This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:
- Deck contains cards not legal in Standard: ["Temple Garden", "Restoration Angel", "Prime Speaker Zegana", "Sunpetal Grove", "Farseek", "Syncopate", "Detention Sphere", "Glacial Fortress", "Azorius Charm", "Gavony Township", "Hallowed Fountain", "Hinterland Harbor", "Supreme Verdict", "Angel of Serenity", "Breeding Pool", "Loxodon Smiter", "Sphinx's Revelation", "Thragtusk", "Selesnya Charm", "Garruk, Primal Hunter", "Dissipate", "Centaur Healer", "Rhox Faithmender", "Silklash Spider", "Jace, Memory Adept"].
The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.
Report Deck Name
Format: Standard
Event: Standard Premier #5294102, 6-2
Deck Date: Apr 14, 2013