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Browse > Modern / Other / WURG by Antoine57437

This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:

  • Deck contains banned cards: ["Fury", "Yorion, Sky Nomad"].

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WURG by Antoine57437

Report Deck Name
$ 531.52
126.83 tix
13 Mythic, 60 Rare, 12 Uncommon, 10 Common

Format: Modern
Event: Modern League 2021-09-14, 5-0
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Sep 14, 2021
Archetype: Other

Companion (1)
1 Yorion, Sky Nomad $ 0.50
Creatures (17)
4 Ice-Fang Coatl $ 4.56
4 Eternal Witness $ 4.56
1 Skyclave Apparition $ 0.42
3 Omnath, Locus of Creation $ 10.86
1 Fury $ 3.54
4 Solitude $ 47.96
Planeswalkers (7)
3 Wrenn and Six $ 43.80
4 Teferi, Time Raveler $ 15.96
Spells (16)
4 Ephemerate $ 10.80
4 Prismatic Ending $ 1.56
4 Eladamri's Call $ 31.96
1 Solve the Equation $ 2.43
3 Wish $ 5.07
Artifacts (3)
3 Aether Vial $ 15.03
Enchantments (10)
4 Abundant Growth $ 0.96
2 Utopia Sprawl $ 1.00
4 Spreading Seas $ 0.80
Lands (27)
1 Arctic Treeline $ 0.47
1 Breeding Pool $ 16.02
1 Canopy Vista $ 0.25
3 Flooded Strand $ 32.73
1 Ketria Triome $ 13.80
4 Misty Rainforest $ 88.00
1 Sacred Foundry $ 17.00
3 Snow-Covered Forest $ 2.40
1 Snow-Covered Island $ 0.93
1 Snow-Covered Plains $ 0.30
1 Temple Garden $ 10.55
4 Windswept Heath $ 33.76
4 Wooded Foothills $ 44.00
1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth $ 8.39
Sideboard (15) including Companion
1 Chalice of the Void $ 24.00
1 Alpine Moon $ 0.58
1 Burrenton Forge-Tender $ 0.25
1 Mistcaller $ 0.49
1 Surgical Extraction $ 1.51
1 Collector Ouphe $ 3.42
1 Drannith Magistrate $ 12.91
1 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade $ 0.41
1 Phyrexian Revoker $ 0.30
1 Sanctifier en-Vec $ 0.50
1 Endurance $ 8.44
1 Knight of Autumn $ 0.55
1 Magus of the Moon $ 6.30
1 Obsidian Charmaw $ 1.49
95 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  127 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk
Companion (1)
1 Yorion, Sky Nomad 0.02 tix
Creatures (17)
4 Ice-Fang Coatl 0.48 tix
4 Eternal Witness 0.12 tix
1 Skyclave Apparition 5.25 tix
3 Omnath, Locus of Creation 3.60 tix
1 Fury 0.84 tix
4 Solitude 28.32 tix
Planeswalkers (7)
3 Wrenn and Six 12.03 tix
4 Teferi, Time Raveler 16.12 tix
Spells (16)
4 Ephemerate 4.28 tix
4 Prismatic Ending 4.52 tix
4 Eladamri's Call 0.24 tix
1 Solve the Equation 0.03 tix
3 Wish 12.21 tix
Artifacts (3)
3 Aether Vial 6.63 tix
Enchantments (10)
4 Abundant Growth 0.08 tix
2 Utopia Sprawl 0.08 tix
4 Spreading Seas 0.08 tix
Lands (27)
1 Arctic Treeline 0.03 tix
1 Breeding Pool 0.11 tix
1 Canopy Vista 0.02 tix
3 Flooded Strand 4.08 tix
1 Ketria Triome 0.63 tix
4 Misty Rainforest 7.44 tix
1 Sacred Foundry 0.14 tix
3 Snow-Covered Forest 0.09 tix
1 Snow-Covered Island 0.03 tix
1 Snow-Covered Plains 0.03 tix
1 Temple Garden 0.20 tix
4 Windswept Heath 1.32 tix
4 Wooded Foothills 2.48 tix
1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth 0.15 tix
Sideboard (15) including Companion
1 Chalice of the Void 2.10 tix
1 Alpine Moon 0.09 tix
1 Burrenton Forge-Tender 0.03 tix
1 Mistcaller 0.02 tix
1 Surgical Extraction 2.53 tix
1 Collector Ouphe 1.56 tix
1 Drannith Magistrate 1.07 tix
1 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade 0.21 tix
1 Phyrexian Revoker 0.02 tix
1 Sanctifier en-Vec 0.56 tix
1 Endurance 3.82 tix
1 Knight of Autumn 0.02 tix
1 Magus of the Moon 2.42 tix
1 Obsidian Charmaw 0.70 tix
95 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  127 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk
Companion (1)
1 Yorion, Sky Nomad 1 Rare
Creatures (17)
4 Ice-Fang Coatl 4 Rare
4 Eternal Witness 4 Rare
1 Skyclave Apparition 1 Rare
3 Omnath, Locus of Creation 3 Mythic
1 Fury 1 Mythic
4 Solitude 4 Mythic
Planeswalkers (7)
3 Wrenn and Six 3 Mythic
4 Teferi, Time Raveler 4 Rare
Spells (16)
4 Ephemerate 4 Rare
4 Prismatic Ending 4 Unc.
4 Eladamri's Call 4 Rare
1 Solve the Equation 1 Unc.
3 Wish 3 Rare
Artifacts (3)
3 Aether Vial 3 Rare
Enchantments (10)
4 Abundant Growth 4 Comm.
2 Utopia Sprawl 2 Unc.
4 Spreading Seas 4 Unc.
Lands (27)
1 Arctic Treeline 1 Comm.
1 Breeding Pool 1 Rare
1 Canopy Vista 1 Rare
3 Flooded Strand 3 Rare
1 Ketria Triome 1 Rare
4 Misty Rainforest 4 Rare
1 Sacred Foundry 1 Rare
3 Snow-Covered Forest 3 Comm.
1 Snow-Covered Island 1 Comm.
1 Snow-Covered Plains 1 Comm.
1 Temple Garden 1 Rare
4 Windswept Heath 4 Rare
4 Wooded Foothills 4 Rare
1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth 1 Rare
Sideboard (15) including Companion
1 Chalice of the Void 1 Mythic
1 Alpine Moon 1 Rare
1 Burrenton Forge-Tender 1 Unc.
1 Mistcaller 1 Rare
1 Surgical Extraction 1 Rare
1 Collector Ouphe 1 Rare
1 Drannith Magistrate 1 Rare
1 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade 1 Rare
1 Phyrexian Revoker 1 Rare
1 Sanctifier en-Vec 1 Rare
1 Endurance 1 Mythic
1 Knight of Autumn 1 Rare
1 Magus of the Moon 1 Rare
1 Obsidian Charmaw 1 Rare
95 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  127 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 3 / wk

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Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

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