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Weekly Update (Sep 30): Guilds of Ravnica Tricks and Removal References

Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit Decklists

Guilds of ravnica guild kit decklists

Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kits are here with alternate art guild leaders and special basic lands!Read more

Budget Magic: 12 Bolt (Modern)

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How many bolts is too many? Trick question. You can never have too many Lightning Bolts!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Pelt Collector Walking Ballista Gaddock Teeg

This week the big finance news come from Guilds of Ravnica as people prepare for the new Standard format. The biggest winner was Pelt Collector, which more than doubled in price to $7 with Mono-Green Stompy getting some hype for being one of the better decks for the early weeks of Guilds of Ravnica Standard. Several Boros cards including Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice, Swiftblade Vindicator, and Legion Warboss also ticked up on the week. Expect a lot of both decks as tournaments roll out next weekend.

Meanwhile, Walking Ballista (up 21% to $17.50) is rising even as it rotates from Standard in just a few days. The development of the Hardened Scales Affinity deck in Modern has turned it from a solid Modern playable into a true format staple, with Walking Ballista seeing roughly as much play as Snapcaster Mage. If you still need copies, the Counter Surge Challenger Deck is selling for as low as $21.99 on Ebay and comes with a Walking Ballista, a Fatal Push, a playset of Blossoming Defense, and some fun rares and mythics that probably aren't good enough for Modern. Compared to buying Walking Ballista alone for $17.50, the Challenger Deck is a solid deal.

Finally, Gaddock Teeg jumped from around $30 to over $50 in the last week. The card is too punishing to return to Standard and likely too expensive for most supplemental products, but it should be near the top of the reprint list for a future Masters set. I'd look to sell whatever copies you have into the hype and, if possible, hold off on buying copies until the inevitable reprint comes.

Much Abrew: Waste Not Storm (Modern)

Building Guilds: Brewing with Holdovers

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Does Waste Not have the ability to power a big-turn combo deck in Modern? Let's discuss! Read more

Let's start brewing Guilds of Ravnica, with the help of some powerful cards from Dominaria, Ixalan, and M19! Read more

Commander Review: Guilds of Ravnica Part 1 (White, Blue, Black)

Against the Odds: Archive Sisters (Modern)

Maximize velocity guilds of ravnica mtg art Archive sisters

Tomer reviews the best Commander cards from Guilds of Ravnica starting with White, Blue, and Black! Read more

What are the odds of winning with Alhammarret's Archive in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

Guilds of Ravnica Instant-Speed Tricks

Guilds of Ravnica Removal List

Guilds of ravnica instant speed tricks Guilds of ravnica removal list command the storm

A reference table of all the instant-speed tricks in Guilds of Ravnica. Read more

Guilds of Ravnica removal by color, rarity, and converted mana cost. Read more

Playing Pauper: UB Delve-r

This Week in Legacy: MKM Paris and SCG Syracuse Classic

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What happens if you go all-in on Delver of Secrets and cheap delve threats in Pauper? Read more

Sean outlines MKM Paris, Syracuse's Legacy Classic and interview Syracuse Top 8er Jeff White about UW Helm! Read more

Commander Clash S5 E12: Viewer Submitted Decks!! (Tatyova vs. Ramos vs. Tariel vs. Elesh Norn)

Commander clash week12  1

This week the crew plays some spicy viewer submitted decks!Read more

The Dark Side (Mono-Blue Tron, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 190: Guilds of Ravnica, Worlds Boycott, Magic on Amazon

Mono blue tron stream highlights Podcast white

Tron is miserable to play against, but how is it to play? Read more

The crew breaks down all the week's news including Worlds, Guilds of Ravnica and Wizards selling Magic directly through Walmart, Target a... Read more

Deconstructed: Tempest


Welcome back to Deconstructed where we take a look back at Magic the Gathering history through the frame of a single constructed set. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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