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Browse > Modern / IzzetControl / Izzet by AndyAWKWARD

Izzet by AndyAWKWARD

Report Deck Name
$ 590.72
197.22 tix
10 Mythic, 40 Rare, 15 Uncommon, 7 Common

Format: Modern
Event: Modern League 2024-08-30, 5-0
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Aug 30, 2024
Archetype: IzzetControl

Creatures (12)
3 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student $ 84.00
4 Snapcaster Mage $ 91.12
3 Thundertrap Trainer $ 1.20
2 Crackling Drake $ 0.50
Spells (27)
3 Galvanic Discharge $ 0.75
4 Lightning Bolt $ 2.00
4 Preordain $ 4.16
2 Spell Snare $ 15.30
4 Counterspell $ 5.68
2 Expressive Iteration $ 1.10
4 Flame of Anor $ 17.08
3 Flare of Denial $ 21.00
1 Sink into Stupor $ 6.78
Lands (21) +1 MDFCs
2 Arena of Glory $ 14.64
1 Cascade Bluffs $ 1.32
4 Flooded Strand $ 44.00
3 Island $ 0.00
1 Polluted Delta $ 13.99
4 Scalding Tarn $ 96.00
1 Spirebluff Canal $ 2.62
3 Steam Vents $ 39.69
2 Thundering Falls $ 20.40
Sideboard (15)
3 Consign to Memory $ 23.40
3 Stern Scolding $ 2.16
1 Surgical Extraction $ 2.05
2 Pyroclasm $ 0.50
2 Blood Moon $ 15.40
1 Force of Negation $ 53.96
1 Vendilion Clique $ 3.30
2 Obsidian Charmaw $ 6.62
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  197 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 5 / wk
Creatures (12)
3 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 86.04 tix
4 Snapcaster Mage 2.68 tix
3 Thundertrap Trainer 4.41 tix
2 Crackling Drake 0.04 tix
Spells (27)
3 Galvanic Discharge 0.09 tix
4 Lightning Bolt 2.12 tix
4 Preordain 5.80 tix
2 Spell Snare 9.92 tix
4 Counterspell 0.16 tix
2 Expressive Iteration 0.08 tix
4 Flame of Anor 2.44 tix
3 Flare of Denial 0.99 tix
1 Sink into Stupor 0.36 tix
Lands (21) +1 MDFCs
2 Arena of Glory 2.04 tix
1 Cascade Bluffs 0.06 tix
4 Flooded Strand 5.04 tix
3 Island 0.00 tix
1 Polluted Delta 1.43 tix
4 Scalding Tarn 15.24 tix
1 Spirebluff Canal 0.46 tix
3 Steam Vents 1.23 tix
2 Thundering Falls 4.68 tix
Sideboard (15)
3 Consign to Memory 21.06 tix
3 Stern Scolding 1.17 tix
1 Surgical Extraction 5.79 tix
2 Pyroclasm 0.02 tix
2 Blood Moon 3.12 tix
1 Force of Negation 13.04 tix
1 Vendilion Clique 0.03 tix
2 Obsidian Charmaw 7.68 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  197 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 5 / wk
Creatures (12)
3 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 3 Mythic
4 Snapcaster Mage 4 Mythic
3 Thundertrap Trainer 3 Rare
2 Crackling Drake 2 Unc.
Spells (27)
3 Galvanic Discharge 3 Comm.
4 Lightning Bolt 4 Rare
4 Preordain 4 Comm.
2 Spell Snare 2 Unc.
4 Counterspell 4 Rare
2 Expressive Iteration 2 Unc.
4 Flame of Anor 4 Rare
3 Flare of Denial 3 Rare
1 Sink into Stupor 1 Unc.
Lands (21) +1 MDFCs
2 Arena of Glory 2 Rare
1 Cascade Bluffs 1 Rare
4 Flooded Strand 4 Rare
3 Island
1 Polluted Delta 1 Rare
4 Scalding Tarn 4 Rare
1 Spirebluff Canal 1 Rare
3 Steam Vents 3 Rare
2 Thundering Falls 2 Rare
Sideboard (15)
3 Consign to Memory 3 Unc.
3 Stern Scolding 3 Unc.
1 Surgical Extraction 1 Rare
2 Pyroclasm 2 Unc.
2 Blood Moon 2 Mythic
1 Force of Negation 1 Rare
1 Vendilion Clique 1 Mythic
2 Obsidian Charmaw 2 Rare
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  197 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 5 / wk

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