sink into Stupor 0.19 tix
Artifacts (4)
4 Mishra's Bauble 28.64 tix
Lands (16) +1 MDFCs
4 Bloodstained Mire 3.28 tix
1 Island 0.00 tix
4 Polluted Delta 7.92 tix
1 Swamp 0.00 tix
1 Undercity Sewers 12.61 tix
1 Verdant Catacombs 2.26 tix
4 Watery Grave 1.32 tix
Sideboard (15)
2 Stern Scolding 0.82 tix
3 Stubborn Denial 0.09 tix
2 Dress Down 7.40 tix
3 Emperor of Bones 0.78 tix
2 Harbinger of the Seas 9.46 tix
3 Toxic Deluge 3.18 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  367 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 9 / wk
Creatures (20)
4 Death's Shadow 4 Rare
4 Nethergoyf 4 Mythic
4 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 4 Mythic
4 Orcish Bowmasters 4 Rare
4 Street Wraith 4 Unc.
Spells (20)
4 Fatal Push 4 Unc.
4 Preordain 4 Comm.
4 Thoughtseize 4 Mythic
4 Counterspell 4 Rare
1 Drown in the Loch 1 Unc.
2 Shoot the Sheriff 2 Unc.
1 Sink into Stupor 1 Unc.
Artifacts (4)
4 Mishra's Bauble 4 Unc.
Lands (16) +1 MDFCs
4 Bloodstained Mire 4 Rare
1 Island
4 Polluted Delta 4 Rare
1 Swamp
1 Undercity Sewers 1 Rare
1 Verdant Catacombs 1 Rare
4 Watery Grave 4 Rare
Sideboard (15)
2 Stern Scolding 2 Unc.
3 Stubborn Denial 3 Unc.
2 Dress Down 2 Rare
3 Emperor of Bones 3 Rare
2 Harbinger of the Seas 2 Rare
3 Toxic Deluge 3 Rare
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  367 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 9 / wk

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Mana Values

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