This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Ascendant Packleader", "Spikefield Hazard", "Jaspera Sentinel", "Jwari Disruption", "Magda, Brazen Outlaw", "Prosperous Innkeeper", "Tangled Florahedron", "Expressive Iteration", "Galvanic Iteration", "Alchemist's Gambit", "Unexpected Windfall", "Galazeth Prismari", "Avabruck Caretaker", "Alrund's Epiphany", "Riverglide Pathway", "Hall of Storm Giants", "Stormcarved Coast", "Cragcrown Pathway", "Rockfall Vale", "Barkchannel Pathway", "Dreamroot Cascade", "Prismari Command", "Magma Opus", "Koma, Cosmos Serpent", "Fading Hope"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
Soaked Gruul
Report Deck Name
Format: Standard
Deck Date: Nov 28, 2021