This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Clifftop Retreat", "Rewind", "Think Twice", "Sacred Foundry", "Thundermaw Hellkite", "Boros Reckoner", "Searing Spear", "Dissipate", "Steam Vents", "Hallowed Fountain", "Sphinx's Revelation", "Sulfur Falls", "Restoration Angel", "Aurelia, the Warleader", "Glacial Fortress", "Azorius Charm", "Snapcaster Mage", "Harvest Pyre", "Pillar of Flame", "Supreme Verdict", "Urgent Exorcism", "Psychic Spiral", "Stolen Identity", "Assemble the Legion", "Dispel", "Electrickery", "Izzet Staticaster", "Staff of Nin", "Witchbane Orb", "Clone", "Counterflux"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
Report Deck Name
Format: Standard
Event: Standard Premier #5294102, 6-2
Deck Date: Apr 14, 2013