Middle Class Magic - Oops All Spells (Liliana's...
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Deck Date: Jun 21, 2023
Deck Primer / Description
Activate Undercity Informer, targeting yourself
Mill entire deck
Trigger 1-4 Creeping Chill
If you control Liliana's Elite, attack for lethal
Return (hopefully) 4x Silversmote Ghoul
UPKEEP Turn the Earth to not die, targeting Inquisition of Kozilek, Veil of Summer, or maybe Cabal Therapy for protection against any one piece of interaction. Dread Return is also an option if you lack Silversmote Ghouls or because hardcast + flashback demands two counterspells PLUS enough mana to cast them both.
Draw card for turn and cast spells from hand if desired
Sacrifice 1x Silversmote Ghoul to flashback Cabal Therapy, targeting opponent unless you need to discard your own Dread Return or Lotleth Giant
Sacrifice 3x Silversmote Ghoul to flashback Dread Return, targeting Lotleth Giant for lethal direct damage