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UBG by Todeshorst
UBG by Todeshorst
Report Deck Name
$ 4,731.37
143.52 tix
14 Mythic, 42 Rare, 14 Uncommon, 4 Common
Format: Legacy
Event: Legacy Super Qualifier #12117237, 7-1
Deck Source:
Deck Date: Mar 26, 2020
Creatures (27) | |||
1 | Dryad Arbor | $ 2.00 | |
2 | Carrion Feeder | $ 3.16 | |
4 | Gravecrawler | $ 28.24 | |
4 | Hedron Crab | $ 34.08 | |
4 | Stitcher's Supplier | $ 2.60 | |
4 | Bloodghast | $ 27.20 | |
4 | Vengevine | $ 25.08 | |
4 | Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis | $ 6.72 | |
Spells (7) | |||
3 | Cabal Therapy | $ 1.71 | |
4 | Careful Study | $ 6.08 | |
Artifacts (4) | |||
4 | Altar of Dementia | $ 37.96 | |
Enchantments (4) | |||
4 | Bridge from Below | $ 4.12 | |
Lands (18) | |||
3 | Bayou | $ 1,271.22 | |
1 | Bloodstained Mire | $ 11.70 | |
1 | Misty Rainforest | $ 24.10 | |
4 | Polluted Delta | $ 55.96 | |
1 | Swamp | $ 0.00 | |
4 | Underground Sea | $ 3,057.48 | |
4 | Verdant Catacombs | $ 88.00 | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
1 | Cabal Therapy | $ 0.57 | |
1 | Pithing Needle | $ 0.68 | |
2 | Thoughtseize | $ 16.00 | |
2 | Abrupt Decay | $ 2.78 | |
2 | Assassin's Trophy | $ 3.42 | |
3 | Force of Vigor | $ 18.75 | |
4 | Leyline of the Void | $ 1.76 | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
144 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 4
/ wk
Creatures (27) | |||
1 | Dryad Arbor | 0.49 tix | |
2 | Carrion Feeder | 0.08 tix | |
4 | Gravecrawler | 3.56 tix | |
4 | Hedron Crab | 0.12 tix | |
4 | Stitcher's Supplier | 1.60 tix | |
4 | Bloodghast | 2.88 tix | |
4 | Vengevine | 5.28 tix | |
4 | Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis | 0.32 tix | |
Spells (7) | |||
3 | Cabal Therapy | 2.16 tix | |
4 | Careful Study | 5.80 tix | |
Artifacts (4) | |||
4 | Altar of Dementia | 0.36 tix | |
Enchantments (4) | |||
4 | Bridge from Below | 1.08 tix | |
Lands (18) | |||
3 | Bayou | 21.51 tix | |
1 | Bloodstained Mire | 0.89 tix | |
1 | Misty Rainforest | 3.55 tix | |
4 | Polluted Delta | 7.92 tix | |
1 | Swamp | 0.00 tix | |
4 | Underground Sea | 57.28 tix | |
4 | Verdant Catacombs | 9.04 tix | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
1 | Cabal Therapy | 0.72 tix | |
1 | Pithing Needle | 0.02 tix | |
2 | Thoughtseize | 5.02 tix | |
2 | Abrupt Decay | 0.52 tix | |
2 | Assassin's Trophy | 0.04 tix | |
3 | Force of Vigor | 12.36 tix | |
4 | Leyline of the Void | 0.92 tix | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
144 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 4
/ wk
Creatures (27) | |||
1 | Dryad Arbor | 1 Mythic | |
2 | Carrion Feeder | 2 Unc. | |
4 | Gravecrawler | 4 Rare | |
4 | Hedron Crab | 4 Unc. | |
4 | Stitcher's Supplier | 4 Unc. | |
4 | Bloodghast | 4 Rare | |
4 | Vengevine | 4 Mythic | |
4 | Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis | 4 Rare | |
Spells (7) | |||
3 | Cabal Therapy | 3 Unc. | |
4 | Careful Study | 4 Comm. | |
Artifacts (4) | |||
4 | Altar of Dementia | 4 Mythic | |
Enchantments (4) | |||
4 | Bridge from Below | 4 Rare | |
Lands (18) | |||
3 | Bayou | 3 Rare | |
1 | Bloodstained Mire | 1 Rare | |
1 | Misty Rainforest | 1 Rare | |
4 | Polluted Delta | 4 Rare | |
1 | Swamp | ||
4 | Underground Sea | 4 Rare | |
4 | Verdant Catacombs | 4 Rare | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
1 | Cabal Therapy | 1 Unc. | |
1 | Pithing Needle | 1 Rare | |
2 | Thoughtseize | 2 Mythic | |
2 | Abrupt Decay | 2 Rare | |
2 | Assassin's Trophy | 2 Rare | |
3 | Force of Vigor | 3 Mythic | |
4 | Leyline of the Void | 4 Rare | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
144 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 4
/ wk
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