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Browse > Modern / Rakdos Midrange / Rakdos Midrange by NuBlkAu

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  • Deck contains banned cards: ["Fury", "Grief"].

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Rakdos Midrange by NuBlkAu

Report Deck Name
$ 427.70
77.24 tix
26 Mythic, 31 Rare, 6 Uncommon, 6 Common, 2 Special

Format: Modern
Event: Modern League 2023-04-11, 5-0
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Apr 11, 2023
Archetype: Rakdos Midrange

Creatures (19)
4 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer $ 102.40
4 Dauthi Voidwalker $ 28.88
3 Seasoned Pyromancer $ 10.74
4 Grief $ 10.00
4 Fury $ 14.40
Spells (19)
3 Feign Death $ 1.80
3 Lightning Bolt $ 1.50
3 Thoughtseize $ 22.50
3 Undying Malice $ 0.72
1 Shatterskull Smashing $ 5.83
2 Sheoldred's Edict $ 2.48
2 Terminate $ 0.60
1 Agadeem's Awakening $ 18.84
1 Kolaghan's Command $ 0.30
Enchantments (4)
2 Blood Moon $ 14.06
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker $ 20.18
Lands (18) +2 MDFCs
3 Blackcleave Cliffs $ 6.54
2 Blood Crypt $ 30.00
4 Bloodstained Mire $ 45.44
1 Castle Locthwain $ 3.38
3 Marsh Flats $ 53.13
1 Mountain $ 0.00
3 Swamp $ 0.00
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire $ 7.11
Sideboard (15)
2 Engineered Explosives $ 5.34
2 Fatal Push $ 2.06
2 Tourach, Dread Cantor $ 2.76
2 Hidetsugu Consumes All $ 1.96
2 Magus of the Moon $ 12.10
1 Path of Peril $ 0.85
4 Leyline of the Void $ 1.80
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  77 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (19)
4 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 18.56 tix
4 Dauthi Voidwalker 5.60 tix
3 Seasoned Pyromancer 2.58 tix
4 Grief 0.92 tix
4 Fury 3.36 tix
Spells (19)
3 Feign Death 0.09 tix
3 Lightning Bolt 0.12 tix
3 Thoughtseize 6.30 tix
3 Undying Malice 0.09 tix
1 Shatterskull Smashing 4.07 tix
2 Sheoldred's Edict 0.08 tix
2 Terminate 0.06 tix
1 Agadeem's Awakening 3.03 tix
1 Kolaghan's Command 0.02 tix
Enchantments (4)
2 Blood Moon 1.56 tix
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 10.94 tix
Lands (18) +2 MDFCs
3 Blackcleave Cliffs 0.18 tix
2 Blood Crypt 0.32 tix
4 Bloodstained Mire 2.76 tix
1 Castle Locthwain 0.42 tix
3 Marsh Flats 1.44 tix
1 Mountain 0.00 tix
3 Swamp 0.00 tix
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.32 tix
Sideboard (15)
2 Engineered Explosives 3.22 tix
2 Fatal Push 1.14 tix
2 Tourach, Dread Cantor 0.58 tix
2 Hidetsugu Consumes All 2.24 tix
2 Magus of the Moon 5.82 tix
1 Path of Peril 0.74 tix
4 Leyline of the Void 0.68 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  77 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (19)
4 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 4 Mythic
4 Dauthi Voidwalker 4 Rare
3 Seasoned Pyromancer 3 Mythic
4 Grief 4 Mythic
4 Fury 4 Mythic
Spells (19)
3 Feign Death 3 Comm.
3 Lightning Bolt 3 Rare
3 Thoughtseize 3 Mythic
3 Undying Malice 3 Comm.
1 Shatterskull Smashing 1 Mythic
2 Sheoldred's Edict 2 Unc.
2 Terminate 2 Unc.
1 Agadeem's Awakening 1 Mythic
1 Kolaghan's Command 1 Rare
Enchantments (4)
2 Blood Moon 2 Mythic
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 2 Rare
Lands (18) +2 MDFCs
3 Blackcleave Cliffs 3 Rare
2 Blood Crypt 2 Rare
4 Bloodstained Mire 4 Rare
1 Castle Locthwain 1 Rare
3 Marsh Flats 3 Rare
1 Mountain
3 Swamp
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 1 Rare
Sideboard (15)
2 Engineered Explosives 2 Special
2 Fatal Push 2 Unc.
2 Tourach, Dread Cantor 2 Mythic
2 Hidetsugu Consumes All 2 Mythic
2 Magus of the Moon 2 Rare
1 Path of Peril 1 Rare
4 Leyline of the Void 4 Rare
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  77 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk

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