This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Ascendant Spirit", "Faceless Haven", "Malevolent Hermit", "Spectral Adversary", "Dreamshackle Geist", "Patrician Geist", "Geistlight Snare", "Snow-Covered Island", "Mischievous Catgeist", "Memory Deluge", "Wash Away", "Bind the Monster", "Divide by Zero", "Cemetery Illuminator", "Environmental Sciences", "You See a Guard Approach", "Mascot Exhibition", "Fading Hope", "Test of Talents", "Lier, Disciple of the Drowned", "Lantern of the Lost", "Pithing Needle"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
Mono-Blue Tempo
Report Deck Name
Format: Standard
Event: 83, 3-0
Deck Source:
Deck Date: Nov 12, 2021