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RG by Rindoze
RG by Rindoze
Report Deck Name
$ 92.76
15.08 tix
2 Mythic, 28 Rare, 29 Uncommon, 6 Common
Format: Standard
Event: Standard League 2019-09-16, 5-0
Deck Source:
Deck Date: Sep 16, 2019
Creatures (28) | |||
2 | Llanowar Elves | $ 0.50 | |
4 | Marauding Raptor | $ 2.72 | |
4 | Otepec Huntmaster | $ 1.52 | |
4 | Ripjaw Raptor | $ 4.00 | |
3 | Shifting Ceratops | $ 0.75 | |
4 | Charging Monstrosaur | $ 1.00 | |
4 | Regisaur Alpha | $ 2.80 | |
3 | Ghalta, Primal Hunger | $ 1.89 | |
Spells (10) | |||
4 | Commune with Dinosaurs | $ 0.80 | |
2 | Lava Coil | $ 0.30 | |
4 | Savage Stomp | $ 0.80 | |
Lands (22) | |||
7 | Forest | $ 0.00 | |
3 | Mountain | $ 0.00 | |
4 | Rootbound Crag | $ 7.04 | |
4 | Stomping Ground | $ 46.00 | |
4 | Unclaimed Territory | $ 1.20 | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Veil of Summer | $ 14.84 | |
4 | Fry | $ 1.00 | |
2 | Flame Sweep | $ 0.50 | |
2 | Rampaging Ferocidon | $ 3.18 | |
3 | Ranging Raptors | $ 1.32 | |
2 | Nullhide Ferox | $ 0.60 | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
15 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 1
/ wk
Creatures (28) | |||
2 | Llanowar Elves | 0.02 tix | |
4 | Marauding Raptor | 0.08 tix | |
4 | Otepec Huntmaster | 0.12 tix | |
4 | Ripjaw Raptor | 0.08 tix | |
3 | Shifting Ceratops | 0.06 tix | |
4 | Charging Monstrosaur | 0.04 tix | |
4 | Regisaur Alpha | 0.08 tix | |
3 | Ghalta, Primal Hunger | 0.03 tix | |
Spells (10) | |||
4 | Commune with Dinosaurs | 0.12 tix | |
2 | Lava Coil | 0.06 tix | |
4 | Savage Stomp | 0.12 tix | |
Lands (22) | |||
7 | Forest | 0.00 tix | |
3 | Mountain | 0.00 tix | |
4 | Rootbound Crag | 0.08 tix | |
4 | Stomping Ground | 2.04 tix | |
4 | Unclaimed Territory | 0.12 tix | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Veil of Summer | 11.68 tix | |
4 | Fry | 0.12 tix | |
2 | Flame Sweep | 0.06 tix | |
2 | Rampaging Ferocidon | 0.04 tix | |
3 | Ranging Raptors | 0.09 tix | |
2 | Nullhide Ferox | 0.04 tix | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
15 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 1
/ wk
Creatures (28) | |||
2 | Llanowar Elves | 2 Comm. | |
4 | Marauding Raptor | 4 Rare | |
4 | Otepec Huntmaster | 4 Unc. | |
4 | Ripjaw Raptor | 4 Rare | |
3 | Shifting Ceratops | 3 Rare | |
4 | Charging Monstrosaur | 4 Unc. | |
4 | Regisaur Alpha | 4 Rare | |
3 | Ghalta, Primal Hunger | 3 Rare | |
Spells (10) | |||
4 | Commune with Dinosaurs | 4 Comm. | |
2 | Lava Coil | 2 Unc. | |
4 | Savage Stomp | 4 Unc. | |
Lands (22) | |||
7 | Forest | ||
3 | Mountain | ||
4 | Rootbound Crag | 4 Rare | |
4 | Stomping Ground | 4 Rare | |
4 | Unclaimed Territory | 4 Unc. | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Veil of Summer | 2 Unc. | |
4 | Fry | 4 Unc. | |
2 | Flame Sweep | 2 Unc. | |
2 | Rampaging Ferocidon | 2 Rare | |
3 | Ranging Raptors | 3 Unc. | |
2 | Nullhide Ferox | 2 Mythic | |
75 Cards Total |
Buy from Cardhoarder
15 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 1
/ wk
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