This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Sorcerer Class", "Snow-Covered Swamp", "Haunted Ridge", "Snow-Covered Mountain", "Divide by Zero", "Mystic Reflection", "Sedgemoor Witch", "Hunt for Specimens", "Unexpected Windfall", "Seize the Storm", "Shipwreck Marsh", "Stormcarved Coast", "Shatterskull Smashing", "Sea Gate Restoration", "Agadeem's Awakening", "Thermo-Alchemist", "Galvanic Iteration", "Ruin Crab", "First Day of Class", "Test of Talents", "Snow-Covered Island", "Teachings of the Archaics", "Environmental Sciences", "Mascot Exhibition", "Introduction to Prophecy", "Expanded Anatomy", "Ascendant Spirit", "Umbral Juke"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
Grixis Spellslinger
Report Deck Name
Format: Standard
Deck Date: Dec 13, 2021