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WB by bomberman99
This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains banned cards: ["Grief"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
WB by bomberman99
Report Deck Name
$ 620.19
363.84 tix
15 Mythic, 33 Rare, 11 Uncommon, 9 Common
Format: Legacy
Event: Legacy League 2024-03-25, 5-0
Deck Source:
Deck Date: Mar 25, 2024
Creatures (11) | |||
3 | Orcish Bowmasters | $ 151.08 | |
4 | Grief | $ 14.40 | |
2 | Troll of Khazad-dum | $ 1.82 | |
1 | Atraxa, Grand Unifier | $ 19.02 | |
1 | Archon of Cruelty | $ 5.46 | |
Planeswalkers (4) | |||
4 | Liliana of the Veil | $ 68.00 | |
Spells (19) | |||
4 | Dark Ritual | $ 5.00 | |
4 | Entomb | $ 41.20 | |
4 | Reanimate | $ 20.72 | |
4 | Thoughtseize | $ 32.00 | |
2 | Hymn to Tourach | $ 0.94 | |
1 | Sheoldred's Edict | $ 1.28 | |
Artifacts (3) | |||
3 | Currency Converter | $ 19.86 | |
Enchantments (4) | |||
4 | Animate Dead | $ 20.00 | |
Lands (19) | |||
1 | Bloodstained Mire | $ 11.70 | |
1 | Polluted Delta | $ 13.99 | |
7 | Snow-Covered Swamp | $ 3.43 | |
7 | Swamp | $ 0.00 | |
3 | Wasteland | $ 61.17 | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
4 | Fatal Push | $ 4.04 | |
1 | Orcish Bowmasters | $ 50.36 | |
2 | Powder Keg | $ 34.20 | |
2 | Force of Despair | $ 14.50 | |
1 | Opposition Agent | $ 19.16 | |
4 | Leyline of the Void | $ 1.76 | |
1 | Iona, Shield of Emeria | $ 5.10 | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
364 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 9
/ wk
Creatures (11) | |||
3 | Orcish Bowmasters | 100.68 tix | |
4 | Grief | 0.76 tix | |
2 | Troll of Khazad-dum | 0.32 tix | |
1 | Atraxa, Grand Unifier | 14.57 tix | |
1 | Archon of Cruelty | 2.50 tix | |
Planeswalkers (4) | |||
4 | Liliana of the Veil | 17.52 tix | |
Spells (19) | |||
4 | Dark Ritual | 0.08 tix | |
4 | Entomb | 41.64 tix | |
4 | Reanimate | 0.20 tix | |
4 | Thoughtseize | 13.72 tix | |
2 | Hymn to Tourach | 0.06 tix | |
1 | Sheoldred's Edict | 0.03 tix | |
Artifacts (3) | |||
3 | Currency Converter | 28.95 tix | |
Enchantments (4) | |||
4 | Animate Dead | 0.16 tix | |
Lands (19) | |||
1 | Bloodstained Mire | 1.05 tix | |
1 | Polluted Delta | 1.98 tix | |
7 | Snow-Covered Swamp | 0.21 tix | |
7 | Swamp | 0.00 tix | |
3 | Wasteland | 75.66 tix | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
4 | Fatal Push | 3.00 tix | |
1 | Orcish Bowmasters | 33.56 tix | |
2 | Powder Keg | 12.18 tix | |
2 | Force of Despair | 1.30 tix | |
1 | Opposition Agent | 12.62 tix | |
4 | Leyline of the Void | 1.00 tix | |
1 | Iona, Shield of Emeria | 0.09 tix | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
364 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 9
/ wk
Creatures (11) | |||
3 | Orcish Bowmasters | 3 Rare | |
4 | Grief | 4 Mythic | |
2 | Troll of Khazad-dum | 2 Comm. | |
1 | Atraxa, Grand Unifier | 1 Mythic | |
1 | Archon of Cruelty | 1 Mythic | |
Planeswalkers (4) | |||
4 | Liliana of the Veil | 4 Mythic | |
Spells (19) | |||
4 | Dark Ritual | 4 Rare | |
4 | Entomb | 4 Rare | |
4 | Reanimate | 4 Rare | |
4 | Thoughtseize | 4 Mythic | |
2 | Hymn to Tourach | 2 Unc. | |
1 | Sheoldred's Edict | 1 Unc. | |
Artifacts (3) | |||
3 | Currency Converter | 3 Rare | |
Enchantments (4) | |||
4 | Animate Dead | 4 Unc. | |
Lands (19) | |||
1 | Bloodstained Mire | 1 Rare | |
1 | Polluted Delta | 1 Rare | |
7 | Snow-Covered Swamp | 7 Comm. | |
7 | Swamp | ||
3 | Wasteland | 3 Rare | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
4 | Fatal Push | 4 Unc. | |
1 | Orcish Bowmasters | 1 Rare | |
2 | Powder Keg | 2 Rare | |
2 | Force of Despair | 2 Rare | |
1 | Opposition Agent | 1 Rare | |
4 | Leyline of the Void | 4 Rare | |
1 | Iona, Shield of Emeria | 1 Mythic | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
364 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 9
/ wk
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