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WUBR by PA_Rude
WUBR by PA_Rude
Report Deck Name
$ 2,996.44
199.58 tix
15 Mythic, 30 Rare, 12 Uncommon, 9 Common, 4 Special
Format: Legacy
Event: Legacy Challenge #11794026, 5-2
Deck Source:
Deck Date: Feb 10, 2019
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200 tix
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$ 5
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Creatures (8) | |||
3 | Baleful Strix | 0.57 tix | |
2 | Snapcaster Mage | 0.98 tix | |
3 | Arena Rector | 5.67 tix | |
Planeswalkers (4) | |||
1 | Liliana, the Last Hope | 0.16 tix | |
1 | Jace, the Mind Sculptor | 1.54 tix | |
1 | Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker | 0.02 tix | |
1 | Ugin, the Spirit Dragon | 0.03 tix | |
Spells (27) | |||
4 | Brainstorm | 2.76 tix | |
4 | Cabal Therapy | 2.00 tix | |
3 | Ponder | 0.12 tix | |
3 | Preordain | 3.78 tix | |
3 | Swords to Plowshares | 0.12 tix | |
3 | Thoughtseize | 5.97 tix | |
1 | Diabolic Edict | 0.03 tix | |
1 | Lim-Dul's Vault | 0.09 tix | |
1 | Council's Judgment | 0.03 tix | |
4 | Force of Will | 68.20 tix | |
Lands (21) | |||
1 | Cavern of Souls | 3.43 tix | |
4 | Flooded Strand | 4.68 tix | |
2 | Island | 0.00 tix | |
1 | Marsh Flats | 0.66 tix | |
2 | Phyrexian Tower | 0.54 tix | |
2 | Plains | 0.00 tix | |
4 | Polluted Delta | 5.56 tix | |
1 | Scrubland | 3.03 tix | |
1 | Swamp | 0.00 tix | |
1 | Tundra | 16.03 tix | |
2 | Underground Sea | 30.18 tix | |
Sideboard (15) | |||
2 | Flusterstorm | 3.88 tix | |
3 | Surgical Extraction | 7.29 tix | |
1 | Containment Priest | 1.80 tix | |
1 | Damping Sphere | 0.47 tix | |
1 | Disenchant | 0.03 tix | |
1 | Echoing Truth | 0.03 tix | |
1 | Null Rod | 22.70 tix | |
2 | Ensnaring Bridge | 6.78 tix | |
1 | Monastery Mentor | 0.20 tix | |
1 | Unmoored Ego | 0.02 tix | |
1 | Supreme Verdict | 0.20 tix | |
75 Cards Total |
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200 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 5
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200 tix
Rent from Cardhoarder
$ 5
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