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Browse > Standard / Izzet Dragons / Izzet Epiphany by Shinsuke Hayashi

This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:

  • Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Spikefield Hazard", "Lier, Disciple of the Drowned", "Cinderclasm", "Demon Bolt", "Goldspan Dragon", "Unexpected Windfall", "Fading Hope", "Jwari Disruption", "Divide by Zero", "Expressive Iteration", "Galvanic Iteration", "Riverglide Pathway", "Field of Ruin", "Hall of Storm Giants", "Stormcarved Coast", "Alrund's Epiphany", "Shatterskull Smashing", "Burning Hands", "Test of Talents", "Teachings of the Archaics", "Environmental Sciences", "Mascot Exhibition", "Hullbreaker Horror", "Cyclone Summoner"].

The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.

Izzet Epiphany by Shinsuke Hayashi

Report Deck Name
$ 126.46
21.23 tix
14 Mythic, 17 Rare, 31 Uncommon, 6 Common

Format: Standard
Event: 2021 SEASON3, 80th Place, 2-3
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Nov 27, 2021
Archetype: Izzet Dragons

Creatures (6)
4 Goldspan Dragon $ 29.92
2 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned $ 7.28
Spells (35)
4 Fading Hope $ 1.00
4 Spikefield Hazard $ 1.88
2 Cinderclasm $ 0.40
4 Expressive Iteration $ 2.16
3 Galvanic Iteration $ 1.14
3 Jwari Disruption $ 1.32
2 Shatterskull Smashing $ 10.90
1 Demon Bolt $ 0.15
4 Divide by Zero $ 0.80
4 Unexpected Windfall $ 4.60
4 Alrund's Epiphany $ 12.00
Lands (19) +9 MDFCs
2 Field of Ruin $ 0.48
2 Hall of Storm Giants $ 2.54
4 Island $ 0.00
3 Mountain $ 0.00
4 Riverglide Pathway $ 21.96
4 Stormcarved Coast $ 12.40
Sideboard (15)
2 Burning Hands $ 0.30
2 Cinderclasm $ 0.40
1 Environmental Sciences $ 0.20
4 Test of Talents $ 1.00
1 Teachings of the Archaics $ 0.25
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned $ 3.64
1 Cyclone Summoner $ 0.30
2 Hullbreaker Horror $ 9.02
1 Mascot Exhibition $ 0.42
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  21 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
Creatures (6)
4 Goldspan Dragon 3.32 tix
2 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 0.06 tix
Spells (35)
4 Fading Hope 0.12 tix
4 Spikefield Hazard 0.12 tix
2 Cinderclasm 0.06 tix
4 Expressive Iteration 0.12 tix
3 Galvanic Iteration 0.06 tix
3 Jwari Disruption 0.09 tix
2 Shatterskull Smashing 7.42 tix
1 Demon Bolt 0.02 tix
4 Divide by Zero 0.12 tix
4 Unexpected Windfall 0.08 tix
4 Alrund's Epiphany 0.48 tix
Lands (19) +9 MDFCs
2 Field of Ruin 0.06 tix
2 Hall of Storm Giants 1.38 tix
4 Island 0.00 tix
3 Mountain 0.00 tix
4 Riverglide Pathway 6.36 tix
4 Stormcarved Coast 0.52 tix
Sideboard (15)
2 Burning Hands 0.06 tix
2 Cinderclasm 0.06 tix
1 Environmental Sciences 0.03 tix
4 Test of Talents 0.12 tix
1 Teachings of the Archaics 0.02 tix
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 0.03 tix
1 Cyclone Summoner 0.02 tix
2 Hullbreaker Horror 0.48 tix
1 Mascot Exhibition 0.02 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  21 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
Creatures (6)
4 Goldspan Dragon 4 Mythic
2 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 2 Mythic
Spells (35)
4 Fading Hope 4 Unc.
4 Spikefield Hazard 4 Unc.
2 Cinderclasm 2 Unc.
4 Expressive Iteration 4 Unc.
3 Galvanic Iteration 3 Rare
3 Jwari Disruption 3 Unc.
2 Shatterskull Smashing 2 Mythic
1 Demon Bolt 1 Comm.
4 Divide by Zero 4 Unc.
4 Unexpected Windfall 4 Comm.
4 Alrund's Epiphany 4 Mythic
Lands (19) +9 MDFCs
2 Field of Ruin 2 Unc.
2 Hall of Storm Giants 2 Rare
4 Island
3 Mountain
4 Riverglide Pathway 4 Rare
4 Stormcarved Coast 4 Rare
Sideboard (15)
2 Burning Hands 2 Unc.
2 Cinderclasm 2 Unc.
1 Environmental Sciences 1 Comm.
4 Test of Talents 4 Unc.
1 Teachings of the Archaics 1 Rare
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 1 Mythic
1 Cyclone Summoner 1 Rare
2 Hullbreaker Horror 2 Rare
1 Mascot Exhibition 1 Mythic
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  21 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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