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UBRG by fredmcfred
This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains banned cards: ["Deathrite Shaman"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
UBRG by fredmcfred
Report Deck Name
$ 5,175.01
379.22 tix
6 Mythic, 43 Rare, 8 Uncommon, 14 Common, 4 Special
Format: Legacy
Event: Competitive Legacy League 2017-01-01, 5-0
Deck Date: Jan 1, 2017
Creatures (17) | |||
4 | Deathrite Shaman | $ 13.60 | |
4 | Delver of Secrets | $ 1.56 | |
2 | Grim Lavamancer | $ 0.50 | |
3 | Tarmogoyf | $ 29.13 | |
2 | Leovold, Emissary of Trest | $ 8.00 | |
2 | Gurmag Angler | $ 0.48 | |
Spells (25) | |||
4 | Brainstorm | $ 4.44 | |
4 | Lightning Bolt | $ 1.92 | |
4 | Ponder | $ 6.00 | |
3 | Spell Pierce | $ 0.75 | |
4 | Daze | $ 6.52 | |
2 | Dismember | $ 8.48 | |
4 | Force of Will | $ 214.44 | |
Lands (18) | |||
3 | Flooded Strand | $ 32.85 | |
4 | Scalding Tarn | $ 95.96 | |
2 | Tropical Island | $ 1,039.94 | |
2 | Underground Sea | $ 1,528.74 | |
3 | Volcanic Island | $ 2,024.13 | |
4 | Wasteland | $ 81.56 | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Flusterstorm | $ 18.98 | |
2 | Pyroblast | $ 9.26 | |
1 | Surgical Extraction | $ 2.00 | |
3 | Thoughtseize | $ 24.00 | |
2 | Abrupt Decay | $ 2.78 | |
1 | Ancient Grudge | $ 0.25 | |
2 | Baleful Strix | $ 1.32 | |
1 | Umezawa's Jitte | $ 9.32 | |
1 | Winter Orb | $ 8.10 | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
379 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 10
/ wk
Creatures (17) | |||
4 | Deathrite Shaman | 0.24 tix | |
4 | Delver of Secrets | 0.12 tix | |
2 | Grim Lavamancer | 0.04 tix | |
3 | Tarmogoyf | 1.77 tix | |
2 | Leovold, Emissary of Trest | 6.62 tix | |
2 | Gurmag Angler | 0.06 tix | |
Spells (25) | |||
4 | Brainstorm | 2.00 tix | |
4 | Lightning Bolt | 0.72 tix | |
4 | Ponder | 0.12 tix | |
3 | Spell Pierce | 0.09 tix | |
4 | Daze | 60.36 tix | |
2 | Dismember | 7.46 tix | |
4 | Force of Will | 61.44 tix | |
Lands (18) | |||
3 | Flooded Strand | 4.14 tix | |
4 | Scalding Tarn | 15.44 tix | |
2 | Tropical Island | 31.12 tix | |
2 | Underground Sea | 28.64 tix | |
3 | Volcanic Island | 38.82 tix | |
4 | Wasteland | 78.32 tix | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Flusterstorm | 4.40 tix | |
2 | Pyroblast | 20.62 tix | |
1 | Surgical Extraction | 5.44 tix | |
3 | Thoughtseize | 7.53 tix | |
2 | Abrupt Decay | 0.52 tix | |
1 | Ancient Grudge | 0.03 tix | |
2 | Baleful Strix | 0.48 tix | |
1 | Umezawa's Jitte | 0.33 tix | |
1 | Winter Orb | 2.35 tix | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
379 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 10
/ wk
Creatures (17) | |||
4 | Deathrite Shaman | 4 Rare | |
4 | Delver of Secrets | 4 Unc. | |
2 | Grim Lavamancer | 2 Rare | |
3 | Tarmogoyf | 3 Rare | |
2 | Leovold, Emissary of Trest | 2 Mythic | |
2 | Gurmag Angler | 2 Comm. | |
Spells (25) | |||
4 | Brainstorm | 4 Rare | |
4 | Lightning Bolt | 4 Rare | |
4 | Ponder | 4 Comm. | |
3 | Spell Pierce | 3 Comm. | |
4 | Daze | 4 Comm. | |
2 | Dismember | 2 Unc. | |
4 | Force of Will | 4 Special | |
Lands (18) | |||
3 | Flooded Strand | 3 Rare | |
4 | Scalding Tarn | 4 Rare | |
2 | Tropical Island | 2 Rare | |
2 | Underground Sea | 2 Rare | |
3 | Volcanic Island | 3 Rare | |
4 | Wasteland | 4 Rare | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Flusterstorm | 2 Rare | |
2 | Pyroblast | 2 Rare | |
1 | Surgical Extraction | 1 Rare | |
3 | Thoughtseize | 3 Mythic | |
2 | Abrupt Decay | 2 Rare | |
1 | Ancient Grudge | 1 Comm. | |
2 | Baleful Strix | 2 Unc. | |
1 | Umezawa's Jitte | 1 Mythic | |
1 | Winter Orb | 1 Rare | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
379 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 10
/ wk
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